The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 229 The Continuous Vampire Army

Chapter 229 The Continuous Vampire Army

After Zi Lingyi and the others cleaned up the vampires on this floor, they went directly to the stairs and came to the third floor. There are four aisles, four, and there seem to be quite a few rooms in these four aisles.

"Ahh! It's a human! I smell a human!"

"Blood! I want blood!"

At this time, the voice of the vampire came from the four aisles, and the voice was very noisy. The five people stood back to back, each holding a weapon, and made a fighting posture. They had entered the fighting posture and were ready to fight at any time. A little carelessness.

Accompanied by the roar of the vampires, a large number of vampires rushed out from the four aisles. There were too many of them to count. Zi Lingyi also held the Phoenix Feather Sword and rushed to the group of vampires on the left, shouting: " Brother Ningyu, go and restrain the one on the right, delaying time!'

"Okay!" After Ning Yu responded, he swung his knife and rushed towards the group of vampires on the right, while the other three faced the two aisle vampires directly in front, and Zi Lingyi and Ning Yu were responsible for delaying the crowd on the left and right. The vampires in the aisle bought time for Zheng Xuanxue and the others.

Zi Lingyi released "Winning the Wine" and charged forward, forcibly rushing into the group of vampires. The vampires were taken aback, but Zi Lingyi immediately used the skill "Stroke of Magic" to restrain all the vampires in and outside the formation .

Zi Lingyi slashed obliquely with his sword, then turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword, knocking back the vampires in the formation, then turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword, instantly brushing out the "Warrior's Walk" passive, and the magic circle of "The Magical Brush" followed After the release, Zi Lingyi also made a fighting posture, and before being completely overwhelmed by the vampire, she shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows and slashed in the vampire formation. In an instant, several vampires flew up and fell far away, while several vampires He was knocked over and hit his companion.

Although flying and falling, other vampires were still rushing forward, but when the five white sword shadows returned to their positions and changed back to Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of her mouth, and suddenly disappeared into sword shadows. All the vampires were frightened, why did this guy disappear.

These are vampires, not players. If they were players, they would have already figured it out at this time. Zi Lingyi released the three-level skill of "putting wine in" and returned directly to the original place. After returning to the original place, holding the Feng Yujian rushed up first, slashing at the few vampires who didn't react, and struck first.

On Ningyu's side, he first hit up with "Extreme Blade Storm", knocking a few vampires into the air in an instant, and then he used the two skills of "Soldier Demon Qi Blade" and "Blade Blood Shadow" to hit the first few vampires. A vampire either died or fell over, but the vampires still rushed up like a tide, and Ning Yu couldn't carry it for long.

The same is true for Zilingyi, he used "Jiangjiujin" to rush in place left and right, restraining the three vampires rushing forward, and after returning to the original place, Zilingyi turned around and kicked the three vampires. Only the vampire kicked away and bumped into the other vampires. It was delayed for a while, but it couldn't be won for long.

"E Xiaoxue, brother Wang Xu, are you done? The two of us won't last long!" Zi Lingyi shouted while resisting with difficulty, and Zheng Xuanxue walked around behind the two vampires, slashing with both knives, The two vampires were not completely dead, Zheng Xuanxue made another stab and killed the two vampires.

Zheng Xuanxue heard Zi Lingyi's shout, and just wanted to return to him, at this moment, a vampire rushed up and hit it with a claw, Zheng Xuanxue double-knife blocked it wrongly, she gritted her teeth with difficulty and said: "No, These vampires keep popping up, there is no end to them!"

"Then what should we do?" Ning Yu slashed horizontally, knocked down two vampires, and then turned around and shouted. On Zi Lingyi's side, a vampire just rushed up. Zi Lingyi kicked him in the abdomen, and then Taking advantage of the trend, he kicked on one foot, jumped up using him as a point of leverage, did a backflip, and opened the distance. After landing, Zi Lingyi said seriously: "This is not the way to go on, Ningyu, don't carry it, everyone , don’t target, everyone cooperates to fight, with this as the center.”

"Okay!" Everyone said in unison, and then they began to fight on their own in the lobby on the third floor. The vampire's forces dispersed immediately, but there were still a lot of them. At the same time, other vampires were also rushing over. .

Zheng Xuanxue's double knives staggered and slashed, killing a vampire, and on the left, a vampire rushed towards him frantically. Zheng Xuanxue stepped back and dodged it. He stabbed straight up and hit the vampire's back, and then slashed horizontally, hitting the back again, killing the vampire.

Hu made a "Dongfeng Strike" in the past, repelled a few vampires, and then rushed up immediately, using the "Time Travel" skill to penetrate these vampires, and behind him, a group of vampires came up, Hu turned around, and then Hitting the ground with his palm, he unleashed the "Blue Ground Breaker" skill, restraining these vampires.

Wang Xu unleashed the "Fever Barrage" skill, knocking back all the vampires coming around. Some of the bloody ones had already been killed. After the skill was released, the vampire Lu Xun rushed forward, and Wang Xu also broke out in a cold sweat nervously. Released the "Smart Dual Spears" skill, and while sliding left and right, he shot with a gun, bypassing the encirclement net, and rushed to the outside, but the vampires immediately surrounded him.

Zi Lingyi is also fighting at this moment, and he has already spawned "Xia Ke Xing", but it has little effect on these scattered vampires, and his "Jing Jiu Jin" is still waiting to cool down, it is too late , So, Zi Lingyi turned her head, facing Wang Xu's direction, and shouted quickly with all her strength: "Brother Wang Xu, help me make a way!"

"No problem!" Wang Xu responded, and then released the "Wandering Spear" to break through. After rushing to one side, he released the skill "Gorgeous Revolver" to attack a group of vampires surrounded by Zi Lingyi. He also rushed in this direction, slashing horizontally with his sword. Under the double intervention of Zi Lingyi and Wang Xu, a loophole was opened in the encirclement net. Zi Lingyi rushed out of this loophole and rushed to Wang Xu's side. Facing Wang Xu's back, he released the "Qinglian Sword Song" skill.

With flashes of swords and swords, most of the group of vampires behind Wang Xu were killed or injured in an instant, and Wang Xu also immediately raised his guns and fired at the vampires on Zi Lingyi's side, and a few more fell down in an instant.

When Zi Lingyi's "Qinglian Sword Song" was released, and Zi Lingyi's "Introduce the Wine" had cooled down, he turned his head to look in Zheng Xuanxue's direction, and found that the situation was not good with Zheng Xuanxue, so he rushed over immediately , and at the same time left a sentence to Wang Xu: "I leave this to you!"

"Hey, hey!" Wang Xu didn't understand for a while, but the vampires had already surrounded him, Wang Xu gritted his teeth angrily, there was nothing he could do, let's fight!
At this moment, Zheng Xuanxue, two vampires waved their claws at the same time, and struck straight at him with one claw. Zheng Xuanxue blocked it with two knives in his sleeves. With a kick of both feet, he actually touched two vampires, one flipped forward, and got out of the way!
The vampire flew into the air. After Zheng Xuanxue landed, she used all her strength to release the "arc light" skill while turning around, instantly killing the two vampires, but just now, it was another vampire. , hit straight up with one claw.

These are mobs, not heroes and elite NPCs. Zheng Xuanxue can't brush skill CDs at all, and now she can't use any skills, so Zheng Xuanxue can only block with a knife, but Zheng Xuanxue just resisted this vampire's claw , on the right side, is a huge sickle, slashing straight through at an extremely fast speed!

"Ah!" Zheng Xuanxue was startled, it was too late to dodge now.

However, at this moment, Zi Lingyi unleashed "Jiangjiujin" and rushed in, a sword was placed under the sickle, and when Zheng Xuanxue saw Zi Lingyi, she also lost her voice in surprise: "Xiao Yi! "

However, Zi Lingyi was too busy to reply now, he raised his head and looked at the guy who wielded the scythe. This guy was wearing a black cloak and a silver crow mask with red eyes blooming. Moreover, he is different from those fallen angels, he has no wings, but has feet.

Suddenly, at this time, two more vampires rushed up. Zi Lingyi held swords in both hands, and tried his best to push away the guy. A vampire's attack, and a strong shock to the top, the two vampires directly overturned.

However, the guy with the sickle slashed upwards from bottom to top, got around the bottom of the spiritual umbrella-Feiyu, and knocked Zilingyi's spiritual umbrella-Feiyu away, Zilingyi was startled, What happened, the umbrella was knocked out of his hand!
This guy is not an elite mob, he is a BOSS!

(End of this chapter)

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