The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 275 Call for reinforcements

Chapter 275 Call for reinforcements
In the heavy snow, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue rode fast horses back to Lingfeng Town, and the army of the Dragon Tooth Gang behind them was also chasing after them on horseback. There were a lot of them, at least more than 800 people. These [-] people were densely packed. Squeezed into the small town of Lingfeng Town.

The players in Lingfeng Town and the NPC villagers all looked at the army of the Dragon Tooth Gang in horror. After the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang killed them, Longya-Lei Hong waved his hand and shouted without hesitation: " Surround the entire town for me, don't let anyone go, kill anyone you see, I'd rather kill a thousand by mistake than let a single person go!"

"Yes!" The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang roared in unison. This is not the first time they have done this kind of thing. Soon, all of them dispersed and surrounded the entire town, and no one could go out. Then
"There is someone here! Kill him!"

"Don't be an eyesore, you NPC, die!"

"This person seems to be a purple bell flower, let's chase after him!"

In the whole town, there are sounds of fighting from the Dragon Tooth Gang, and the screams of NPC villagers. Other players who are doing tasks and entertainment here are also angry. How dare you come to the City of Miracles to play wild, is it really easy to be bullied as an entertainment player!

Soon, the players in Lingfeng Town began to rebel. Helplessly, Lingfeng Town is not a big town, and there are only more than 400 players in it. They are considered NPC catchers, and the limit is only [-]. In terms of the number of people, they are not dragons at all. The opponents of the Tooth Gang and the Dragon Tooth Gang suddenly attacked again, and the entertainment players had no time to respond. Soon, the resistance was suppressed, and the Dragon Tooth Gang continued to slaughter in Lingfeng Town.

Zi Lingyi was speechless. In order to catch herself and Zheng Xuanxue, she actually started to slaughter the players and NPCs in the entire Lingfeng Town. The Dragon Tooth Gang was indeed a bandit. They were familiar with this kind of thing, and it was too easy to do it.

There is no way, Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue can only start to resist. They wandered quickly in the village, and when they encountered a single person from the Longya Gang, they went straight up for a second. However, this could not solve the problem at all, it could only reduce the number of Longya Gang number of people.

Half an hour later, in a private house, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue hid on the first floor. They leaned against the kitchen wall, closed the door, and tried not to make a sound. The voice of the Dragon Tooth Gang: "You guys, go over there and have a look, the purple bell flower should not have left this village yet, find him, quickly!"

Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue are still being searched outside, and almost all the entertainment players and NPCs in this village have been killed. Only a very small number of people are like Zilingyi and the others, hiding in the houses and not daring to come out.

Hearing that the footsteps outside became less and less, Zi Lingyi was relieved, but she still didn't dare to be careless, turned her head to look at Zheng Xuanxue, and whispered: "What should we do now? Can't we get out?"

"Can you call for reinforcements?" Zheng Xuanxue also asked in a low voice. Zi Lingyi waved her hand and asked, "Reinforcements? You mean, members of our gang? Or Zhanfei sect master?"

"It's all right." Zheng Xuanxue said softly with concentrated eyes, Zi Lingyi folded her arms, lowered her head and began to think.

Tiewumen is a big gang in the Miracle Continent, and the owner of the door, Tiewu Zhanfei, is one of the Four Heroes. However, this Lingfeng Town is just a small town on the outskirts of Miracle City. As for the sake of a small town, she and the Dragon Tooth Gang openly broke up.

Although Zi Lingyi was in a tight siege because of the Dragon Tooth Gang, in the final analysis, Zi Lingyi is not a member of Tiewumen, and Hou Zhanfei can only help Zilingyi. After all, he cannot let Tiewu More than 100 million members of the sect are deeply involved in the flames of war.

In that case, there is only one way to go, call for reinforcements, reinforcements from your own gang. Thinking of this, Zi Lingyi opened the bracelet interface and looked at the number of gang members online. There are very few people online at present, only 1000 to [-] people.

However, this number should be enough. After all, the Dragon Tooth Gang only has more than 800 people, 1000 and 800 fight more than [-], plus myself and Zheng Xuanxue, and the effect of the group raid, are you afraid that you can't beat it?
Therefore, Zi Lingyi immediately typed on the gang channel and sent a text message, the content was: "Brothers, I am now in Lingfeng Town, the City of Miracles, surrounded by people from the Dragon Tooth Gang, come to the rescue!"

As soon as this news was released, the entire VT. Dream Gang immediately detonated, like a bomb exploding, the entire VT. Dream Gang channel was swiped by a group of online players in an instant.

"Damn it! The dragon tooth dog is messing with the boss again, boss, don't panic, I'll come over right away!"

"I'm in the City of Miracles right now, I'll come over right away."

"Bandits from the Dragon Tooth Gang! Grandpa, I will represent the government today to do justice for the heavens!"

A group of people sent all kinds of text messages, and Zi Lingyi took a general look, and immediately discovered the problem. Many people mentioned where they came from, which made Zi Lingyi a little worried, so he Then I asked where all the people in this gang came from.

When Zi Lingyi asked this question, many people began to answer where they came from. There were Ice and Snow Canyons, Fengyun Ancient City, Miracle City, Yanyang Mountain, Suzaku Town, and City of Hope. There are some people in each of the six main cities.

This made Zi Lingyi dumbfounded. The people from the six major cities came here at different times, and if they came to help as soon as they arrived at the City of Miracles, wouldn't it be a group of people coming to give away their heads?What is the use?Absolutely not!
So, Zi Lingyi typed, telling everyone who arrived at the City of Miracles not to go immediately, but to gather at the west gate of the City of Miracles, and come to help when the number of people exceeds [-]. Many people quickly understood, They agreed one after another, and then each took a suspension hearse to the City of Miracles. Some VT. Dream Gang players who were in the City of Miracles were already waiting at the west gate of the City of Miracles.

Zi Lingyi turned off the interface of the crystal bracelet, closed her eyes, and let out a long breath. The next step was to persevere until the reinforcements arrived. Yat must persist for at least an hour.

Persisting for an hour, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue didn't have much confidence. Although in Zhaowang Valley, Zi Lingyi paid one for a thousand, but in the end he only killed more than 100 people from the Longya Gang before being killed.

The Heroes of the Jianghu is coming soon, and I must have a piece of equipment on my body. If I lack it, I may not have time to refresh it. This will seriously affect Zi Lingyi's status in participating in the Heroes of the Jianghu. Therefore, even if it is possible to kill Longya again Zi Lingyi couldn't afford the risk of being killed after helping more than 100 people.

After all, if a piece of attack speed equipment is exposed, and what you get back is a bunch of meat equipment, you can reason with it. That's what Zi Lingyi meant when he said he couldn't bear the risk of being killed.

However, at this moment, the sound of fighting came from outside, Zi Lingyi suddenly opened his eyes, subconsciously grasped the Fengyu sword behind his back, turned his head to look outside, the sound of fighting outside sounded very powerful, very intense, look Going up, the players in Lingfeng Town have not been wiped out yet.

(End of this chapter)

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