The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 215 The Greatest Civil War in Glory of Kings

Chapter 215 The Greatest Civil War in Glory of Kings
The next day, after lunch, Zi Lingyi and the others met Zheng Xuanxue to go online. Today they have no class all day, so they can play with confidence. If possible, they will enter the castle today and fight Dracula to the death. .

Zi Lingyi walked into the dormitory and put his hands on the ladder. Before he could climb up, Xu Zijie patted Zi Lingyi's shoulder from behind. Xiao Yi, I heard that you were out with Goddess Ruoxue yesterday afternoon, what did you all do?"

"." Zi Lingyi chose to remain silent, because he didn't want to tell Xu Zijie and the others now that he was going to join a professional team. Therefore, without saying a word, Zi Lingyi boarded the upper bunk and unplugged the charger of the game glasses , ready to log in to the game, Xu Zijie just smiled and shrugged, thinking that Zi Lingyi was embarrassed to say so, so he didn't think much about it.

After Zi Lingyi boarded the game, he logged into the house where he had logged out before, and saw that Zheng Xuanxue had already logged in, and the two looked at each other with a smile, and then, He Zhifeng, Xu Zijie, and Liu Mengyang also logged in, and the four gathered at the side of the house In the small room.

Zi Lingyi opened the bracelet interface, looked at the friend column, the person named Ning Yu had accepted his friend request, and the friend list showed that Hu Lie, Ning Yu, and others were all online, Zi Lingyi's friend Not many, just a few, but a few, all online.

Zi Lingyi then turned off the bracelet interface, looked at everyone, and said seriously: "The situation outside is still unclear now, we'd better be careful, if we encounter the Dragon Tooth Gang or the Terminator Legion, then we will"


"Bang bang bang!"

Before Zi Lingyi finished speaking, suddenly, there were bursts of explosions and knocks, which interrupted Zi Lingyi directly, and everyone was startled. Zi Lingyi subconsciously held the Fengyu Sword behind her, and turned to The head said: "What's going on?"


"Fuck! Kill these bastards!"

There was the sound of fighting outside, Zi Lingyi and the others immediately pushed open the door of the small room, walked to the living room, everyone walked to the window, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue walked to a window, and opened a window on the curtain. After looking at the situation outside, He Zhifeng and others were also looking at it, and they were shocked when they saw that there was a bloody battle outside, and many players were actually fighting in the civil war.

"This! What happened here?" Liu Mengyang asked in shock, and Xu Zijie who was standing next to him also stammered: "No, no, I don't know, is it someone from that gang who is beating?"

"It's not like a gang war. Their game names are all mixed up." He Zhifeng, who was on the side, turned his head and said seriously.

At this time, a Li Bai was sent flying, smashing the window on Liu Mengyang's side and falling in. Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie were also frightened and immediately separated from the left and right sides, while that Li Bai fell to the ground, moaning weakly, clutching himself The chest and abdomen, the blood value is running out.

"I'm going, do you want to fight so fiercely!" Zi Lingyi said in shock, and at this moment, a Monkey King and a Han Xin jumped the distance from the window, raised their weapons, and were about to chase and kill Li Bai, He Zhifeng did not hide it, Holding a gun with one hand, he slashed horizontally with one shot, and hit Monkey King in the chest, causing Monkey King to fall to the ground.

Han Xin next to her was taken aback, and Zheng Xuanxue was about to strike. She shook her hands hard, and the knives in her sleeves popped out from her sleeves. Zheng Xuanxue rushed forward, stabbing straight with both knives, and hit Han Xin's back. Han Xin straightened up immediately after being beaten, Gritting his teeth, his eyes widened, the blood volume value was emptied.

"Who are you! What are you going to do!" Monkey King who was knocked to the ground said in fear, and He Zhifeng held the spear upside down with both hands, and stabbed it, piercing Monkey King's red spirit crystal body, killing Monkey King, and Zi Lingyi He also held the sword with one hand, and killed the Li Bai who flew in with one sword.

All three of them were left with residual blood, indicating that the fighting outside was extremely fierce. Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie immediately closed the curtains and looked at the battle outside at the same time, and He Zhifeng also stepped forward immediately: "Xiao Yi, go to the official website forum to see, in the end What's the situation?"

"Okay, I'll go and have a look right now, you guys be careful." Zi Lingyi nodded and said, then immediately opened the interface of the crystal bracelet, and went to the official website forum to have a look. As a result, Zi Lingyi found that the forum was full of insulting posts , Talking about who to settle accounts with, gathering brothers and so on, I don’t understand what’s going on at all.

Zi Lingyi gave up looking for clues on the forum, so he simply closed the official website interface and went to the friend column to ask people. The first thing Zi Lingyi thought of was Hou Zhanfei, he was the head of Tiewumen, and the war ended like this , he should know something, so Zi Lingyi chatted directly with Hou Zhanfei. However, Zi Lingyi is not a high-level VIP, so he can only chat with text.

"Master Zhanfei, we just went online, and there was a civil war outside. We were stuck in a house and couldn't get out. What's the situation?" Zi Lingyi asked by typing, and after about 5 minutes, Hou Zhanfei finally Reply to him, the content is: "In two days, the players have cleaned up all the vampires in the outer circle of the City of Eternal Night, and are about to enter the inner circle, but many players are intrigues and hidden schemes, so when a civil war breaks out, everyone Wanting to enter the castle before others, no, I have never heard of it since calling at 8 o'clock in the morning."

"Do you want to do this, cheat us." Zi Lingyi typed speechlessly.

"No way, after all, this is a five-star scene dungeon, and everyone wants to get the highest reward." Hou Zhanfei replied helplessly.

The situation is similar to what Hou Zhanfei said, that is, all the vampires in the outer circle have been wiped out, and all players want to enter the castle first to kill Dracula. As a result, a civil war broke out in the outer circle, and the players who were killed will be resurrected in hope. Somewhere on the outskirts of the city, they rushed back immediately after the resurrection and continued to fight, so they have been fighting since the morning and have not stopped at all.

Suddenly, a Cao Pi broke the wooden door and fell into Zi Lingyi's house. Zi Lingyi turned around immediately when he heard the movement, and saw that Cao Pi had been killed, and there was a person standing at the door, This person is Xia Mo.


"Xiao Man?" Zheng Xuanxue and Zi Lingyi both subconsciously said, while Xia Mo walked in, looked around, and then looked at Zheng Xuanxue, his tone was neither hot nor cold, but he asked with concern: "Junior Sister, you Are you okay?"

"We're fine, senior brother, why are you here?" Zheng Xuanxue shook her head, then asked, Xia Mo put Xiaoyaoqin on her back, looked at the crowd, folded her arms, and said in a cold tone: "Civil war broke out, I came here from outside the city, that's all."

When Liu Mengyang heard the words, he was very shocked and admired: "Wow, such a civil war can be fought from outside the city to the inside of the city, such a long distance, it really is the Qin Sheng."

"Cough cough." Zi Lingyi pretended to cough a few times. Liu Mengyang shut up when he heard it, and Zi Lingyi put down his hands, looked at the crowd, and said seriously: "Now is not the time to flatter each other. It's very difficult for us to fight out such a civil war, even if we do, we don't know what's going on inside the inner circle of the City of Eternal Night, so it's best to get helpers to act together."

"But what about that helper?" Xu Zijie asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's Tiewumen, their troops are strong enough, all right, after the rest, let's go!" Zi Lingyi shouted, pulling out the Phoenix Feather Sword, and then turned to look outside the door, only to see people everywhere outside the door. Fighting players.

"Well, everyone be careful." Zheng Xuanxue told everyone to be careful, and everyone also took out their weapons. Zi Lingyi swung his sword and rushed up first, Xia Mo followed closely, and the others followed immediately. Everyone rushed out of the house , rushed into the alley.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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