The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 191 Blood Quenching Red Lotus Knife

Chapter 191 Blood Quenching Red Lotus Knife
Zheng Xuanxue walked up slowly, with a smile on her face, Zi Lingyi looked at Zheng Xuanxue intently, now Zheng Xuanxue is indeed not exposed, and has become more beautiful, Zheng Xuanxue felt Zi Lingyi's gaze, smiled, Said: "What's wrong? Am I pretty?"

"Well, it looks good." After Zheng Xuanxue said this, Zi Lingyi came back to his senses, and Zheng Xuanxue smiled sweetly, and then took out a handful of Yanling thorns from the back of his waist. It is not much different from Jing Ke's original Heisha Saber, but the shape has changed a lot.

"These two knives are still a little troublesome to use. I happen to have a modification drawing, so let's modify it first." Zheng Xuanxue pinned the Yanling thorn back, and after Zi Lingyi nodded, the two went down the mountain and went to In the small town before, I found a weapon shop.

Zheng Xuanxue went forward, found the blacksmith, and handed over the modification blueprint of the omnipotent weapon obtained in the mission "Legend of Van Helsing", as well as two Yanling thorn swords. After the blacksmith saw it, he said it could be modified.

The blacksmith picked up the hammer and began to modify the appearance of the two flame thorns. Zheng Xuanxue and Zi Lingyi sat aside. Zheng Xuanxue thought of something, so she also took out something from the treasure bag, which was a saddle.

"Saddle? What are you doing?" Zi Lingyi asked suspiciously.And Zheng Xuanxue handed it over with both hands, and explained: "This is the saddle of a five-star horse mount. The thing you gave is too expensive, and I have nothing to return to you, only this."

"But this." Zi Lingyi was a little embarrassed. When she was about to refuse, Zheng Xuanxue handed it to Zi Lingyi, smiled and said: "Take it, I don't have a five-star mount."

Zi Lingyi felt that it was not good to keep rejecting others, so she took the saddle, put it in her treasure bag, and said, "Okay, I accept, but Xiaoxue, can I ask you a question?"

"Well, you ask."

"I told you yesterday, my uncle's team, you."

"I'll join." Zheng Xuanxue answered very simply, and Zi Lingyi exclaimed "ah", he didn't expect Zheng Xuanxue to answer so simply and so quickly, and Zheng Xuanxue put her hands on her legs and said with a smile: " Actually. Last night, I lay in bed for a long time before I fell asleep. I kept thinking about me and you. I thought about a lot, including the team you told me. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to join and be with you .”

"Xiaoxue." Zi Lingyi was a little moved, because he knew that Zheng Xuanxue was not a girl who liked to compete, but for his own sake, he joined the professional team, Zi Lingyi slowly put his hand on Zheng Xuanxue's face superior.

At this moment, the blacksmith finished modifying the weapon, and shouted to Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue: "Young man, little girl, the thing has been modified, use it."

Hearing what the blacksmith said, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue got up and went over. Zheng Xuanxue walked to the front, looked at the two new weapons on the iron table, and found that the original two silver and red knives with two ends turned into two Black iron.

"What is this?" Zheng Xuanxue didn't recognize what it was, but the blacksmith put the hammer aside, let out a sigh of relief, and said, "This is a knife in your sleeve, equipped in your sleeve."

"Oh, let me try." Zheng Xuanxue was a little surprised, it was actually a knife in the sleeve, and Zi Lingyi was also surprised, Zheng Xuanxue first lifted up her sleeve, then equipped a knife in the sleeve on her arm, and then pulled the sleeve back, Afterwards, Zheng Xuanxue picked up her arm, and with a "ting" sound, a black and red blade popped out. It was very sharp and the length could be adjusted.

Zheng Xuanxue stored up her energy for a long time, and the blade retracted again. Zi Lingyi, who was standing by the side, said, "This thing works well, and it's convenient to carry."

"Yeah." Zheng Xuanxue also nodded in satisfaction. This thing feels much easier to use. Then, after Zheng Xuanxue equipped the other sleeve knife, she scanned the sleeve knife in her right hand with the Red Spirit Crystal and got the attributes. .

Blood-quenching Red Lotus-Double Swords
Modified Weapon
Durability: 800
Attribute-1: It is transformed into a knife in the sleeve, which can freely eject the blade and attack.

Attribute-2: The length of the blade can be adjusted, the limit length is 45cm.

Attribute-3: Comes with 5% bloodthirsty effect.

Attribute-4: You can open the mechanism box, take out the knife in the sleeve knife, and use it as a handle-type melee weapon to attack.

Attribute-5: Increase physical attack attribute by 10 points.

Zi Lingyi also stood aside and saw the attributes. This knife is really the best. Not only can it be used as a hidden knife in the sleeve to attack, but it can also be taken off directly to attack. It also has other attribute bonuses, which is really good.

Zheng Xuanxue turned to look at Zi Lingyi, and said happily: "Okay, let's go, now hurry to Zhuque Town."

"Well, let's go." After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue pushed open the door of the weapon shop, Zi Lingyi adjusted the saddle and replaced the saddle that Zheng Xuanxue gave, and then Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue rode on the white horse, and the two They left the town together and went to Zhuque Town. This is Yongye Village on the outskirts of City of Hope. It is not very far from Zhuque Town. With the speed of Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue's mounts, they arrived in about an hour.

The reason why Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue wanted to rush to Zhuque Town was very simple, because all the corpse puppets outside Zhuque Town had been cleaned up, and the major gangs, as well as the troops organized by the player Zhifa, had completely surrounded Zhuque Town , to ensure that no zombies will come out.

In the current Suzaku Town, there are many weapons, diamonds, skin fragments, etc. left by players. It can be said that the main city of Suzaku Town has become a big treasury, many big gangs, and game merchants. They are all ambitious inside, how could they let go of this opportunity.

However, because there are too many corpse puppets in Suzaku Town, if a large force enters, several people are likely to be infected. At that time, hehe, it will be another corpse puppets disaster. A small army entered Suzaku Town, and began to slowly slaughter the corpse puppets, and at the same time to obtain the props left by the players.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue are now going to Zhuque Town to get those things. There are many gangs participating this time, the five major gangs have arrived, there are also many game merchants, professional teams, they are all here, so to speak, Before the quests of the City of Eternal Night were opened, Suzaku Town became a resource place that all players and gangs must compete for.

One hour later, outside Suzaku Town, at Suzaku Volcano.
Tiewumen's temporary stronghold outside Suzaku Town is here. Tiewu-Zhanfei and EA. The members of the Tiewu team have arrived. Tiewu-Zhanfei stands on the top of the hill and looks at Suzaku Town inside. After a while, a member of Tiewumen ran over quickly: "Report! The first team is back!"

"How's the situation?" Tiewu Zhanfei asked.

"Report! The first team, a total of 10 people, only 6 people came back this time, and brought back a lot of materials. A total of 1972 diamonds, a complete set of skin blueprints, 78 skin blueprint fragments, 52 skin fragments, weapons 71 fragments, 69 hero fragments, 25 complete weapons and equipment, and 2 complete hero tokens!"

"Well, it's not a loss. Next, let the second and third teams go in." Tiewu-Zhanfei said slowly with his arms folded, and the man from Tiewumen replied "yes" before going down to spread the word After a while, another Tiewumen member ran over and shouted: "Report! Two people from outside the gang are begging to see you!"

"Who is it?" Tie Wu Zhan Fei turned around and asked.

"Those two people, one is Zilinghuaqiu Xiaoyi, and the other is Xiangxiang Ruoxue." The member of Tiewumen said, Tiewu-Zhanfei was also very surprised when he heard that it was them, but he reacted quickly , immediately stepped forward and said: "Let them come up quickly and bring them directly to me."

(End of this chapter)

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