Chapter 249
"Damn! This boss is abnormal, why is he so powerful!"

"Call reinforcements! Call reinforcements!"

"Everyone who can come is here, what a fart!" At this time, the players below who were fighting fiercely with the Fanged Warcraft were completely panicked, and their blood volume was running out. All of a sudden, three more players were killed, and afterward, other players also became afraid.

If you are killed by a wild boss, although you won't drop anything, you will lose experience and gold coins. If you are unlucky, you will even lose diamonds, so those players are probably normal. Players have already started to retreat one after another. All of a sudden, there are still left Seven or eight players collapsed across the board.

Standing on the cliff, Zi Lingyi looked at the fang-toothed monster below, and suddenly thought of something, picked up the crystal bracelet, opened the gang channel, and typed to the gang players in the gang channel: "Yanyang Dashan In the woods to the west, a wild BOSS is appearing, brothers who want to fight come quickly!"

The reason why Zi Lingyi sent this news is because the gang has just been established and needs a little temptation or a big victory to stabilize people's hearts. The fang monster below is obviously such a temptation. Those entertainment players who beat him will soon be ganged up. Extinct, at this time, Zi Lingyi and the others happened to take over, and it wasn't considered a BOSS grab, and they didn't suffer from inside or outside.

As soon as this message was sent out, it quickly received a lot of replies from the gang.

"I'll go, just joined the gang, there will be a field boss fighting, Boss Ziling, wait, I'll rush over here!"

"I'm in Fengyun Ancient City, and it's only been half an hour by the suspension hearse, so I'm coming too!"

"Hurry up, let's fight the boss together!"

The players in the gang responded, and then Zi Lingyi sent them the coordinates, and then said to wait for another 45 minutes, and then all the gang members present will output the boss together. Many members agreed, and then went to Ziling Yat their coordinates to catch up.

Zi Lingyi and the others waited on the cliff for about 10 minutes. The entertainment players below had been wiped out, and the fang monsters were wandering around. On the cliff, people from the VT. Dream gang had already arrived. They They are all on the side of Yanyang Mountain, the closest distance, but there are not many people, only about a dozen or so.

After waiting for another 30 minutes, the gang members who came down from the higher levels of Yanyang Mountain also arrived, and some gang members who came from other main cities by suspension hearse also arrived. There are many people, and there are 500 minutes to do it.

Five minutes later, more than 5 people had gathered. Zi Lingyi also pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword, turned around and looked at the members of the VT. I rush down to kill!"

"Yo ho! I've done boss battle!"

"Come on, big guy!"

As a result, a group of VT.meng gang players rushed down the hill and rushed to the wilderness area while shouting, but they didn't act immediately. Zi Lingyi roughly arranged the occupation match, more than 600 members, more than 200 are shooters , more than 100 are support, and the others are casual melee occupations.

"Attack!" Zi Lingyi roared, and everyone began to output the boss, fighting extremely fiercely, and the fang monster also roared, and he couldn't bear so many people attacking him at once, so he directly used skills to fight back .

The fang monster made a leap, jumped to the side, and then released the "flame breath" skill, breathing fire from its mouth, and attacked the members of the VT. Dream gang around them. All the members were startled, and hid behind the boulder one after another, or accelerated their retreat. Put distance.

Although many members escaped, there were still some who were hit, and their blood volume was damaged. Zi Lingyi rushed up with a sword and shouted: "The injured members retreat back for treatment, and the others Make up your seat, get on!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi rushed forward, using "Jiangjiujin", rushed to the left side of the fang monster, and then slashed horizontally with a sword, making a sword mark on his side waist, and opening a red spirit crystal debris.

The Fanged Demon Beast gritted its teeth, turned to look at Zi Lingyi, raised its sharp claws, and slashed horizontally with its claws. Zi Lingyi leaped back, followed the trend with a backhand flip, and opened the distance. Zheng Xuanxue and He Zhifeng also rushed up with weapons in their hands. Make up for Zi Lingyi.

Zheng Xuanxue released the "Phantom Dance" skill to increase the speed, then kicked with one foot, jumped up, landed on the back of the fang monster, and then stabbed down with two knives. The Tooth Demonic Beast let out a scream and kept shaking its body, trying to shake Zheng Xuanxue off.

Zheng Xuanxue couldn't stand up soon, the shaking was too strong, so Zheng Xuanxue fell from the Fanged Monster, then turned to look at the Fanged Monster, and the Fanged Monster also turned to Zheng Xuanxue, roared, and then He rushed forward, turned around and hit him with a tail swing.

Zheng Xuanxue kicked her feet and jumped to dodge. After landing, He Zhifeng stabbed straight, and several gang players around also helped, each holding melee weapons to attack the fang monster. , the blood volume of the Fanged Warcraft drops very quickly.

Suddenly, the fangs all over the body of the Fanged Demon Beast protruded. Zi Lingyi was startled, and immediately realized that this was the Fanged Demon Beast was about to release the "Fanged Clash". Shouted: "Quick back! Back!"

When the gang members heard this, they retreated one after another, but there were still a few of them who hadn't had time to react. Of course, the fang monster instinctively attacked them and rushed towards them. These gang members were shot one after another.

"Ahhh!" With screams, these gang members and players have been knocked into the air by the strong impact force of the fang monster, hitting boulders, stirring up dust, their blood volume The value has dropped by more than half.

Zi Lingyi stood on one side holding the Fengyu sword, took out the fierce feather gourd, drank the wine in the gourd, and after using the "Drinking Jianghu" skill, pointed at the crystal bracelet and shouted to the gang players around: " Everyone retreats one after another, the shooter strengthens the firepower output, and I will attract the BOSS!"

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi rushed up with a sword, and other players followed suit. Some melee players waited for 5 minutes to leave the battle, and then switched directly to shooters, or heroes with long-range attack methods, and began to output bosses from a long distance.

In some old-fashioned games, their bosses have hatred values ​​or priority attack options, but in the Miracle Light version, these do not exist. NPCs or bosses are all equipped with artificial intelligence, and beasts like Fanged Warcraft , also has the instinct of a wild beast, so if Zi Lingyi wants to attract the Fanged Demon Beast, he can only shake and beat in front of him, and focus all the attention of the Fanged Demon Beast on himself. It can be exported safely.

Zi Lingyi rushed in front of the Fanged Demonic Beast, and stabbed straight with his sword. The Fanged Demonic Beast roared like a wild beast, then raised its sharp claws, and struck straight at it. Zilingyi was startled, and immediately put away the phoenix feathers. Sword, dodge to the left with a dodge.

The Fanged Demon Beast missed, but after Zilingyi dodged, he slashed horizontally with his sword and hit the right arm that the Fanged Demonic Beast hit. The Fanged Demonic Beast was very angry, turned around and flicked its tail, and Zi Lingyi stepped forward with one foot. With a kick, he jumped up to dodge, took advantage of the situation and made a front flip, landing on the left side of the fang monster.

The Fanged Demon Beast turned around and saw that Zi Lingyi was gone, and looked around to look for it, but Zi Lingyi faced the right side of the Fanged Demon Beast that had turned around, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and launched an attack. Chopping, two red spirit crystal fragments were released in a row.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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