The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 155 The Fallen Angel's Claw Venier

Chapter 155 The Fallen Angel's Claw Venier

Zi Lingyi and the others passed through the light tunnel and came to the next illusion. Unexpectedly, this illusion was actually the first illusion, the grassland, and it was still night with bright stars.

Zi Lingyi and the others looked around and found a person sitting directly in front of him, this one, wearing a blue and black robe, with a blue complexion, long red hair, and a handsome face.

"Vinir?" Zi Lingyi asked suspiciously. This person looks exactly like Vinil. At this moment, a mission message voice came from everyone's Red Spirit Crystal, which read: "The fifth part of the mission of the eternal movement is completed. The goal of the sixth mission is to defeat the vampire lord-Venir!"

As soon as the message voice ended, Vinier opened his eyes, blood red, he stood up slowly, patted himself on the shoulder, then looked at Zi Lingyi and the others, and said in a lukewarm tone: " No one has been able to break in here for a long time.”

"Your experience is quite miserable, but to be honest, it's not the reason why you became a demon." Zi Lingyi said to Venier from Venier's perspective. The reason why you say it is from Venier's perspective is very simple, because , it's just a game.

"You don't need to teach me, since you're here, let's become the tribute of Lord Satan," Venier said quietly, and then, Vinier slowly walked towards Zi Lingyi and the others, a burst of purple particle knives suddenly appeared on his fingernails, Turned into a finger knife.

Zheng Xuanxue immediately picked up the crystal bracelet, scanned Vinier, obtained his attributes, and then shared it on everyone's crystal bracelets: "The Claw of the Fallen Angel - Vinier, HP 70000, defense value 500, attack power 1200, mana 0, movement speed 80, attack speed +40%."

"Passive Skill - Sanctuary of the Fallen Angel: The mana effect of the hero skill on yourself is halved."

"Skill-Purple Blood Burst: Venier uses his finger knife to launch continuous attacks on the designated enemy, causing physical damage to the enemy, with a 25% bloodthirsty effect."

"Skill - Flying Finger Knife: Venier shoots his own finger knife around, and if it hits, it will cause a deceleration effect and physical damage to the enemy, with a 15% bloodthirsty effect."

"Skill - Fallen Angel Attraction: Venier unleashes the power of the fallen angel - Satan, and attracts the designated enemy to him, with a small amount of spell damage during the period."

When everyone saw Vinier's attributes, they all took a deep breath and felt a little strenuous. The attack power of this boss is too high, reaching the level of a hero, and the first and second skills have bloodthirsty effects. The most important thing is The most important thing is the three skills, which can directly pull the opponent in front of him, which is very difficult.

At this time, Vinier suddenly kicked on one foot, and rushed towards him with staring eyes. Zilingyi was at the front, and was the first to react. Vinier stabbed straight with his claws, and Zilingyi blocked it horizontally with the Phoenix Feather Sword. However, there was a loud noise, and Venier was too strong and the impact was too strong, Zi Lingyi was directly knocked into the air, but there was no HP damage.

Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, and did a backflip with all her strength in the air. After landing, she still took a few steps back due to the impact. Zi Lingyi stuck her sword on the ground. After stabilizing herself, she let out her breath and raised her head to look at Pooh. Erdao: "What's the situation? Do it if you say it?"

At this time, the two sides had already started fighting, Zheng Xuanxue stepped forward and slashed horizontally with a sword, Vinier blocked it with a finger knife, Xia Mo at the side held a Qingguang sword, and stabbed straight with the sword, Vinier blocked Zheng Xuanxue, and then jumped back , dodged Xia Mo's sword.

Xia Mo missed a hit with his sword, but he stepped forward, turned around, inserted the Qingguang Sword back into the Xiaoyaoqin, played the movement, and released the skill "Crazy Song", two energy streams immediately rushed towards Vinier.

Venier sneered, rushed towards Xia Mo, staggered his claws, and forcibly split Xia Mo's "Crazy Song" skill, and rushed in front of Xia Mo. Venier who rushed in front of Xia Mo was forcibly blown away, and a wave of energy erupted from Xia Mo's feet, which was the "Li Ge" skill.

After Venier was blown away, Hu Liao not far away immediately waved his hands and launched the "Male and Female Twin Swords" skill attack one after another. The two sword qi pierced through Venier's abdomen left and right, causing high damage.



These are the two damages from the "Male and Female Twin Swords". Vinier gritted his teeth, turned his head and stared at Hu, and was just about to rush forward to attack. Unexpectedly, Hu raised his hands, and directly hit with the big move of "Moxie Seizing Soul". go up.

With a sound of "Bang!", Venier was pierced by "Mo Xie's Soul Snatching", and his blood volume lost a lot. Xia Mo also seized the opportunity, pulled out the Qingguang Sword, rushed forward to release Wuying, and hit Venier's body one after another. Chest and abdomen, hit damage.

"Ah!" Vinier gritted his teeth and roared. After "Wuying" was released, Vinier slashed horizontally with his claws, arousing a burst of blue saber energy. Xia Mo raised the Qingguang Sword to block it, but unexpectedly, the saber energy pierced through it. He pulled out the Qing Light Sword and hit Xia Mo's chest hard.

"-1187" This is Venier hitting Xia Mo behind. Xia Mo gritted his teeth and understood at once. Venier's breath attack can only dodge, but cannot be blocked. After understanding, Venier turned around and slashed his claws. Xia Mo jumped back to dodge, Venier stabbed straight with his claws, Xia Mo dodged to the right.

At this time, white fluctuations appeared under Xia Mo's feet. Tie Wu Zhan Fei used the skill "Dominate the Battlefield" to descend from the sky, rushed to Xia Mo, and then used "Double Threat" to stab straight at Venier's body. chest, Venier took a few steps back.

Vinier had just retreated when Zheng Xuanxue released the "Hongyue Slash" attack, hitting Vinier, and Zi Lingyi also released "Jiangjiujin" to rush forward, rushing to the back of Vinier, and slashed diagonally with his sword.

"Crescent Assault." Zheng Xuanxue released the "Crescent Assault" to rush up, directly collided, and hit Vinier fiercely, who was knocked back a few steps, but after he stopped, he stretched out his hand and exploded With a black breath, he released his ultimate move, Fallen Angels Attract.

Zi Lingyi was sucked in, and was sucked in front of Venier. Venier stared at Zi Lingyi with a ferocious face, and slashed diagonally with his claws, generating a burst of purple sword energy. Zi Lingyi straightened his waist and dodged away. But just when he straightened up, Vinier kicked Zi Lingyi flying.

"Wow!" Zi Lingyi screamed, and was kicked not far away, rolling over.

"Xiao Yi!" Zheng Xuanxue lost her voice.

"My god." Hu Li exclaimed.

However, before it was over, Vinier stared at the surroundings with blood-red eyes, turned around, and all the energy knives on the nails were shot out. The speed was very fast. It was the skill of "flying knives", which directly hit Zheng Xuanxue and Hu Le , both of their health values ​​were damaged, and Vinier's health value also recovered a little.

The finger knife hit Tie Wu-Zhan Fei and Xia Mo at the same time, but Xia Mo turned around and hid behind Tie Wu-Zhan Fei. Tie Wu-Zhan Fei stuck his sword on the ground and released the "Emperor of Han" "Skill, summoned a shield, blocked Vinier's finger knife.

(End of this chapter)

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