The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 277 King of Glory's Strongest Assistant Qiao Fei

Chapter 277 King of Glory's Strongest Assistant Qiao Fei
Qiao Fei, like Wang Xu, is a superstar player in the professional circle. The hero he uses is Xiao He, a support hero who is honored as the strongest support in the Glory of Kings. He is the captain of the NZ. Perspective and timing skills are at their peak.

How could Longya-Leihong be able to offend such a person? When he heard the word Qiao Fei, Longya-Leihong was frightened, until the address book called him three times in a row. - Lei Hong reacted this time, and immediately roared into the communication: "Quick! Make way for them, don't attack them!"

"It's too late, we've already attacked him, now they're attacking us!" Longya-Yan Miao shouted helplessly, Longya-Leihong lowered his head, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and the fists kept coming out " creaking" sound.

In the end, Longya-Leihong made a difficult decision. He said to Longya-Yanmiao in the communication: "Let everyone go to me and kill Qiao Fei to me. Just tear your face off!"

"Understood!" Long Ya-Yan Yao replied after hesitating for a while.

Long Ya-Lei Hong is afraid of Qiao Fei, because although Qiao Fei is not a hero in the world, his reputation is a little bit worse than Wang Xu and the others. He has countless fans in the glory of the king, and offends Qiao Fei. It is equivalent to offending the fans, and there are probably many fans of Qiao Fei in the Dragon Tooth Gang. If this happens, the impact on the Dragon Tooth Gang will be too great.

Moreover, there is another important factor, which is Qiao Fei's strength. Qiao Fei's use of Xiao Helai can be said to be extremely terrifying, and he assisted in playing the aura of a warrior. With his support, his teammates can fight to their heart's content.

Many people think that a player like Qiao Fei should play as an assassin or a fighter. However, Qiao Fei only plays as a support because of his mental problems. Mind and brainwaves determine the player's physical strength in the game.

Qiao Fei's brain wave wavelength is a little more unstable than normal people, which caused his stamina in the game to be unable to keep up. It can be said that the software is completely in place, but the hardware is a little uneven, and the reaction, awareness, operation, and speed are all there. , that is, the endurance is not enough.

However, assassins consume the most stamina, followed by tanks and fighters, followed by shooters and mages, and support is the most energy-saving. Therefore, for the professional league, Qiao Fei used Xiao He, the most energy-saving support hero, which is still very strong.

Qiao Fei at the moment.
In the square of Lingfeng Town, a golden circular magic circle was aroused on the ground. The area was very large. In the magic circle, a Du Kang punched straight, and forcibly knocked two members of the Dragon Tooth Gang away. Mo Xie, the general next to him, With a wave of both hands, the two "male and female double swords" skills attacked from the left and right sides, hitting several members of the Dragon Tooth Gang who rushed over, and killed them.

In the middle, there is a man wearing a white coat with golden patterns, a white streamer on his head, and white gold bracelets on his arms. He looks like a mage, but in fact, this hero is Xiao He, and it is Xiao He's legendary skin shining Xinghui, he is Qiao Fei.

Qiao Fei looked around, there was a group of people's footsteps behind him, Qiao Fei waved his hand unhurriedly, and released the skill "Blazing Fire" to hit them, one after another flames ignited on the ground. The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were caught off guard, and they dismantled the flames one after another, causing deceleration effects and spell damage.

"Xiaohan! Your direction at 9 o'clock!" Qiao Fei turned his head and shouted to Du Kang over there, and that Du Kang's real name was Li Yihan, and he was also a member of the NZ. Shining team. He used the hero Du Kang and his position was a soldier.

"Okay!" Li Yihan responded, then turned to the left, looked at the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang rushing over one by one, and rushed over immediately, while Qiao Fei waved his hands, and dazzling runes appeared behind him, and then, Qiao Fei stretched out his right hand, pointed at an assassin hero, and released the "Elemental Attraction" skill. A huge elemental energy hand rushed over and forcibly pulled him over.

The assassin who was dragged over was the King of Lanling. After being dragged, King Lanling panicked and shouted anxiously: "What! I'll go! Don't! Don't!"

"Drink!" Li Yihan roared, and rushed over to release the "fragrance in the wine" skill, holding a wine gourd and slashing horizontally, while Xiao He's "elemental attraction" skill and the latter stage skills, and then dragged behind the enemy , to strengthen the power of the next normal attack.

Li Yihan slashed horizontally, and Qiao Fei hit straight with his palm, directly knocking King Lanling into the air. King Lanling was sent flying, and slammed into the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang who were rushing from behind. In an instant, Three members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were overthrown by King Lanling.

Li Yihan waved his hand again, rushed over, released the "Heroes of the Wind" skill at close range, and punched those members of the Dragon Tooth Gang with a burst of quick punches. The release range of "Heroes of the Wind and Cloud" has been limited.

Seeing this, Qiao Fei immediately ran to the left. After flashing to the left, he released the "space-time spiral" skill. With a wave of his hand, he activated the rune, and another small tornado rushed over, hitting an Arthur on the left side of Li Yihan. , Arthur was caught in the tornado and couldn't move, but the tornado continued to advance, and Arthur was also taken over. In this way, Arthur was dragged into the release range of "Heroes of the Wind and Cloud".

Luban No. [-] on the other side was taken aback, this is okay, but this is not over yet, Qiao Fei tilted to the right, aimed at Luban No. [-] in the distance, and hit it with his palm, releasing the "Storm Break" skill, the tornado The growth hit in a straight line and hit Luban No. [-]'s chest, triggering a burst of red spirit crystal shards.

Luban No. [-] is already a residual blood, so he was directly killed, Qiao Fei's outfit is more output-oriented, and "Storm Break" is Xiao He's only direct attack skill, a shooter with a residual blood in seconds, No stress.

On the other side, Yu Ji, who is fighting alone, is a man, so Yu Ji's figure and clothes are also men's. His name is Yu Nan, and he is also a member of NZ. Shining Team.

Yu Nan shot with two guns, kept backing away, turned to Qiao Fei, and shouted: "Hey! Boss, I can't handle it here, open it up!"

"Okay! Next!" After finishing speaking, Qiao Fei waved his hand, and an energy ball hit the ground and landed on the ground. Then, the energy ball exploded completely and turned into a magic circle. This is Xiao He's big move "Heaven and Earth Magic Circle" The skill can release a magic circle, the enemy troops in the magic circle will be weakened, and the friendly troops will be strengthened.

The enemy retreated immediately when they saw the magic circle, but Yu Nan stood still and continued to shoot. He was a shooter and had a longer distance than them, so he shot with a gun, and the other two were thin, and they had not had time to leave the magic circle , and was taken away by Yu Nan with several shots.

The three of them fought in Lingfeng Town Square. After about half an hour, Qiao Fei couldn't keep up with his physical strength. With his hands on his knees, he looked at the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang who were slowly approaching, and gasped: " What is the situation? Why did the Dragon Tooth Gang suddenly come here to massacre the city?"

However, as soon as Qiao Fei finished speaking, a Xiahou Dun rushed over with a big knife, but before he could take two steps, a Zhang Fei was sent flying, hit him hard, and knocked him over. Fei was taken aback. This direction was his 2 o'clock direction. There were no friendly troops in the 2 o'clock direction?
(End of this chapter)

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