The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 225 The castle is also pitch black?

Chapter 225 The castle is also pitch black?
Zi Lingyi went directly to the second floor to check out. After paying the bill, she returned to the RV with bags of things. After putting all the things in the RV, Zi Lingyi drove the RV back to the underground garage of the original community, and then went back to the school dormitory to sleep.

the next day.
It was already Saturday on this day, and Zi Lingyi and the others had time all day, so after lunch, Zi Lingyi and the others returned to the dormitory, put on the gaming glasses, and prepared to log in to the game and enter the castle.

Zheng Xuanxue has already returned to the dormitory and started to log in to the game, and Zi Lingyi and the others have also returned to the dormitory, ready to log in to the game. However, Zi Lingyi just boarded the upper bunk, turned to look at He Zhifeng, saw that He Zhifeng didn't say anything, and went straight to sleep Get on the bed and start logging into the game.

When He Zhifeng started to land, Zi Lingyi looked at Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie, and asked, "What's the matter, him? Since morning till now, he has spoken so little?"

"I don't know either. Didn't we just ask him to help bring something? What's going on?" Xu Zijie was also puzzled, he looked at Liu Mengyang, Liu Mengyang also shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, Zi Lingyi was also helpless, But there is no way, let's log in to the game first.

After Zi Lingyi logged into the game, everyone was there, and the cage hadn't been opened yet. Zi Lingyi looked at Zheng Xuanxue who had already logged in, and asked, "Xiaoxue, what's going on? The cage should be opened. .”

"No, you can see for yourself." Zheng Xuanxue pointed to the words on the cage, and Zi Lingyi also looked up, only to see that the content of the words was: "Currently, the energy value of the players is not enough. Only when more than eight people log in can they unlock it." cage."

"Eight people! Still have this kind of setting, how many people are we now?" Zi Lingyi immediately looked around, including herself, Zheng Xuanxue, and He Zhifeng who just landed, there are three people in total, besides Wang Xu, Ye Xin, and Hu have three people, so there are only six people in total, and there are still two.

"I've been waiting for half an hour, why is it not all there?" Wang Xu took off his cowboy hat, scratched his hair and complained, while Ye Xin stood aside with his arms folded, eyes closed, patiently waiting.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also had no choice but to wait, and after a while, they logged in alone. It was Xia Mo, and Xia Mo also logged into the cage. After Xia Mo logged in, he immediately looked at Zheng Xuanxue and walked in front of Zheng Xuanxue. Said: "Junior Sister, you are also online."

"Yes." Zheng Xuanxue nodded.

But at this time, the barrier actually emitted a burst of light and vibrations, which surprised everyone. Ye Xin, who had his eyes closed, immediately opened them. Everyone looked at the cage, and saw that the cage turned into a particle after a burst of light, blowing away with the wind. Floating away, the cage is gone.

This situation can only explain one point, another person has landed, and eight people are gathered together, and the cage is lifted, so everyone looks around and finds that there is one more person, and the hero used by this person is Kai and Ningyu.

"Ning Yu! You're here too." Zi Lingyi waved at him, and Ning Yu simply smiled: "Well, what's going on just now."

Xia Mo also had the same problem, but Wang Xu spoke first and explained to the two of them: "I don't know why there is such a setting, there must be enough eight people online at the same time in the cage to unlock it, including the two of you. , exactly eight."

"I see." Xia Mo said calmly.

"Okay, let's go." Zi Lingyi said excitedly, and then turned around, facing the old castle with its gate open. Everyone also turned around, facing the old castle, and then they walked in.

After entering the castle, Zi Lingyi carefully looked around. He was very nervous, but also somewhat expectant and excited. The lobby on the first floor of this castle was no different from the scarlet castle before. The difference was that this time Dracula's Castle, the hall area is larger, and there are more statues and braziers.

There is a huge orc statue in the center. The eyes of the orc statue emit green fluorescence, which is very strange. Wang Xu put his hands on his hips, looked around, and said excitedly: "Is this the old castle? The decoration is good, it is It's too open."

"Brother, can you talk less, I'm very nervous now." Hu Liao looked at Wang Xu speechlessly, Wang Xu stretched out his right hand and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I will try my best to control it."

Zi Lingyi and the others looked around and found that there was no entrance to the lobby on the first floor. This made Zi Lingyi and the others very surprised, but soon, everyone realized that there was a trap, find it!

Zi Lingyi pulled Zheng Xuanxue and walked in front of the orc stone statue. Zi Lingyi looked at the stone statue seriously with concentrated eyes. He always felt that there was something wrong with the stone statue. Why did its eyes keep glowing?

Zi Lingyi turned her head and looked at the direction the stone statue's eyes were looking at. Zheng Xuanxue also turned her head and looked at it, and found that it was the stone statue looking at it, and it was the moon outside the door, and it was the moonlight that provided the light source for the stone statue's eyes.

"Go and try to close the door." As Zi Lingyi said, Zi Lingyi had already walked over, and Zheng Xuanxue followed after a "hmm", and the two walked to the huge stone gate of the ancient castle, and closed the door forcefully, which was useless With strength, the door began to move slowly, and the sound was very loud.

Hearing Shimen's voice, the others also looked at Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. They were all masters, and soon realized that Zilingyi must have discovered something, so they didn't dare to be careless. They looked around each other, a little Man has even grasped the weapon, ready to fight at any time.

When Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue closed the door completely, the eyes of the orc stone statue immediately lost their light, and then, the torches and braziers in the castle hall all of a sudden went out of fire, and suddenly, it was pitch black.

"I'll go! What's going on!" Hu Le exclaimed.

"Why did the lights go out?" Ye Xin asked suspiciously.

"Everyone is quiet, what's the sound?" Xia Mo immediately interrupted everyone and asked everyone to listen quietly. At this time, there were loud noises on the left and right sides of the hall, as if something was being pulled up, it should be The sound of the door opening, there is an entrance!It's just that the entrance is on the left and right sides.

"Junior Sister! Junior Sister!" Xia Mo called to Zheng Xuanxue, and when she was about to walk with Zheng Xuanxue, she found that the surroundings were not only pitch black, but extremely quiet, without anyone's voice, it was too quiet.

After the entrances on the left and right sides are opened, in this hall, everyone’s voices are blocked by the energy position here. Unless the distance is close enough, they can’t hear each other’s voices at all. This is the game designer’s intentional arrangement. The purpose is to see how these people will go when they cannot negotiate.

Zi Lingyi also called to Zheng Xuanxue, but couldn't hear Zheng Xuanxue's answer, but Zi Lingyi reacted quickly, knowing that Zheng Xuanxue was nearby, he immediately walked over quickly, stretched out his hand, and happened to touch Zheng Xuanxue's arm.

"Xiaoxue! Is that you?" Zi Lingyi asked immediately.

"Xiaoyi! It's me!" Zheng Xuanxue replied anxiously.

"It should be that the voice here has been cut off, not just you and me, we can't hear other people's voices either." Zi Lingyi immediately explained the current situation, Zheng Xuanxue also noticed this, and said nervously and seriously : "Well, what shall we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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