Chapter 259

"You're awake." Zheng Xuanxue smiled at Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi also smiled, scratched her hair and walked over, while Zheng Xuanxue put a plate of fried buns on the dining table, and straightened up waist, and said to Zi Lingyi: "You go wash up first, and I'll prepare the dishes."

"Yeah." Zi Lingyi nodded, just saw the snow scene, and now Zheng Xuanxue was preparing breakfast for himself, he was in a good mood, then turned and walked into the bathroom, began to brush his teeth and wash his face, and then went to the dining chair to talk to Zheng Xuanxue had breakfast.

After breakfast, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue went out together. Today is Sunday and it is still a holiday, so they can take a good look around. It is snowing all around, and the two of them are holding hands and walking in the snow in the community, looking extraordinarily warm .

There is an artificial lake in the community. The two walked over to it. Now the surface of the artificial lake is frozen, and there is a snowman next to it. There are many children in the community, Ah Zi, playing snowball fights. They look very happy.

Looking at the children who were playing snowballs, Zi Lingyi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. Zheng Xuanxue saw that Zi Lingyi smiled, so she also smiled and asked, "What's wrong? You look very happy? "

"Well, I also had a snowball fight when I was young. At that time, I fought with my brothers and sisters, and my uncle's children." Zi Lingyi smiled and said, Zheng Xuanxue knew that Zi Lingyi was Looking back on the past, it is true that when I was a child, I was carefree, and there were indeed many happy things. When I recall it, it is indeed easy to be happy.

"Huh..." Zheng Xuanxue breathed out, then lowered her head, and said, "I never had many friends when I was young. Although it snowed several times, I always walked in the snow with my parents, which was very boring."

"Xiaoxue." Zi Lingyi felt a little guilty, recalling the beautiful past, but suddenly ignored it. Zheng Xuanxue's past was lonely and lonely. However, just when Zi Lingyi turned around and was about to say something to Zheng Xuanxue, "Pfft " With a snap, a snowball hit Zi Lingyi's face.

"Wow!" Zi Lingyi took a few steps back, quickly patted the snow marks on her face with her hands, and Zheng Xuanxue piled up another snowball in her hand, threw it over, and shouted happily: " I never played it when I was a kid, now, let me play it once, hahaha!"

As soon as the words fell, Zheng Xuanxue piled up another snowball. Of course Zi Lingyi would not just be beaten passively like this. She bent down, grabbed a handful of snow, piled it into a snowball and threw it over, hitting Zheng Xuanxue's body as well. Very happy.

"Don't regret it, I'm strong, haha!" Zi Lingyi shouted with a smile, and piled up another one, but before the pile was finished, Zheng Xuanxue threw another one and shouted: "When you can Throw it away and I'll talk!"

Amidst the laughter, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were also having a snowball fight, both of them had smiles on their faces, very happy, but the result of the game, Zi Lingyi was completely defeated, Zheng Xuanxue threw it in a ball, Zi Lingyi's firepower And the speed can't overwhelm her.

After playing for a while, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue walked to the wooden chairs in the community. Zi Lingyi pushed all the snow off the wooden chairs with his hands, then turned around and sat down. Brand his own hair, the snowball fight just now, there are snow marks on his clothes and hair.

Zheng Xuanxue also sat beside her, patted her clothes, then smiled and looked at Zi Lingyi without saying anything, and after Zi Lingyi came over slowly, she turned her head to look at Zheng Xuanxue with a smile on her face, not caring Said: "You win, I can't beat you."

"Haha, let's make a deal." Zheng Xuanxue smiled slightly.

As she said that, Zi Lingyi stretched out her hand and pulled Zheng Xuanxue closer. Zheng Xuanxue also leaned her head on Zi Lingyi's shoulder. There was no one around, and they happened to be under a tree, looking warm and sweet.

"What are you doing?" Zheng Xuanxue's face was a little red.

"Do you believe me when I say I'm cold?" Zi Lingyi said with a smile.

"I don't believe it." Zheng Xuanxue replied decisively.

"Well, I don't believe it either." Zi Lingyi also waved her hands.

After a while, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue got up and left, but they didn't go back to the community room, but took a taxi back directly. After all, tomorrow is Monday and they have to go to class again, so it's better to go back to the vicinity of the school in the afternoon, which saves time However, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue did not go back to the dormitory, but went to Zi Lingyi's RV.

When the two arrived, it was already noon, and Zheng Xuanxue happened to be cooking lunch for Zi Lingyi in the caravan. Zheng Xuanxue had no problem with cooking, and Zi Lingyi also helped with the preparations.

After lunch, Zi Lingyi put the bowl into the dishwasher, brought hot water over, and handed it to Zheng Xuanxue. Zheng Xuanxue took a sip after taking it, and Zi Lingyi also poured himself a glass.

After Zheng Xuanxue finished drinking, she put down the water glass and asked, "What are we doing in the afternoon? Should we still be ranking?"

"Mmm afternoon." Zi Lingyi crossed her arms, lowered her head and began to think. After thinking for a while, Zi Lingyi raised her head, looked at Zheng Xuanxue, and said, "Don't worry about qualifying today, I'm already Diamond 3 Well, it will only take a day or two to get the rank up, our suspension hearse is going to the Ice and Snow Canyon, it happens to be there, let's find the mountain range where the gang is stronghold."

"Hmm." Zheng Xuanxue nodded and said, she didn't have any objections. Although there are only 15 days left before the Heroes of the Jianghu, as Zi Lingyi said, it will take a day or two to reach the strongest champion. For things, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue can definitely find time to brush after class, and there is no need to spend a special afternoon.

Zi Lingyi put all the bowls and chopsticks into the cupboard, while Zheng Xuanxue sat on the sofa, picked up two sets of gaming glasses, turned on all the power, connected the phone, and then Zi Lingyi sat next to Zheng Xuanxue, the two looked at each other and smiled, Put on the gaming glasses together, then load the game content and start logging into the game.

After logging into the game, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue landed at the hearse station of the Ice and Snow Canyon. The tickets they bought were to go to the Ice and Snow Canyon. Then, the two walked out of the hearse station together and entered the main city of the Ice and Snow Canyon.

As soon as she got out of the hearse station, Zi Lingyi looked up at the sky, there was a stone wall in the sky, Zi Lingyi couldn't help smiling, after three months, she finally came to this ancient underground city again.

The two walked out of the main city, exited the underground main city from the entrance of the tunnel, and reached the canyon, where they could already see the sky full of snow. Outside the gate of the canyon, there was a vast expanse of snow. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue held onto the The opponent's hand made sure that it would not get lost in the heavy snow, and then the two looked at each other with resolute eyes. After nodding, the two walked out of the city gate together and entered the snowstorm.

(End of this chapter)

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