Chapter 273
After Zi Lingyi helped Zheng Xuanxue comb her hair, she also went to take a shower. During this period, Zheng Xuanxue did nothing but just sat on the corner of the bed and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was the same as usual, but Zheng Xuanxue Just looking at herself like this, she would still laugh from time to time. This was the first time Zi Lingyi combed her hair. Although she didn't get any hairstyle, Zheng Xuanxue still felt very happy and satisfied.

After Zi Lingyi took a shower, he changed his clothes inside and came out, and wiped his head with a bath towel. His hair was not as long as a girl's, so it was very convenient to wipe. Then, Zi Lingyi turned his head and looked at the time. Now It's only 7:05pm, which is still early.

"How about, let's play the game, I guess that guy is still waiting for us." Zi Lingyi smiled and said, Zheng Xuanxue also smiled and nodded, and then Zi Lingyi took two pictures of the game from the side The glasses came over and handed Zheng Xuanxue a pair.

Afterwards, the two walked to the circular sofa in the living room, sat on the seats, put on the gaming glasses, and started to enter the game. As soon as they entered the game, Zi Lingyi and the others landed in the competition hall of the City of Miracles.

Zi Lingyi opened the bracelet interface, checked the friend list, and saw that Zhang Zhexun was already online, so she sent him a message with the content: "Hi, are you there? We're online."

"Well, I've been waiting for you all the time, that's all right, let's form a team first, hurry up, I'll be the king in two rounds." Zhang Zhexun said impatiently, Zi Lingyi also smiled, and typed: "Haha , I was going to be the king in the first round, but because of you, I was also in the second round."

"Hahaha, don't say this kind of thing, I'm very embarrassed." Zhang Zhexun sent a voice message, Zi Lingyi also shrugged, and then entered the competitive channel with Zheng Xuanxue to form a team with Zhang Zhexun, and then Start matching.

Zheng Xuanxue's strength is already very strong. With the addition of Zi Lingyi and Zhang Zhexun, the two top players, the three of them are killing all sides in the rankings. The two games are completely crushing battles. Zi Lingyi and Zhang Zhexun rushed to the top in one breath .

"Ding, congratulations on your promotion to the strongest king." A system message came from the crystal bracelet, Zi Lingyi smiled after finishing two rounds, and then typed a message to Zhang Zhexun: "The fight is over, we still have something to do , let’s go play other games first.”

"Okay, I'll contact you when I have time. You will join the meeting of the heroes of the Jianghu, right?" Zhang Zhexun asked. Zi Lingyi was a little surprised why Zhang Zhexun asked such a question suddenly. However, Zi Lingyi didn't need to lie, so he replied to Zhang Zhexun A "huh" word.

Seeing Zi Lingyi's answer, Zhang Zhexun became excited, and typed quickly: "Well, we will meet with all the heroes of the world."

"Well, on December 12th, the heroes of the Jianghu will meet." Zi Lingyi couldn't help but get excited. The meeting of the heroes of the Jianghu is the glory of all kings. The place where the top experts gather is the annual king's feast.

Zi Lingyi has now rushed to the rankings and obtained the qualification for the Heroes of the Jianghu. In addition, there are players from the Four Elites of the Jianghu, Xia Mo, Hou Zhanfei, Wang Xu, Ye Xin, and now, there is another Zhang Zhexun , The level of the Heroes of the Jianghu will be raised to another level this year.

After closing the bracelet interface, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked at each other, smiled at each other, and then rode together to the escort agency in the City of Miracles, preparing to earn some diamonds.

In the past few days, Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue and others have spent some diamonds to expand the number of gang members. The number of gang members has expanded to 5000, and the upper limit has reached 7000. How much was left, so Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue prepared to earn some diamonds after Zi Lingyi became the king.

Speaking of which, Zi Lingyi is still looking forward to it, because his diamonds have always been earned from dungeons, and the speed of obtaining diamonds is much faster than other players, but now he has spent all of them, and there is no dungeon It's down, so Zi Lingyi can only do entertainment games to earn diamonds. This is his first time playing entertainment games, and he doesn't know what it's like.

Not long after, at the North City Escort Bureau in the City of Miracles, NPCs were sitting on chairs, Zheng Xuanxue and Zi Lingyi took the escort order to register, and then they could choose the escort vehicle.

The two of them were walking in the car workshop, and the dart carts were parked there. Many players were also choosing dart carts, and began to ride away. Zheng Xuanxue gave a five-star escort order, which can be between five and one star. Freely choose the level of dart car.

Zi Lingyi also immediately looked at the level of each dart car. The higher the star rating of the dart car, the higher the reward after the dart bet is successful, but relatively, the risk of being robbed is also high, especially the four-star dart car. And five-star dart cars, if the dart bet fails, diamonds will be deducted instead. For insurance, most players basically use one-star dart cars to make money slowly, because when they reach two stars, there is a risk of being robbed by darts.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue discussed it, and finally decided that the five-star, direct five-star escort car, the two of them will be the escort, why, because this is the City of Miracles, which is the territory of Tiewumen, and Zilingyi He has always had a good relationship with Hou Zhanfei, so on the territory of Tiewumen, as long as they are not members of the Tiewumen gang, Zi Lingyi and the others should be able to handle when other people come to rob the darts.

Therefore, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue drove the five-star escort car, slowly drove out of the escort car, and walked out of the city. Their destination was Lingfeng Town on the outskirts of Miracle City, to deliver the goods in the escort car To the escort over there.

It is still in the main city, and no players will come to rob the darts, because there are NPCs around, and robbing the darts is tantamount to courting death. Last time, the Dragon Tooth Gang hijacked the suspension hearse in the Ice and Snow Canyon, and the yamen of the Ice and Snow Canyon was annoyed. It's scary enough to chase directly to Yanyang Mountain.

Speaking of the Dragon Tooth Gang, they are well-known bandits. Basically, as soon as your bodyguard vehicle leaves the city, there is a [-]% chance that someone from the Dragon Tooth Gang will come to rob the bodyguard, but fortunately, here is In the city of miracles, Tiewumen has always focused on benevolence, and players are still very relieved of them.

After a while, the escort vehicle drove out of the city of miracles. Zi Lingyi, who was sitting in front directing the horses, turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue who was sitting on the left, and asked, "Xiaoxue, tell me, will there be an NPC coming to rob you?" dart?"

"No, there are a lot of players in this game." Zheng Xuanxue replied, and Zi Lingyi understood after hearing the words, and the meaning was very clear. There are too many players in this game, and the game official is not worried that no one will be idle and have nothing to do to rob the darts .

(End of this chapter)

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