The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 301 Infiltrating into the Dragon Element Helm

Chapter 301 Infiltrating into the Dragon Element Helm

20 minutes later, on the outskirts of Suzaku Town, the stronghold of the Dragon Tooth Gang, Long Yuan is at the helm
It is night now, but on the city wall of the Longyuan sub-helm, torches are flickering, and there are patrolling guards everywhere on the city wall. Most of these guards are NPCs. After all, although the Dragon Tooth Gang is a big gang, players are also human beings. Maybe just patrolling the walls like this.

Every gang, once it has a gang stronghold, can train NPC soldiers to patrol and guard their strongholds. They will guard in 24-hour shifts, just like a real army. After all, NPCs also have artificial intelligence.

However, fortunately, the NPCs have artificial intelligence. If these NPCs are like the NPCs in old-fashioned games, they will be discovered as soon as they approach, then Zi Lingyi's plan will definitely not be realized.

At this moment, Zi Lingyi bent over and walked carefully through the jungle. He followed the jungle and came to the east wall of the Longyuan sub-helm. It is next to the mountain, so the guards are relatively weak. The main reason is that the enemy cannot be big. The troops climbed over the mountains to attack.

That's right, it is impossible for a large army to climb over the mountain, but now, there is only one person in Zilingyi, and he did not climb over the mountain, but came from the bottom of the mountain. On the ramparts.

"Huhu." Zi Lingyi took a few tense breaths, and after taking a few breaths, she turned her head to look at the city wall. There were still patrolling guards on the city wall, but compared to other city walls, there were not many guards, probably only five. indivual.

The five guards, if I fight quickly, I should have no problem. These days, Zi Lingyi has already figured out the shift time of the NPCs of the Dragon Tooth Gang. If Zi Lingyi rushed up to deal with these five guards now, In that case, he has at most 2 hours, and the replacement will come.

2 hours, hurry up.

So, Zi Lingyi turned around, raised her head, took a few steps back, looked straight at the city wall, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and waved her hand. From the sleeve of her right hand, an iron claw flew out and grabbed the stone pillar on the city wall. The back end and Zi Lingyi's sleeves were still connected with iron chains.

This trick is Wu Zixu's "Dark Claw Iron Chain" skill, which can throw weapons and grab objects or enemies. If the enemy is not particularly heavy, it will be directly pulled over. On the contrary, if the object is pulled, it can be regarded as a real rope use.

Zi Lingyi grabbed the iron chain, rushed up the city wall, and began to charge quickly, climbing the city wall, and the sound of Zi Lingyi grabbing the stone pillar with the "Dark Claw Iron Chain" was heard by the NPC guards on the city wall. One of them, Immediately turned to look at his companion, and asked, "Did you hear anything just now?"

"Well, I heard that, it's over there." Another guard pointed to the stone pillar over there. The two looked at the stone pillar, and found that there was an iron claw inserted into the stone pillar. The two guards were taken aback, and immediately ran over to observe the situation .

"What is this?" A guard came to the stone pillar, bent down and looked down, and saw a man suddenly rushing up, stabbing the guard's chest with his left hand, causing a burst of fire. Red spirit crystal shards.

"Ah ah!" The guard screamed, and Zi Lingyi also jumped up, jumped onto the city wall, stood on the wall of the city wall, and then shook his right hand forcefully, the iron claw came out of the stone pillar, and returned to Zi Ling. Yi's sleeve.

The guard was hit on the ground, and his blood volume was instantly reduced by one-third. The other guards were also taken aback, and looked at Zi Lingyi one after another. Zi Lingyi waved his hands vigorously, and two iron claws popped out. Take a fighting stance.

"There are enemies!"

"The enemy invades!"

"Quick! Ring the alarm, there are enemies invading!"

The NPC soldiers at the helm of Long Yuan shouted in panic, two of them immediately ran to the alarm bell on the left, ready to hit the alarm bell with their weapons, while the other two rushed towards Zi Lingyi, ready to attack Zi Lingyi , delay time.

Of course, Zi Lingyi would not let them ring the alarm bell. Zi Lingyi kicked one foot and jumped down. First, he slashed horizontally with his claws, and then stabbed straight with his claws. He dealt with the guy who hit the ground just now, and then released After using the "Soul Chaser Shadow Dart" skill, he threw three darts and attacked the two guards who rushed over.

"Bang bang bang!" There was a sound of the red spirit crystal exploding, and the three soul-chasing darts all hit the chest of the same guard. burst.

The one on the right was fearless and was still rushing towards Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi also rushed in front of him quickly, slashing diagonally with his left hand. Hitting upwards, he directly picked up the spear of the NPC guard and sent the spear of the NPC guard flying into the air.

Zi Lingyi took advantage of the situation and turned around, her claws staggered and slashed horizontally, hitting the NPC guard's chest, knocking him back, then lowered her body, slashing straight from top to bottom with her right hand, hitting the NPC guard's chest again, Then a shard of red spirit crystal was stirred up to kill him.

In an instant, the three NPC guards were dealt with. Zi Ling escaped purely with equipment and inscriptions. Naturally, the attack power was very high. It was not difficult at all to kill a few patrolling guard-level NPCs in seconds.

The two NPC guards were almost running to the alarm bell, Zi Lingyi immediately turned around, released the "Dark Claw Iron Chain" skill, grabbed the city wall next to him, and then pulled himself over with a strong shock. , shortened the distance with the two NPC guards.

The distance was getting closer, but it wasn't enough. Zi Lingyi directly released Wu Zixu's ultimate move, which was the skill of "Grave Robbing and Touching Gold". With a wave, he ran quickly and caught up with the two NPC guards within 3 seconds.

"Drink!" Zi Lingyi roared, and then quickly slashed with both claws, hitting the backs of two NPC guards one after another. The red spirit crystal shattered, and pieces of red spirit crystal The fragments fell to the ground, turned into particles and scattered.

In an instant, one of the two NPC guards was killed, and the other, with all his strength, turned around to resist, so he was not killed immediately, but he was still bloody. He was in a trance, and stood in front of Zi Lingyi precariously, Ziling fought quickly and made a quick decision, and directly slashed him with a claw, killing him.

Five NPC guards fell on the east wall. Zi Lingyi looked around, squeezed her hands hard, and retracted the two iron claws into her sleeves. Then, Zi Lingyi opened the interface of the crystal bracelet on her left hand and checked the time. , the current time is 7:1 p.m., and there is still one and a half hours before the new patrol guards will come, so hurry up.

Afterwards, Zi Lingyi used the "Dark Claw Iron Chain" skill to grab the stone pillar next to the alarm bell, and pulled it hard. After confirming that it was stable, he looked into the city behind the east wall, and after confirming that there were no enemies, he jumped down directly. Grab the rope and jump down.

(End of this chapter)

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