The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 179 The Fierce Battle in the Ice and Snow Canyon

Chapter 179 The Fierce Battle in the Ice and Snow Canyon

Blue Fang-VT. Dream Team: Ziling Blossoms and Qiu Xiaoyi-Li Bai (Assassin/Warrior), Luo Hua Zhi Yu Feng-Ma Chao (Warrior), No. 3 Promise-Huang Zhong (Shooter), Meng Yang Fighting the World-Arthur (Tank/Warrior), Invincible Little Chen - Sima Yi (Mage).

Red Team-UC. Baiyun Team: UC.Universe-Cheng Yaojin (Tank/Warrior), UC. Lie Que-Luban No. [-] (Shooter), UC. Heart-Vidal (Assassin), UC. Eternity-Miyamoto Musashi (Warrior), running around the world - Gao Jianli (Mage).

There was no change in the lineups of the two sides. After adjusting the outfits, as soon as the barrier was lifted, everyone dispersed and started street fighting. The UC. Baiyun team's tactics were the same, they all dispersed.

Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo both had the same idea, to defeat the other members one by one by themselves, and finally deal with the remaining members by fighting more and less. However, there was an accident in the end, that is, Liu Mengyang was Acting together with Xu Zijie, the two directly met Xia Mo, while Zi Lingyi met Miyamoto Musashi.

Xia Mo held the Xiaoyaoqin, pulled out the Qingguang Sword, and charged directly at Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie. Xu Zijie gritted his teeth and fired at him. In front of Xia Mo.

Xia Mo held the Xiaoyaoqin and the Qingguangjian, released the "Wuying" skill, a burst of firepower output, Xiaoyaoqin shot horizontally with the piano, then turned around, slashed with the sword, straight on the Qin, then the Qingguangjian connected, He stabbed straight with the sword, turned around again, slashed obliquely with Xiaoyaoqin, and then slashed horizontally with the sword. He kept making output attacks. Liu Mengyang was hit with no power to parry, and he kept being beaten back.

Liu Mengyang kept retreating, Xu Zijie also panicked and was almost forced to retreat in front of him, he immediately backed away for a while, and opened the distance first, and Liu Mengyang blocked Xia Mo, which made Xu Zijie unable to fire at all.

The entire audience was stunned. Gao Jianli's "Wuying" skill should have ended long ago, but why is Xia Mo still fighting?Everyone understands that this is Xia Mo's fake skill, and he uses the fake skill "Wu Ying" to catch up. In this way, Xia Mo's "Wu Ying" can keep hitting until the opponent's blood volume is completely cleared. .

If you want to crack this kind of fake skill, unless you are a master, or have the active skill to break the limit, ordinary players like Liu Mengyang can only be beaten. However, it takes a lot of physical strength to use this fake skill of continuous attack and concentration, but, for a quick victory, Xia Mo had no choice but to do so.

Xu Zijie ran to the side, there was nothing he could do, he couldn't just watch Liu Mengyang being beaten like this, so he set up a heavy cannon and blasted it up, with a "boom", an explosion hit Liu Mengyang's body, knocking Liu Mengyang over On the ground, Xia Mo actually stepped on Liu Mengyang's chest, kicked off with one foot, and jumped back, dodging Xu Zijie's shot.

"I'm going, are you hacking?" Xu Zijie cursed speechlessly. He knew that after entering the version of Miracle Light, cheating would no longer exist, because the game is played through brain waves, and there is a safety factor against cheating. It is very high, so there is almost no plug-in.

Although Xu Zijie knew that Xia Mo was not a cheater, but he just wanted to scold him like this. The reason is very simple. Xia Mo's skills are better than TM cheaters. Is this game still playable?

Xia Mo released the "Crazy Song" skill in the air, and two streams of energy hit Xu Zijie, hitting Xu Zijie's chest and abdomen. Xu Zijie was hit back for a while, and hit the wall of the house. After Xia Mo landed, he held the Qingguang Sword , turned around, and continued to swing the Qingguang Sword, shooting out streaks of white sword energy, which is the "Tianhai" skill.

A series of sword qi hit Xu Zijie's body, and Xu Zijie's blood volume was instantly reduced to residual blood. Xia Mo rushed to melee while releasing the "Tianhai" skill. When the fight was over, he had already rushed in front of Xu Zijie. A horizontal sword struck Xu Zijie's chest. Xu Zijie clutched his chest and fell to the ground. His blood volume was emptied, and a killing voice came from the sky.

"First kill! Red Fang Gao Jianli kills Blue Fang Huang Zhong!"

Liu Mengyang clutched his abdomen and slowly got up. Xia Mo turned around and faced Liu Mengyang sideways. Then, Xia Mo sneered, turned around, brandished the Qingguang Sword, and rushed forward to attack close to him. There was a sound of the red spirit crystal breaking Afterwards, the killing news came from the sky: "Second combo defeated! The red party Gao Jianli killed the blue party Arthur!"

Just when Xia Mo had just dealt with Liu Mengyang, another killing message came from the sky: "The blue party Li Bai killed the red party Miyamoto Musashi!"

Just now, Zi Lingyi rushed forward for a burst of damage, hitting Miyamoto Musashi with no power to fight back, but Miyamoto Musashi's ultimate move can fight and dodge a burst of attacks after all, and the skill "Kongming Slash" can also erase damage, which made Zi Lingyi's attack a bit behind.

The situation was already a little unfavorable, Zi Lingyi immediately rushed to find other people, but unexpectedly, after passing through a few streets, Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo encountered each other and stood on the main street of the main city of Ice and Snow Canyon .

The two stared at each other with condensed eyes, and the red lanterns around them were shining red. Although it was an underground ancient city, it was not particularly dark. Both of them could clearly see each other's face and eyes.

Zi Lingyi slowly took out the spiritual umbrella-Feiyu, and pulled out the Fengyu sword from it, while Xia Mo also took out the Xiaoyaoqin, and pulled out the Qingguang sword from inside, the two held a weapon in each hand, just now At first, they walked towards each other slowly, but gradually, the two walked faster and faster, and finally rushed directly to each other and began to attack each other.

Xia Mo released the skill "Magic Sound Piercing the Ear" at the very beginning, and Zi Lingyi was taken aback. He didn't expect Xia Mo to release the big move so quickly. He immediately drew a formation on the spot, released the skill "Brush of God", and then jumped with one foot , and retreated a certain distance, Xia Mo saw the magic circle of "The Magical Brush" in front of him, so he stopped immediately.

Xia Mo stopped in front of the "Brush of Magic", and released the skills of "Sky Sea" and "Crazy Song". Several energy streams and energy sword qi hit Zi Lingyi. , split two streams of energy, then turned around and retreated, and put the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu in front, blocking Xia Mo's energy sword energy.

Zi Lingyi moved away the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu, and stabbed straight with his sword, because he knew that the "magic pen" circle in front of him had almost dissipated, and Xia Mo must have rushed forward. With a straight stab, Zi Lingyi also stabbed straight with his sword, and the two hit each other's chest at the same time, sparking two red spirit crystal shards, and the two retreated together.

While Xia Mo was retreating, he held Qingguang Sword in one hand, played the movement with both hands, released the "Li Ge" skill, and a wave of energy burst out with a "bang", Zi Lingyi reacted quickly, and directly The spiritual umbrella - Feiyu moved to the front to block Xia Mo's "Li Ge" skill. Although it blocked the damage value of the skill, it was still kicked up by the impact and flew into the air, but Zi Lingyi A backflip, landed safely, and opened the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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