The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 245 You Couldn't Be Love at First Sight

Chapter 245 You Couldn't Be Love at First Sight
"Well, thank you." After Zheng Xuanxue said "thank you", she took the ice cream and spoon, and started to eat slowly. Zi Lingyi also took an ice cream, turned her head to look at Zheng Xuanxue, and said with a smile Joke: "Miss Tour Guide, what shall we do next?"

"I don't know, we'll talk after eating." Zheng Xuanxue said, and sat on the bench beside her. Zi Lingyi nodded, and then sat next to Zheng Xuanxue. The two are sitting in the alley of Gucheng Street. It is remote and narrow, but there are still many people coming and going, as well as some shops.

Zi Lingyi ate relatively quickly, and looked towards Zheng Xuanxue after eating, and when she looked in Zheng Xuanxue's direction, Zi Lingyi was startled suddenly, and just stared in the direction of the alley entrance in a daze.

"Well, Xiao Yi, what's wrong with you?" Zheng Xuanxue noticed Zi Lingyi's strange gaze, and turned her head to look in that direction, and in that direction, the three women walking towards them, the one walking in front was Bing Yu promise.

Zi Lingyi was also drunk, no matter how far he got there, it was this woman, he was really afraid, he already had Zheng Xuanxue, he was really not interested in other women, but Bing Yunuo still liked him, it was even more frightening What's more, this woman who likes him can be met no matter where he goes.

When Bing Yunuo saw Zi Lingyi, she was also very surprised. Ever since she was rejected by Zi Lingyi last time, Bing Yunuo had been feeling very disappointed, so her roommate took her and brought her to Bing Yu Nuo originally wanted to refuse to relax on Gucheng Street, but she couldn't hold back them, so she agreed.

"Bing Yunuo? Why is she here?" Zheng Xuanxue asked in confusion, and with Zi Lingyi's expression as if she had seen a ghost, Zheng Xuanxue felt that something was wrong, but at this moment Zi Lingyi swallowed, feeling speechless He roared angrily: "Damn, it's her again, it's only been two days, how come we meet again!"

"Zi Lingyi!" Bing Yu Nuo uttered Zi Ling Yi's name in shock, and when Zi Ling Yi heard Bing Yu Nuo say his name, his hair was terrified, his whole body was shocked, and he immediately stood up Get up, hold Zheng Xuanxue's hand, and said hurriedly to Zheng Xuanxue: "Go, hurry up."

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi took Zheng Xuanxue and walked quickly to the exit on the other side of the alley. Bing Yu Nuo behind her tightly clenched her fists, mustered up her courage, and shouted to Zi Lingyi's back: "Wait a moment!"

"." Zi Lingyi was silent, but stopped.

"Can we have a chat?" Bing Yu Nuo stepped forward and lowered her head, while Zi Lingyi slowly turned around, turned sideways to Bing Yu Nuo, and said in a cold tone: "What should be said, I have already said it Is there anything we can talk about?"

"I" Bing Yu Nuo didn't know what to say.

"Xiao Yi, what's going on here, why Bing Yu Nuo knows you, and I feel, she." Zheng Xuanxue looked at Zi Ling Yi and asked, and then looked at Bing Yu Nuo opposite, and Zi Ling Yi looked at her with a long smile. He sighed, shook his head, then looked at Zheng Xuanxue, and said, "Forget it, it's good to explain the matter thoroughly, just wait a moment, I will explain to you after I finish talking with her."

After explaining the situation to Zheng Xuanxue, Zi Lingyi turned to Bing Yu Nuo and said, "Come with me."

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi turned around and walked directly into the nearby coffee shop. Bing Yu Nuo also lowered her head and went in. Zheng Xuanxue stood outside the door and turned her head to look at Zi Ling Yi and Bing Yu Nuo inside. Puzzled and surprised.

The ones who came with Bing Yu Nuo were Liu Lan and Cheng Xiaonan. The two of them were surprised to see Bing Yu Nuo's attitude towards Zi Lingyi. They knew that Bing Yu Nuo was in a bad mood, but they didn't know why. However, it wasn't until just now that the two of them fully understood that Bing Yu Nuo fell in love with this guy, and Zheng Xuanxue was also more or less aware of this, she never thought that Bing Yu Nuo actually fell in love with Zi Lingyi.

Inside the coffee shop, Zi Lingyi and Bing Yu Nuo sat in a corner. Zi Ling Yi ordered a cup of coffee. After the coffee was served, Zi Ling Yi decisively pushed it to Bing Yu Nuo.

"Aren't you going to drink?" Bing Yu Nuo asked
"I don't drink coffee." Zi Lingyi replied coldly, and this made Bing Yu Nuo a little at a loss, so she simply got straight to the point, and then said: "You were with Zheng Xuanxue just now, Is she

"She is my girlfriend." Zi Lingyi said bluntly, since Bing Yunuo saw her, there was no need to hide it.

When Zi Lingyi said that Zheng Xuanxue was his girlfriend, Bing Yunuo felt her heart stop beating, her eyes turned red and tears fell down, Zi Lingyi saw that Bing Yunuo was crying , My heart is also anxious like a fire, beauty, do you want to do this.

However, Zi Lingyi still kept calm and indifferent on the surface, while Bing Yunuo wiped away the tears with her hands and said, "Is it because you like Zheng Xuanxue that you rejected me?"

"You can also say that." Zi Lingyi said coldly.

"It's okay, then what do you mean." Bing Yu Nuo raised her head and looked at Zi Lingyi expectantly, but immediately, Zi Lingyi ruthlessly broke the illusion: "I mean, I I'm not interested in you at all, I just don't like you."

"." Bing Yunuo heard the words, shed tears silently, covered her face with her hands, and lowered her head to cry. Although she didn't make any sound, it was basically obvious that she was crying, which made the customers in the surrounding cafes all cry. Can't help but look over.

Zi Lingyi didn't care about the eyes of other customers, he let out a long breath, looked at Bing Yu Nuo, and asked, "Can I ask you a question, why do you like me? You couldn't fall in love at first sight, could you?"

"I" Bing Yunuo didn't know how to answer for a while, she really didn't know.

Thus, Bing Yu Nuo began to recall his experience with Zi Lingyi. First, at club activities, because his roommate had a conflict with Zi Lingyi, he found Zi Lingyi and apologized to him, but Zi Lingyi was just simple. In response, he turned around and left, which made Bing Yu Nuo interested in Zi Ling Yi.

Because of this, Zi Lingyi carried Bing Yu Nuo to the infirmary at Bai's house, which made Bing Yu Nuo feel fond of Zi Ling Yi all of a sudden, and then, in the campus forum, Bing Yu Nuo found that Zi Lingyi had an affair with Zheng Xuanxue, and Bing Yunuo felt that she was very upset.

Only now did Bing Yunuo realize that perhaps, in the Bai family, or even in the boys' dormitory, or in club activities, she might have fallen in love with Zi Lingyi, and the so-called love at first sight probably meant this.

"Maybe" Bing Yu Nuo replied, and Zi Lingyi heard it, closed her eyes, and slowly stood up, without saying a word, when she turned around and was about to leave, suddenly, a hand grabbed Zi Lingyi left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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