Chapter 209 Demon Armor
"Go!" T-Darkness, the leader of the Terminator Legion, roared, raised his long knife, and rushed up, followed by the Terminator Legion behind him. More than 30 people rushed straight at the armor, and the armor gritted its teeth, Holding a knife in one hand, he actually rushed over face to face. He really wanted to pick more than 30 people.

The hero used by T-Darkness is Guan Yu. He slashed straight at him with a knife. The armor raised his knife to block it, and then pushed back against T-Darkness. Crystal Spark, hit him back.

The rest of the Terminator Legion also surrounded them. A Dian Wei stabbed straight with a halberd, and Kai leaped back and dodged. Immediately turned around, stabbed straight, hit the Bull Demon first, and knocked the Bull Demon back.

The other people around the Bull Demon also rushed up. Kai waved his knife and kicked up with one foot, releasing the "Extreme Blade Storm" skill. Holding the knife with one hand, he slashed fiercely, bringing out purple lights one after another. Immediately, the three people in front of Kai were all thrown into the air, and the red spirit crystal shattered for a while.

"Huh?" Kai was keenly aware of the movement behind him. Behind him was Lu Bu, who released the "Fang Tian Painting Halberd" skill and slashed at him horizontally. Kai turned around and took a step back to get out of the way. When he hit, he immediately rushed up, stabbing straight with his halberd, and Kai also released the "swirling blade" skill, and a swirling blade went straight to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was taken aback, and was about to raise Fang Tian's painted halberd to block it, but he was not fast enough, and was hit by the blade on the forehead, and then the blade bounced around, and several members of the Terminator Legion around were also hit one after another.

Lu Bu was hit on the forehead, covered his head and took a few steps back, a little dizzy, but just when he raised his head, his eyes widened suddenly, why?Because he saw that Kai had already rushed up, holding a knife in both hands, and stabbed straight with the knife. With a "bang", it hit Lu Bu's chest, and a shard of red spirit crystal was released. Then, Kai turned around and kicked Lu Bu with a roundabout kick. Flying, Lu Bu bumped into the other two members, and all three were knocked to the ground.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhh!" Zhao Yun rushed forward, slashing with a spear, Kai bent over and turned around to dodge, straightened up and held a knife in both hands, and slashed diagonally, hitting Zhao Yun's shoulder armor, arousing a red spirit The crystal shards hit Zhao Yun back a few steps, Zhao Yun gritted his teeth, and stabbed straight, the armor leaned to the left to dodge, and then slashed horizontally, knocking Zhao Yun down as well.

A full seven Terminator Legionmen on the left rushed over. Kai immediately turned to face the enemy, released the scene skill "Blade Blood Shadow" to attack, charged towards them, held a knife in one hand, turned around, and then violently launched a slashing attack. Slashing, charging non-stop at the same time, the attack speed was extremely fast, all the people around were hit, and they couldn't help but retreat a few steps, the fragments of the red spirit crystal shattered one after another.

With a sound of "boom", a shell hit Kai's back. Kai gritted his teeth, turned his head and found that Huang Zhong from the Terminator Legion was firing, and there were other shooters around him, attacking Kai. Leaning left and right with difficulty, at the same time resisting with a knife.

At this time, a Xiang Yu roared and released the "Fearless Charge" skill and rushed up, and slammed into Kai's body fiercely. Kai was taken aback, was directly knocked into the air, and hit a pile of wooden boxes in the distance. It was hit and shattered, and the armor was in a pile of wood residues, making it difficult to move.

A group of people from the Terminator Legion surrounded them, and the shooters kept their distance. They set up their weapons and were ready to fire at any time. Not far away, Zi Lingyi and the others couldn't stand it any longer. Liu Mengyang turned his head and looked at the opposite side. Zi Lingyi behind the wall opened the bracelet interface and sent a text message, the content was: "Hello! Shall we go up and help?"

"Help who?" Zi Lingyi typed back and asked.

"Who else can help, help that armor!" Liu Mengyang typed speechlessly.

"I have already offended the Dragon Tooth Gang, do you want to offend another big gang?" Zi Lingyi typed and asked back, Liu Mengyang was silent for a moment, yes, Zi Lingyi has already offended the Dragon Tooth Gang, if you offend the Terminator now Legion, then the trouble is really big.

In fact, Zi Lingyi was also very tangled and hesitant in his heart, whether to help that Kai, but in the end, Zi Lingyi still decided, and look again, although that Kai was besieged by so many people, he still hasn't lost yet. .

"Fire!" T-Darkness waved his hands and roared. As soon as the words fell, the shooter troops opened fire into the pile of wood dross, and the firepower pierced through the wooden boards one by one. The streaks of purple light were so dazzling that T-Darkness was startled and exclaimed, "It's an indestructible demon body! Disperse!"

It was already too late, after Kai roared "Ah", the pile of wood dregs was immediately blown away by Kai's strong energy, and Kai stood on the spot covered with a layer of purple magic armor, which looked very mighty, and his eyes were also It shone with a purple-white light, which was very terrifying.

"This is the magic armor? It's the first time I've seen it." Zi Lingyi, who was hiding behind the wall, sighed, Zheng Xuanxue also nodded, and said, "Well, I haven't seen much. Once the armor summons the magic armor, the combat effectiveness will increase greatly.”

Armor's "Indestructible Demon Body" skill can be used for 3 minutes in the scene mode, but it can only be used again after 6 minutes. Of course, it can also be adjusted to the use time of the competitive mode, and what this armor uses is The time of the scene mode.

T-Darkness saw that Kai had used the "Indestructible Demon Body" skill, and suddenly panicked. He waved his arms and shouted, "Fire! Fire, shooters! Fire!"

The archers of the archer army fired at the armor, and for that armor, he released the skills of "blade blood shadow" and "soldier demon air blade" skills, and charged straight at the archer army. The archer army was surprised. Zeng, actually rushed to the front all of a sudden.

A Luban No. [-] raised his pistol in a panic, and when he was about to fire, Kai slashed horizontally with a knife, arousing a purple light and a stream of air, and knocked Luban No. [-] into the air. Other shooters also fired, but Kai held the saber in both hands. Constantly slashing and slashing, a series of shields were aroused on his body, which resisted the attacks of the shooter troops. This is Kai's "Soldier Demon Qi Blade" skill.

Kai's "Soldier Devil Qi Blade" skill, every time the attack hits any object on the hero's body within 10 seconds, it can provide a shield value of 500 points for itself, and can stack up to 15 layers. This move greatly improves Kai's Defensive power, but at the same time it must match the user's own strength. Obviously, Kai obviously has such strength.

Although the shield can be continuously activated within 10 seconds, the shooter troops are all shooters, and their attack power is very high. Even if the shield is fully opened, they cannot resist it. In little increments.

Members of other Terminator legions immediately surrounded Kai. He gritted his teeth, turned around, released the "Extreme Blade Storm" skill, slashed with a knife, and knocked all five members of the Terminator legion into the air. recover.

"What's going on?" T-Darkness said in shock and speechless, what's going on with this armor, why can the blood volume recover so quickly?
(End of this chapter)

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