The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 213 Going to meet an acquaintance

Chapter 213 Going to meet an acquaintance

"Xiao Yi?" At this time, someone called Zi Lingyi's name from behind Zi Lingyi. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were startled. They turned their heads and saw an uncle about 50 years old, wearing a suit, He was quite thin, Zheng Xuanxue failed to recognize who this uncle was, but Zi Lingyi recognized him, and exclaimed: "Uncle Chen! Why are you here?"

"Let me take a look at the progress, who is this?" Chen Hua looked at Zheng Xuanxue, and Zi Lingyi couldn't speak for a while, because he was afraid that Chen Hua would tell his father about Zheng Xuanxue's identity. Tell grandpa, and then, huh, huh.
Zheng Xuanxue knew that it was best not to talk too much, so she chose to remain silent. Seeing that Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were silent, Chen Hua asked, "What's wrong? She can't be your girlfriend, right?"

"Yes." Zi Lingyi finally admitted.

"Wow, Xiao Yi, you are fast enough. You have only been in college for three months, right?" Chen Hua exclaimed, Zi Lingyi was immediately embarrassed, covered her face, lowered her head, Zheng Xuanxue also smiled awkwardly, He beckoned and said, "Hello, Uncle, my name is Zheng Xuanxue."

"Well, Chen Group, Chen Hua." Chen Hua nodded with a smile, and Zheng Xuanxue was also extremely shocked when she heard the word Chen Hua. Chen Hua, there are not many people in China who don't know this name .

Chen Hua, the chairman of the Chen Group, was originally one of the few business tycoons in the Chinese consortium. After becoming the patron of the Tang family and getting help from the Tang family, he became the richest man in China. Ling Yi's uncle is actually Chen Hua.

Zi Lingyi decided to please Uncle Chen first. Although Uncle Chen is very talkative and has a high reputation, it's better to be on the safe side in case he reveals his relationship with Zheng Xuanxue. Therefore, Zi Lingyi stepped forward, smiled and said: "Uncle Chen, the last time you asked me to purchase equipment and tools, Xiaoxue basically purchased them, and I was just working as a follower."

"Really? Then thank you, can I call you Xiaoxue too?" Chen Hua smiled.

"Well, yes." Zheng Xuanxue nodded, her smile was still stiff, but her heart was more relaxed. Chen Hua looked like an amiable uncle, not a particularly dignified or serious one.

Afterwards, Chen Hua took Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue to the rest area, and looked at the complete design of the training base with Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. After seeing it, they were also very satisfied, and Zheng Xuanxue also really felt , Chen Hua's big hand.

After entering, there is the front desk inside, and the aisle is past the front desk. There are two rooms on the left side of the aisle, one is the training room, the other is the storage room, and there are seven rooms on the right, all of which are the residences of the players. A lobby, that is the cafeteria.

The training room is equipped with adjustable benches, you can sit down and play games, and the network quality is also good. As for the storage room, although it is a storage room, the design inside is not much different from that of a small supermarket. What do you want? Just go in and get things. As for the cafeteria, it's not particularly big, but how many members of the professional team are there in total?So the size of the canteen is enough.

There are also the player's living room, a total of seven rooms, all very spacious, and Chen Hua said that during the signing period of the professional player, this place can be used as a home. It can be said that this is a room that can be decorated and adjusted by oneself. And there is no need to pay rent, and going to work is just a matter of visiting.

Zi Lingyi looked at this design drawing and sighed, "Uncle Chen, did we really finish the project during our winter vacation?"

"Well, it may even be faster than expected." Chen Hua straightened up and said with his arms folded. At this time, Chen Hua's cell phone rang. It was not someone calling, but Chen Hua's cell phone. When the reminder sounded, it was the reminder alarm clock that Chen Hua had set on his phone.

Chen Hua took a look at his phone and found that it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Chen Hua put down the phone, looked at Zi Lingyi with a smile on his face, and said, "Xiao Yi, I have something to do, I have to go out, do you want to come with me?" Let's go together."

"Ah? Where are you going?" Zi Lingyi asked suspiciously, while Chen Hua waved his hands and said with a smile: "Haha, you will know when you arrive, the main purpose is to take you to meet an old acquaintance you haven't seen for many years. "

45 minutes later, Haitian City Nanyang Media Film and Television Base.
Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue came to the parking lot of the film and television base in Chen Hua's car. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue opened the door and got off by themselves, while Chen Hua's driver got out of the car and opened the door for Chen Hua. Afterwards, everyone came to the film and television base doorway.

Zi Lingyi raised her head, looked at the film and television base, and asked suspiciously: "What are we doing here?"

"I invested in a crew, and they are filming." Chen Hua explained with his hands on his hips.

"Uncle Chen, who do you want me to meet?" Zi Lingyi looked at Chen Hua suspiciously and asked, but Chen Hua smiled and said: "You will know when we arrive, I promise to surprise you, let's go."

After speaking, Chen Hua walked ahead to lead the way, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked at each other, and then they also walked in together. Speaking of which, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue had never been to the film and television base.

This film and television base is basically an ancient city. Around 1950, there are such buildings everywhere, as well as some props of vendors, as well as trains, cars and so on at that time.

Zheng Xuanxue looked around and felt that everything was very fresh. After all, she was Korean, and it was also the first time for Zi Lingyi to come to the film and television base, so she felt rather excited.

Chen Hua took Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue through a small town, and came to a lawn. On the lawn, there happened to be a film crew, and it seemed to be filming. At this time, several explosions happened suddenly, and Zi Both Ling Yi and Zheng Xuanxue were startled.

Chen Hua was also taken aback, but realized that it was an explosion used for filming, so it was meaningless. Chen Hua walked to the crew. The crew knew Chen Hua and took Chen Hua to the director directly.

"Hey, Director Xu, how is the filming going?" Chen Hua walked over to say hello. Director Xu turned his head and saw that it was Chen Hua. He stood up anxiously and said respectfully: "Haha, It's Mr. Chen, please sit down, please sit down."

"Hmm." Chen Hua sat on a seat next to the director when he heard the words, Zi Lingyi stood beside Chen Hua, and Chen Hua raised his head, smiled, then pointed to the filming venue, smiled He said, "Look, who is that black coat over there?"

"Black coat? Let me take a look." After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi looked at the set with concentrated eyes, and found that there was indeed a man wearing a long black leather trench coat, holding two double guns, and was shooting back. There was another explosion all around.

The man rolled to the left, dodging the explosion, and there were bursts of bullet marks on the ground. At this moment, the director picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: "Crack! OK! This game is over, let's change."

The director shouted Ka, the man stood up, patted his clothes, turned around, Zi Lingyi happened to see his face, saw his face, Zi Lingyi opened his mouth wide in fright, unable to close his mouth, unable to close his mouth. Looking at the other party in confidence, he said in a daze: "Brother Sansan"

(End of this chapter)

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