The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 262 Guan Yu - Frozen God of War

Chapter 262 Guan Yu - Frozen God of War
Zi Lingyi pulled out the spiritual umbrella - Fei Yu, and stabbed straight with the Phoenix Feather Sword, piercing through a frozen undead and killing him, while a frozen undead on the left and right hand brandished a rusty broadsword Charged over and slashed straight with the knife, Zi Lingyi held up the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu with his left hand, blocked it directly, then turned around to face the frozen undead, directly pushed his big knife away, and then rushed up to get closer, Feng Yu Jian slashed horizontally, knocking him over.

Zheng Xuanxue unlocked the mechanism box of the two blood-quenching red lotus knives, and then released the "Lingfei" skill. The two sleeve knives were thrown directly, hitting the synchronization of the frozen undead on the left and right sides, stirring up two frosts. After Zheng Xuanxue landed He reached out and took two blood-quenching red lotus knives.

Zheng Xuanxue put the two knives back into the mechanism box and at the same time charged quickly, directly stabbing with the two knives, hitting the chests of two frozen undead, and then rushed behind them, turned around, and stabbed straight with the two knives, making two strikes at once. Crit damage, killing two frozen undead at the same time.

"Ugh!" The five frozen undead rushed towards Zi Lingyi with their weapons in their hands. Zi Lingyi stood there with a smile on his face, holding the Phoenix Feather Sword and the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu stood there in a fighting posture. , and then shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi kicked one foot, leaped over, and turned into five white sword shadows in the air, launching a fierce attack on the five frozen undead who rushed over. In an instant, there were sword lights and sword shadows, and white sword shadows Jian Guang, the five white sword shadows rushed behind the five frozen undead and merged back into Zi Lingyi. Sealing the undead, it turned into frost and dissipated in an instant.

There are fewer and fewer frozen undead around, and Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue's killing speed is very fast, and every time Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue kill a frozen undead, a crack will appear in the big statue in the center.

After Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue fought for a while.
"This is the last!" Zi Lingyi yelled loudly. As soon as the words fell, he released "Jiangjiujin" to rush in, piercing through the frozen undead who rushed up, rushed to his back, and then turned around. With a horizontal slash of the sword, the frozen undead was killed, fell to the ground, and then turned into frost and drifted away with the wind.

"Chi Chi Chi" Just when the last frozen undead was killed, the statue in the center of the ice plaza cracked completely, very crisp and loud, both Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue heard it, and they turned around quickly .

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked at the huge ice sculpture, and the cracks in the ice sculpture emitted a dazzling blue light, and then there was a loud "boom", the ice sculpture exploded completely, and a violent energy explosion erupted, creating a The thick icy fog spread, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue couldn't help blocking it with their arms.

When the ice fog and ice wind weakened, the two lowered their arms and looked at the ice sculpture in the center. After the ice sculpture exploded, there was actually a person inside. This person was riding a war horse, holding a big knife in his hand, The whole body is covered in blue ice armor, the horse and the man on the horse have blue light in their eyes.

"This! What the hell is this?" Zi Lingyi asked suspiciously, looking at the ice sculpture that exploded in front of him. Why did he always feel that this guy looked familiar, and Zheng Xuanxue, who had played King of Glory for several years, recognized it at a glance. Seriously and nervously said: "Be careful, this is Guan Yu's Frozen God of War skin."

"What! Guan Yu! This guy?" Zi Lingyi asked in shock, first looked at Zheng Xuanxue, then at Guan Yu, and Guan Yu was riding a war horse, reined in, raised the front hooves of the war horse, and after a roar, Guan Yu brandished the Qinglong Liangyue Saber and stood erect on the spot, very mighty, as if he was about to rush over to fight at any moment.

Zheng Xuanxue pointed the crystal bracelet at Guan Yu, started scanning, and soon got his attributes: "Undead-Guan Yu Frozen God of War, blood volume 150000, defense value 500, attack power 1200, mana value 0, speed 350, Attack speed +25%.

"Undead - Frozen Warhorse, blood volume 50000, defense value 700, attack power 0, mana value 0, movement speed 550, attack speed +0%."

"Passive Skill - Call of the Undead: Ignores stun, silence, burn effects."

"Skill - Breaking the Front: Guan Yu holds the Qinglong Yanyue Dao and slashes horizontally, causing a knock-up effect and physical damage to the enemy. If the opponent's HP is less than 30%, it will have a 50% instant kill attribute."

"Skill-Wu Sheng Shen Wei: Guan Yu stabs the ground with a knife, bursting out all his strength, recovering all his bad states, and the damage of the next hit will double the power."

"Skill-Cursed Demonic Flame:" Guan Yu burns undead flames on Qinglong Liangyue Knife, increasing his attack power by 200 points for 1 minute. The opponent, the longer the remaining time, the greater the power of the magic flame shock wave. "

Zheng Xuanxue shared the attributes with Zi Lingyi and took a closer look. The two were also surprised when they saw Guan Yu's attributes. First, they didn't expect that the war horse had attributes, and then they didn't expect that Guan Yu's skills had changed completely. , which is completely different from the Guan Yu that players can use.

Guan Yu let out a long breath, the air he exhaled was cold, he swung his saber, rode on the horse, and walked slowly over, then raised the saber, facing Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, his tone was icy cold and frightening, and he spoke with Emphatic: "The living shall not defile the undead!"

"Dirty your head." Zi Lingyi cursed back, and at this time, the crystal bracelets of Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue issued a task progress voice, which read: "The third part of the mission of the Frozen God of War is completed, and the fourth part of the task is completed. Target, kill the undead - Guan Yu Frozen God of War."

"Drink!" Guan Yu roared angrily, then rushed up on his horse, holding a knife in both hands, and slashed at Zi Lingyi horizontally. Come.

But Zi Lingyi was not afraid, rushed forward, kicked on one foot, jumped up directly, passed the big sword on Guan Yu's left side, and at the same time held the Fengyu Sword in his left hand, slashing horizontally with the sword, hitting Guan Yu's chest.

After Zi Lingyi landed on the ground, she stood up on one knee, turned around and swung the sword, and Guan Yu also controlled the horse to turn around, rushed up and stabbed straight, Zi Lingyi dodged to the left, and then slashed diagonally with the sword, Hit Guan Yu's war horse.

Guan Yu gritted his teeth, and then slashed straight, Zi Lingyi dodged to the right again, and Zheng Xuanxue, who was at the side, did not intend to stand idly by, and directly released the "Phantom Dance" skill to charge quickly, jumped up with one foot, and jumped onto Guan Yu's body. From behind, the "arc light" skill was released directly, and behind Guan Yu, a series of red spirit crystal fragments were inspired.

"Eh! Ehhhh!" Guan Yu was immediately enraged. It seemed that the undead had a great temper and became angry after being hit a few times. After making that knife, he landed on the ground, put his hands on the ground, rolled up with one backhand, and opened the distance at the same time.

Zi Lingyi stabbed straight again with his sword, and then slashed horizontally with his sword, hitting the horses one after another. The horses he hit took a few steps back, and afterward, Zi Lingyi drank the wine from the gourd, sprinkled the wine on the sword, released The two skills "Drinking Jianghu" and "Cup Don't Stop" were released.

Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of her mouth, turned around and swiped out the wine, the hidden weapon turned into a needle hit Guan Yu and the war horse, and then, Zi Lingyi released "Jing Jiu Jin" to rush in quickly, Guan Yu also raised the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and slashed Slashed straight over, however, Zi Lingyi swung his sword and charged forward, shouting: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

(End of this chapter)

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