Chapter 288 Chapter 289
About half an hour later, in the southwest of City of Hope, in a dense forest on the outskirts.
The woods here are too dense, and the road is uneven, there is no way to ride a horse, everyone can only walk, and they are within the range, so they started to search the ancient tomb. Although this thing is underground, the Tomb King Wu Zixu should have already dug it, so he should be able to see the robbery hole or something.

Zi Lingyi and the others searched the area, and they found a hole. This hole went straight to the ground, and it was pitch black inside. It was impossible to see what was going on. It should be very deep. It seemed that it was a robbery hole.

It was Zhang Zhexun who found the robbery cave. After Zhang Zhexun saw it, he immediately turned around and shouted to the surroundings: "Come on! Come on! I found it here! Do you think it is a robbery cave?"

When the others heard Zhang Zhexun's voice, they rushed over immediately. When they saw the robbery cave, they all agreed that this should be the robbery cave leading to the ancient tomb, and it should be dug out by Wu Zixu.

Zhang Zhexun was still a college student, only freshman this year, very excited, clenched his fists, stomped his feet non-stop, and said excitedly: "I said, besides doing missions, can we also rob graves?"

"Oh, are you interested in this?" Wang Xu asked curiously, Zhang Zhexun shook his head, and smiled excitedly: "Fortunately, the main reason is that I didn't expect that the first tomb robbery in my life was actually in a game inside!"

"Are you a fan of tomb robbers?" Wang Xu asked.

"Forget it, but I still pay more attention to other things, for example." Zhang Zhexun was about to say something, but Ye Xin interrupted: "Don't talk about these, go down first, be careful."

"Oh." Zhang Zhexun then stopped talking. Although Ye Xin is not a member of the professional circle of Glory of Kings, he is still one of the four elites in the Jianghu. His reputation and status are there. Zhang Zhexun will still adopt and think about what he said. .

Afterwards, Ye Xin took out the rope from the treasure bag, tied it to a nearby tree, and pulled it hard. After confirming that it was strong, he was the first to go down the hole along the rope, followed by Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, Zhang Zhexun He and Wang Xu also came down later.

After Ye Xin came down first, he turned on the light of the crystal bracelet to illuminate the surroundings, and the others did the same after they got down, and the surroundings were immediately illuminated by five bright lights, making them look brighter.

After going down, there are rock walls with moss growing all around, and there is a stone gate in front of it. There is a protruding tomb brick next to the stone gate, and under the tomb brick is a corpse. , should be the city of hope's catcher.

This corpse should be the owner of that small room. He followed Wu Zixu to come here, but in the end...
Zi Lingyi didn't want to think so much anymore, she turned around and looked at the people walking behind her, they walked to the door of the tomb, Zhang Zhexun stepped forward, touched the stone door lightly with her hand, feeling that the stone door was rather cold and heavy , it should be impossible to open the tomb door with strength, so there should be some mechanism.

The five of them immediately thought of the mechanism. Even if they are not fans of tomb robbers, they can guess that a mechanism is needed to open the tomb door, and this mechanism seems to be obvious. Isn't it just the protruding tomb bricks in front of the dead body? ?
Zi Lingyi walked up to the tomb bricks, pinched the tomb bricks with her hands, then turned her head to look at Zheng Xuanxue and the others, and said seriously: "This should be the mechanism, I'll try to push him in, but just to be on the safe side, help me be on guard." a bit."

"Yes." Zheng Xuanxue nodded.

"No problem." Wang Xu smiled and snapped his fingers.

Zi Lingyi looked back at the tomb brick, swallowed, a little nervous, although Ziling's family and Bai's family had a good relationship, and Zi Lingyi knew a little about the ancient tomb, but he had never been to the tomb before. .

Is the mechanism of the ancient tomb really so obvious?Could this be a trap?Now Zi Lingyi was thinking about this issue, but came to another conclusion, that is, in the end, this is just a game, shouldn't the dungeon be designed according to the specifications of a real ancient tomb?
Thinking of this, Zi Lingyi pushed back the tomb bricks with all his strength. After a while, the stone door caused a violent vibration, and the stone doors on the left and right began to separate, slowly forming an entrance, and the tomb door was opened.

"It's really that simple." Zi Lingyi said dumbfounded in his heart, a little speechless, but also heaved a sigh of relief.

Everyone looked at the tomb passage. On the top of the stone walls on the left and right sides of the tomb passage, there were small stone statues of soldiers one after another. These stone statues of soldiers were holding small spears in their hands, and the spear heads on the top of the spears were made of red spirit crystals. The spear heads of the spirit crystal were burning with flames, and the brazier on the ceiling was also burning with red spirit crystals, making the entire tomb passage very bright.

"Everyone be careful, I feel that the atmosphere is very strange." Zi Lingyi said cautiously, and then walked in the front. The others did not answer, but silently agreed, and then followed.

The five of them walked in the tomb passage, and they haven't encountered any organs or enemies so far. However, just after passing a turning, Zi Lingyi and the others discovered that the end of the tomb passage in front was a new wooden door, and the middle There are crossbow arrows everywhere on the floor of the tomb passage.

"This is implying that there is a trap, right?" Zhang Zhexun asked, while Ye Xin stood aside with his arms crossed, and said in a lukewarm tone: "It seems that Wu Zixu has passed through this trap."

"Well, this mechanism should be a crossbow arrow. Let's be careful, let's go, I'll take the lead." Saying that, Zi Lingyi took out the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu from behind. If it is really a crossbow arrow mechanism, then He will immediately open an umbrella to resist the crossbow arrows.

Zi Lingyi walked slowly in the front, Zheng Xuanxue and others walked behind, and when Zi Lingyi walked within the range of the crossbow arrows, suddenly, a tomb brick on the ceiling was dented, and what came out was a The wooden crossbow machine, the crossbow machine directly shot out the crossbow, Zi Lingyi opened the spiritual umbrella - Fei Yu, and raised it to block it.

The other ceilings in front also popped up the crossbow machine one after another, firing one after another crossbow bolts. These crossbow bolts have very high attack power. It only took 5 seconds, and the defense value of the spiritual umbrella-Flying Feather was actually lost by half.

"Hurry up!" Zi Lingyi roared immediately, the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu can't last long, and must pass through before the defense value is zero, and as soon as Zi Lingyi finished speaking, she quickened her pace, Zheng Xuanxue and others Also cooperate to advance.

But suddenly, a crossbow machine also popped up from the ceiling behind, and shot arrows from behind. Zheng Xuanxue turned her head and saw the crossbow arrows rushing towards her. She was shocked and immediately exclaimed: "Be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, Zheng Xuanxue shook her left hand forcefully, popped out the knife in her sleeve, and then slashed horizontally, cutting the crossbow arrow in half.

The crossbow arrows from behind also continued to hit. Ye Xin hit with "Kong Ming Slash", smashing all the crossbow arrows in the middle and near him, and Wang Xu pulled out his two spears to shoot down all the remaining crossbow arrows.

(End of this chapter)

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