Chapter 269 The Rhythm of Losing

At this moment, Zheng Xuanxue on the middle side and Sima Yi on the red side were in a stalemate. Seeing Zheng Xuanxue approaching, the other party quickly hid in the defensive tower and never came out. Far better than the others, Zheng Xuanxue couldn't rush in and kill them by force, so she could only clear the soldiers outside.

The bottom lane was even more unbearable. Li Er and Mo Zi of the opponent had a tank controller and a long-range output. Finally, even Gai Nie, who had grown up as a jungler, came. The three went together, Zhebie and Zhang Liao. Unable to support in an instant, the first defensive tower was broken by Li Er inside the defensive tower, and the two had no choice but to retreat.

"I'll go, what is Master Ziling doing? Why don't you see him!"

"Yeah, he went there, save the field!" Zhebie and Zhang Liao shouted in confusion, and at this moment, Zi Lingyi, who has completely entered a state of ecstasy, is on the road to a showdown with Zhang Zhexun.

Zhang Zhexun turned around, slashed the golden cudgel horizontally, and Zi Lingyi slashed straight with the Fengyu sword, resisting forcefully, the two gritted their teeth, and stared at each other at the same time, the friction of the two weapons created sparks one after another .

"Drink!" Zhang Zhexun roared angrily, then held sticks in both hands, pushed Zi Lingyi away, and Zi Lingyi continued to retreat, Sun Wukong immediately stepped forward and stabbed straight with the stick, Zi Lingyi held Fengyu Sword tightly, He stared at Zhang Zhexun sharply.

Suddenly, with a sound of "嗖", Zi Lingyi turned into a white sword shadow and sprinted through Zhang Zhexun. It was the skill of "Introducing Wine". Zi Lingyi used the skill "Introducing Wine" to hit and penetrate Zhang Zhexun. To show weakness, directly use the "Ruyi Golden Hoop" skill.

If the big golden cudgel suddenly fell from the sky, Zi Lingyi couldn't dodge it all at once, and was hit by it all at once, and was sent flying. Zhang Zhexun turned around immediately, jumped up with one foot, raised the golden cudgel with both hands, and straightened the stick. Chop down.

Zi Lingyi held the sword in both hands, held the handle with her right hand, supported the sword body with her left hand, and blocked Zhang Zhexun's stick in the air, but because the power was too strong, even though she blocked it, she was still sent flying, and when she was about to fall to the ground, Zi Lingyi Ling Yi adjusted his posture direction with all his strength, and then released the skill "Pour in the wine".

Zi Lingyi released the skill of "putting wine in" and successfully stabilized his posture. He made a quick dash on the ground. When Zhang Zhexun landed, Zi Lingyi stabbed straight with his sword. Zhang Zhexun was startled and dodged to the left. Ling Yi then slashed horizontally with his sword, and Zhang Zhexun raised his golden cudgel to block it.

Zhang Zhexun resisted Zilingyi with all his strength, and Zilingyi turned around and retreated when he was blocked. Zhang Zhexun immediately released "Fighting Charge" and charged forward. The stick hit the ground, creating a puff of smoke.

After Zi Ling jumped to the ground, she held the Phoenix Feather Sword and looked at the smoke with concentrated eyes, not daring to be careless. Suddenly, in the smoke, a golden light flickered, and Zhang Zhexun released the "body protection spell" and rushed out .

"The Pen of God!" Zi Lingyi roared, and as soon as he finished speaking, he drew a formation with his sword on the spot and released the skill of "The Pen of God". When Zhang Zhexun saw the formation, he immediately stopped.

Zi Lingyi and Zhang Zhexun looked at each other across the magic circle, neither of them said anything, but felt nervous, excited, exciting, and very enjoyable, and when the magic circle of the "magic pen" dissipated, Zhang Zhexun's "protective spell" The "Fa" effect also ended, and the two held weapons and rushed towards each other again.

At this moment in the bottom lane, they were already crying, why, because they discovered through the moving perspective that Zi Lingyi and Zhang Zhexun were dueling, and the strength of the two was comparable, and the fight was not over yet, and they were in the bottom lane, the first Half of the health of the two defense towers are gone.

"Goddess Ruoxue, go and persuade the god of Zilinghua to bloom, we can't stand it anymore!" Zhebie anxiously sent a voice message to Zheng Xuanxue, Zheng Xuanxue nodded, and then replied: "Yes ,I see."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Xuanxue sent a voice message to Zi Lingyi, saying: "Xiaoyi, can you hear me? Xiaoyi! I'm about to lose my way."

At this moment, Zi Lingyi stabbed straight with his sword, but was dodged by Zhang Zhexun leaning to the right. Zi Lingyi lost his step forward. Zhang Zhexun seized the opportunity and slashed obliquely with his stick. Come.

After Zi Lingyi heard the news, she also came back to her senses. That's right, at this time, the 5V5 competition is not a one-on-one match. What the hell are you doing?He couldn't ignore the overall situation, so Zi Lingyi pushed Zhang Zhexun away with a sword, and Zhang Zhexun was pushed back for a while, and Zi Lingyi also quickly stepped back a few steps, and retreated into the defense tower.

Zhang Zhexun looked at Zilingyi's voice that was slowly moving away, and still had some unfinished business, so he shouted: "Hey! God Zilinghua blooms, don't you want to fight!?"

"Stop fighting, this is a team game, not a one-on-one match." Zi Lingyi also yelled in response, and then turned and left. Zhang Zhexun heard it, and just realized that, yes, this is a team game, not a single pick.

Zi Lingyi ran quickly and ran to the middle lane, and Zheng Xuanxue immediately went to the bottom lane to help. Why did they alternate like this, because Zi Lingyi has the rush skill "Jiangjiujin" and the high-damage big move "Qinglian Sword Song" Skill.

The guy from the Dragon Tooth Gang was still giving away the head, and asked Zi Lingyi to guard, just in case it was easier to jump over the tower and attack Sima Yi, just in case, and Zheng Xuanxue also rushed to the bottom lane immediately, and immediately released "" "Phantom Dance" skill, circled behind Gai Nie and the other three, and made a quick attack.

The three of Gai Nie were taken aback. They didn't expect someone to attack them at all. The main reason was that they had been fighting for too long and their vigilance dropped a lot. They were caught off guard by Zheng Xuanxue.

Seeing this, Zhebie and Zhang Liao rushed out of the defense tower to counterattack. The two sides fought fiercely. Under Zheng Xuanxue's strong intervention, Gai Nie and the other three on the red side were wiped out, and Zhang Liao and Zhebie had already become blood. .

At this moment, Zi Lingyi, he used the minions to brush the "Xia Ke Xing" passive. After brushing out, he immediately "put the wine in" to rush into the defense tower, and then there was a wave of "Qinglian Sword Song" big move. Destroy [-]% of Sima Yi's HP.

However, there were still two small soldiers outside. Zi Lingyi swiped the "Xia Ke Xing" passive again, and then used the same method to rush into the defense tower. It was another big move. Sima Yi was taken aback. Zi Lingyi had never expected It will come again, and it will be killed in one fell swoop.

"End! The blue team Li Bai killed the red team Sima Yi!" The news of the kill came from the sky, Zi Lingyi opened the crystal bracelet, looked at Sima Yi's record, and found that Sima Yi's record was actually 9/1/0, he killed the dragon Wang Zhaojun of Yabang did it 9 times, shit!
At this time, without Zi Lingyi on the road, Zhang Zhexun made a massive attack, smashing the first defensive tower in one go, and then began to output the second defensive tower. Soon, the second defensive tower on the road was also pushed down.

Zi Lingyi and the others were shocked. They didn't expect Zhang Zhexun to move so fast. At this time, Zhang Zhexun had already moved towards the third defensive tower. This is the rhythm of losing!
(End of this chapter)

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