Chapter 220

3 hours later, City of Eternal Night, the square outside Dracula's Castle
Zi Lingyi slashed diagonally with his sword, hitting Viranos' calf, and Viranos struck down with his palm, and Zi Lingyi released "Join the Wine" to fly, leaping onto Viranos' knee, and then Holding the Phoenix Feather Sword upside down with both hands, he stabbed straight down, piercing Viranos' knee fiercely.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Vilanos roared, his whole body exploded with strength, and once again bounced Zilingyi away, and Zheng Xuanxue rushed to the back side, staggered and slashed horizontally with two knives, and dealt two critical blows in a row. Before it was over, Ye Xin descended from the sky with the "Tiantian First Class" skill, stabbed down with two knives in the air, and hit Bilanos in the back.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Viranos kept roaring, he turned around and punched him horizontally, Wang Xu and Hu Liao jumped back and dodged, after Wang Xu dodged, Raise the sniper rifle and continue firing at Viranos.

After Hu waved his arms, he stared at Viranos with concentrated eyes, then he rushed straight up with one foot, and after closing the distance, he turned around, waved his hand again, and made a move of "East Wind Breaking Attack", Three diamond-shaped energy balls hit Viranos' chest.

"Ah!" Vilanos roared again, shaking his whole body vigorously, sending Ye Xin and Zheng Xuanxue flying, then raised his hands, aimed at Hu Li below, and punched down with both fists.

"Damn it!" Hu Li cursed casually, then swooped to the right, and then released a "time and space travel" skill to dodge, thus dodging Biranos' double fists, but Biranos' double fists After the fight, he directly released the "Fire Dragon Flame" skill, and sprayed fire at the people below. The pillar of fire was very thick, which was different from the previous ones.

"Quickly disperse!" Zi Lingyi yelled hastily, and at this moment, the pillar of fire actually parted, forming a diffuse rain of fire, and everyone was also dispersing. It's far away, so it won't be affected, so Hu Li hurriedly ran to distance himself.

Wang Xu and Ye Xin are different. Ye Xin released the skill of "King Kongming Slash" to split the fire and rain directly, while Wang Xu released the skill of "Wandering Spear" and "Smart Dual Spears" to dodge. At the same time continue to fire, very flexible.

Zi Lingyi turned around, lowered her body, took out the spiritual umbrella-Flying Feather and opened it, and held Zheng Xuanxue's hand. Zheng Xuanxue also immediately hid behind Zi Lingyi. Energy, withstood all the fire rain of "Fire Dragon Flame".

Xingyan, Lingguang and NR, who were watching the battle in the distance, were shocked from ear to ear for a moment. They found that they couldn't get in at all. Why, those over there were all top experts. Their movements, defenses, judgments, It's all too fast, I can't keep up at all.

These two people are actually high-level players of gangs and teams, and they can be regarded as elites. In the gang, both of them are dazzling masters, which makes them both a little proud and proud. However, seeing Zi Lingyi now During their battle, the two of them discovered that they were just frogs in a well, and they were the real masters.

After Biranos' attack was over, Zi Lingyi put away the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu, turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, and asked with concern: "How is Xiaoxue, are you alright?"

"Well, it's okay." Zheng Xuanxue shook her head, smiled, Zi Lingyi then looked at the others, and shouted loudly: "This boss has no blood left, keep going! We must kill it today!"

"Okay!" Ye Xin also replied.

"I can't wait!" Wang Xu crossed the tip of his nose and shouted with a smile. Then, Wang Xu charged forward with two guns in his hand, and fired at the same time, hitting Vilanos with bullets. body.

Ye Xin also held two knives to keep up. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked at each other, then nodded. Then, the two of them rushed up together with weapons in their hands. Go over with "Flying Soul", and then immediately go up quickly to do spell output.

Everyone grinded for a while, and suddenly, a man on a red horse rushed over with a long gun in his hand. He couldn't get his hands in from a distance, and Xingyan-Lingguang and NR-who could only watch the battle-spotted this man in an instant, and they were shocked.

"Be careful! There's an outsider coming!" Xingyan-Lingguang immediately shouted loudly, reminding Zilingyi and the others that Zilingyi, who happened to be backflipping on the ground, immediately turned around to take a look, only to find out that it was He Zhifeng.

"Brother He!" Zi Lingyi lost his voice in surprise, and after He Zhifeng rode over, he immediately reined in the horse and stopped, then got off the horse, walked quickly to Zi Lingyi, and asked quickly: "Xiao Yi! What is this?" What's the situation? Is this BOSS...?"

"It should be the gatekeeper of the ancient castle. We are grinding this boss right now. You can help us too. We have been grinding for almost four hours!" Zi Lingyi swung his sword and pointed at Biranos.

"Okay, it looks like the boss has quite a lot of blood, so I'll take it out too!" He Zhifeng held the spear tightly, gritted his teeth and smiled, then rushed forward with the spear in his hand, and Zi Lingyi also held the sword to do the same. Put out a fighting stance, and then rushed up together.

He Zhifeng rushed up and stabbed straight, hitting Viranos' calf, and Viranos punched him horizontally. He Zhifeng pulled out his spear directly, put the spear on the ground, and then gave a strong shock, sending himself flying, and took Picking up the spear, avoiding Viranos' punch, he jumped onto Viranos' arm.

Viranos was taken aback, but it wasn't over yet, He Zhifeng turned to Viranos' arm, holding a spear, and continued to slash, making a series of cuts in Viranos' arm.

"Drink!" Viranos roared, his whole body exploded with strength, and he was shocked by He Zhifeng, but He Zhifeng sneered, and then released the "Iron Cavalry Break" to dive down, and unexpectedly rushed to Viranos' arm again. With a straight shot, Viranos roared in pain.

Xingyan-Lingguang and NR-Jinji, who couldn't help in the distance, were speechless. Why did they become a master in a short while? Knowing this moment, Xingyan-Lingguang and NR-Jingyan understood that the City of Eternal Night, It's not that there are many people and a strong gang can take it down. Only real masters have the ability to break through the City of Eternal Night. The reason why they can come here is just because of the glory of these masters.

These masters were not the only ones who came. Tiewu-Zhanfei and his professional team all arrived. All the members of EA Tiewu team rushed over. Immediately raised his sword, pointed at Viranos, and shouted, "Go!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Lei (Di Renjie), Shen Yanyang (Zhang Fei), Li Jie (Bian Que), Liu Yixiao (Long Qi), and Han Nancheng (Ju Youjing), the five of them rushed forward together to do output, and their firepower suddenly increased A good grade.

Everyone grinded for a while, Viranos had already been ground to residual blood, but with his blood volume, he needed to grind for a while, and Vilanos' attack became more and more severe as the blood volume decreased. The crazier they got, the harder it was for Zi Lingyi and the others to fight.

At this time, Viranos raised his arms high, and then hit the ground violently. Suddenly, a large number of flame spikes appeared on the ground, rushing straight at everyone, and the range was very wide. Forest" skills.

Just when Zi Lingyi and the others were preparing to deal with it, suddenly, in the distance, a whirling knife and two energy streams rushed over, colliding continuously among these flaming spikes, smashing some of them forcibly.

Zi Lingyi was taken aback, and turned her head immediately, and found that it was Ning Yu and Xia Mo, they were attacking from a distance, and the two of them also arrived. Seeing the two of them, Zi Lingyi couldn't help but smile, this All of a sudden, everyone is here.

(End of this chapter)

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