Chapter 290 Big Zongzi

Zheng Xuanxue and others walked forward and came to a large hall. In this hall, the walls on the left and right sides were all densely packed with coffins. It looked scary. Zheng Xuanxue covered her mouth and took a few steps back in fear. Even the king Xu folded his arms and couldn't help shivering.

"I'm going, it's so scary, do you want to make it so realistic?" Zhang Zhexun said with some fear, the environment is really scary, not only these coffins, but also moss all around, the dirt and stains are obvious, it looks very It is dirty, there are not many lights around here, only a row of small braziers on the ceiling, emitting a faint fire light.

And suddenly, the coffin lid of the coffin on the left was lifted. Everyone was startled, and immediately turned around to look. They found that a hand stretched out from inside the coffin, and then, a monster with a rotten body, like a zombie, Slowly crawling out, a faint moan came out of his mouth.

"What is this!" Zheng Xuanxue took a few steps back in shock. This guy is not only disgusting, ugly, but also dirty. Zheng Xuanxue is a girl. He is not afraid of monsters or vampires, but this guy is too scary.

Zhang Zhexun was also terrified when he saw it, but he was still relatively calm. He swallowed and said nervously, "This...couldn't be a zongzi?"

"What zongzi?" Zheng Xuanxue asked in confusion. She is Korean, and she has never watched Chinese dramas or novels about tomb robbers, so she didn't understand. At this time, Wang Xu said, "It's in the tomb. Reanimated Zombies."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Xu pulled out the Aurora revolver with both hands, and then shot with both guns. The zongzi was hit one after another, but still moving forward. Wang Xu gritted his teeth and directly released the "Gorgeous Revolver" skill to strengthen the bullet and hit it. The zongzi finally fell to the ground.

"Huh" Wang Xu heaved a sigh of relief, and Ye Xin walked over with a blank face, scanned Zongzi's body with a crystal bracelet, and obtained his attributes, the content is: "Zongzi, blood volume 10000, defense value 0, attack Power 1300, mana 0, movement speed 5, attack speed +0%."

After Ye Xin read the attributes, he immediately shared them on the team channel, including Zi Lingyi. After reading the attributes, everyone also found that these mobs had extremely high HP and attack values, but their defense and movement speed were abysmal. .

At this time, the crystal bracelets of Zheng Xuanxue and others sent out a message. Everyone opened the interface and saw that it was a mission message. The content was: "The following enemies may make you feel uncomfortable. Do you want to optimize it?"

There is also a message below, which reads: "If you don't optimize, you will get 5 times more gold coins and experience. If you don't optimize the whole process, you can get two extra crystal treasure chests as the final reward."

When he saw the news, Ye Xin decisively chose not to optimize. He is not afraid of these things, and he is a game merchant, so he can't miss a single crystal treasure box, let alone two.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Xu chose not to optimize, because he was actually not afraid of these things. He came to play this dungeon purely for fun and fun. If he optimized it, the atmosphere of going to the grave would be gone.

After Zhang Zhexun hesitated for a while, he chose to optimize. Although the atmosphere is very important, he considered that he would have dinner later and sleep at night. He was afraid that he would not be able to eat and have nightmares.

Zheng Xuanxue also chose to optimize, the reason is simple and scary.

For the two people who chose optimization, white particles emitted from the crystal bracelets, forming two pairs of glasses in front of them, and the crystal bracelets also issued a prompt, which read: "Please wear the optimized glasses for visual inspection. optimization."

Zheng Xuanxue and Zhang Zhexun took the glasses and put them on. The surrounding situation changed a little. The brightness of the lights remained the same, but the moss and stains were much less, and the sense of fear naturally faded a lot.

At this time, several other coffins were opened one after another, and everyone reacted immediately, made a fighting posture, and looked around, and from the coffins around, one after another, zongzi crawled out, walking towards Zheng Xuanxue and the others with hideous faces.

As for Zheng Xuanxue and Zhang Zhexun, the Zongzi they see now is not bloody, dirty and disgusting. The Zongzi they see now is just a pale-faced zombie in shabby clothes.

"Do it!" Ye Xin pulled out his two knives and said, just as he finished speaking, he was the first to rush over, slashing diagonally with his knives, and hit a rice dumpling. The others also held their weapons and started fighting.

Zi Lingyi on the other side.
After Zi Lingyi climbed over the skylight, she landed on the ground. There was a tomb in front of her. Zi Lingyi walked forward. Because the two parties were separated and the task was obstructed, Zi Lingyi did not receive the Zongzi attribute shared by Ye Xin.

This tomb passage is not particularly long, and soon came to the end, and there was another stone gate, but this stone gate, which was chosen to open, had already been opened, Zi Lingyi was a little surprised, it seems that Wu Zixu must have passed through here Otherwise, why would the door of the tomb be opened?

Zi Lingyi walked slowly through the opened tomb door and entered another place. This place seemed to be a circle, with a stone platform in the middle. On the stone platform was an erected coffin. There are several normal-sized stone statues of soldiers surrounding the stone platform, as if protecting the coffin.

The zenith is hollowed out, you can see the light, and the light shines down, providing some light to the whole space, and on the surrounding circular stone walls, these paintings seem to be carved on them, describing something, and there are some placed beside the stone walls weapons, armor, etc.

As for Zi Lingyi, he did not put his mind on the stone walls and stone statues. Instead, he focused his attention on the raised coffin on the stone platform. Zi Lingyi walked forward, walked along the steps, Going up to the stone platform, looking at the erected coffin, he said, "Strange, why is this erected coffin?"

Although the relationship between the Bai family and Zi Ling's family is very good, Zi Lingyi never knew about the Bai family's tomb. If Uncle Bai or his second brother were to come, they might be able to explain the situation, but now, Zi Lingyi didn't know why the coffin was vertical.

Zi Lingyi looked around, soldiers, armor, murals, these things should have some clues, it is better to leave first, find Xiaoxue and the others, then talk, so Zi Lingyi turned around and started to walk down the stone platform.

And just as Zi Lingyi stepped down from the stone platform, the coffin on the stone platform let out a violent roar, which went through the entire tomb room. Zi Lingyi was startled and trembled all over. What's going on?The roar of the beast?

Zi Lingyi immediately turned around and looked at the inner and outer coffins. The outer lid of the inner and outer coffins was suddenly shaken open, and the inner coffin lid flew out. He bumped into the tomb door at the back, closing the tomb door and sealing it.

Zi Lingyi immediately stood up, pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword, and looked at the coffin on the stone platform, and inside the coffin, a man wearing dilapidated armor, bloody and hideous, came out, looking very horrible.

"Roar!!!" The monster roared with open hands, Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth nervously, this guy is strong and imposing, he is definitely not a mob, he should be the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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