The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 311 Intercepting Zi Lingyi

Chapter 311 Intercepting Zi Lingyi

As soon as the wind and sand monster finished speaking, he waved his hands vigorously, and loud noises erupted all over his body. The desert around him trembled. Suddenly, the wind and sand monster turned into several small sandstorm tornadoes, centered on itself, rushing towards the surroundings players.

This is the "Scattering Whirlwind" skill of the Wind and Sand Demon!
Zi Lingyi and the others quickly realized it, and moved away one after another. A tornado rushed straight at Zi Lingyi. Zi Lingyi dodged to the left and took a few steps to avoid it. Ling Yi leaped back and out of the way.

Zheng Xuanxue charged forward, kicked with one foot, did a front somersault, dodged two tornadoes in a row, rolled over after landing, squatted on the ground with one knee, and saw another tornado in front of her, Zheng Xuanxue gritted her teeth, and turned to the right Leap out of the way.

Players all around are also dodging one after another. At this stage, they can't use weapons to attack the wind and sand monster, so they can only dodge, and a few players can't dodge. To be killed is to be beaten into residual blood.

After the attack was over, several tornadoes returned to their positions and turned back into a sandstorm monster. Just as he turned back, all the players around charged forward. , and then slashed horizontally with a sword, launching a continuous attack.

"Drink!" After being hit three times, the Sandstorm Demon roared angrily and slashed horizontally with his claws. Zi Lingyi was just a few moments away from being passive, but there was no way, the Sandstorm Demon's attack was relatively high. Ling Yi couldn't bear the attack, so he could only use "Join the wine" to return to the original spot, opened the distance, and dodged the blow of the wind and sand mad monster.

The surrounding players launched continuous attacks on the Sandstorm Monster, and many shooters launched long-distance bombing. After persisting for half an hour, the Sandstorm Monster finally turned into residual blood, with 30 points of blood remaining, while the surrounding players , and there are only more than [-] left.

"Die!" The wind and sand monster flew up angrily, then flew in the air, waved at the same time, and shot out several fangs made of wind and sand. These fangs fell from the sky and hit the players on the ground. It is the "sand fangs" skill .

The poisonous fangs fell from the sky one by one, attacking the players. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue are melee heroes. Open fire at the wind and sand mad monster in the air.

Another three players failed to hold on and were taken away by this wave of skills. After the sandstorm fell to the ground, the players continued to output. Zi Lingyi still rushed forward with two "Jiangjiujin" to launch continuous attacks. Zheng Xuanxue also used "Phantom Dance" went around behind, and then hit with the "Arc Light" skill.

Zheng Xuanxue's continuous crit output is far better than Zi Lingyi's normal attack output. When the wind and sand monster got angry, regardless of 21, it turned around and slashed horizontally with its claws. Unexpectedly, it hit Zheng Xuanxue, but Zheng Xuanxue turned into a red shadow and dissipated .

The wind and sand monster was taken aback, and it wasn't until Zi Lingyi hit her back with a sword that she realized that this was Jing Ke's "Phantom" skill, and what he hit just now was a clone of Zheng Xuanxue.

"It's over! Qinglian Sword Song!" Zi Lingyi roared. Under the cover of Zheng Xuanxue, Zi Lingyi successfully brushed out the "Xia Ke Xing" passive, and then moved up with "Qing Lian Sword Song", Zi Lingyi turned into Five white sword shadows slashed at the wind and sand mad monster.

The shooters around also opened fire one after another, and some melee players with medium and long-range attacks also launched attacks one after another. Faced with such a powerful firepower, the wind and sand mad monster finally couldn't hold back with residual blood, and was directly beaten into the air Go out, and then turn into grains of sand in the air, drifting away with the wind.

"Ding, congratulations to all the players for killing the wild boss of Fengyun Ancient City - Wind and Sand Madness!" The system issued an announcement, because there were still too many surviving players who participated in the killing, so the players are directly displayed, if you want to see the detailed information Whoever killed the player, you can use the bracelet interface to click on the three words "all players", and it will appear in the list of players who participated in the kill and survived.

It’s really not the person who clicked on it like this, and the list is based on the output data to determine the top and bottom rankings. The first place is Zilingyi, and the words Zilinghuakaiqiu Xiaoyi are very conspicuous.

The purple bell flower is blooming, and the purple bell flower is blooming again. This guy not only killed the field boss, but also his output damage value to the boss reached 16%. You must know that there were more than 30 players outputting together at the time. That's not counting, counting the previous output, there are more than 80 players in total.

Looking at this list, there is another person. This person is T-Thunder, the leader of the Terminator Legion. He saw Zi Lingyi kill the wild boss in his own territory, so he knew that Zi Lingyi had entered Fengyun Ancient City. territory.

"Hey, the purple bells are blooming, you're finally here." T-Lei Ting said with a sinister smile.

The Heroes of the Jianghu is coming soon, and within the three days that are approaching, contestants cannot attack other players when they enter the main city of Fengyun Ancient City. Of course, other players cannot attack them either. This is to ensure the Heroes of the Jianghu will go smoothly .

However, just because you can't attack inside the main city doesn't mean you can't do it outside the main city. T-Thunder already has a plan. He plans to send all his troops in Fengyun Ancient City to surround Zilinghuakai and block Zilinghuakai in Fengyun. Outside the ancient city, there is only one purpose for doing this, to prevent him from participating in the Jianghu Heroes Meeting!

T-Thunder has already deeply felt the strength of the purple bell flower. His strength can definitely show his talents in the Heroes of the Jianghu, become one of the masters standing on the competition stage, and may even grab the seat of a hero of the Jianghu. Become one of the new heroes of the rivers and lakes.

This kind of situation happened to be what T-Thunder didn't want to see the most. He didn't want the purple bell flower to be famous all over the world, so he had to cut him off, not for anything else, just to cause him some trouble.

And the current Zi Lingyi doesn't know this situation yet. Everyone gets rewards for killing the wind and sand monster. Originally, killing the boss can get two crystal-colored treasure chests, but because of participating in the killing and surviving There were too many people, so the treasure chests were divided up, and each person only got a crystal treasure chest of one color, and they were all random.

Zi Lingyi got a blue crystal treasure chest, but his skin is not bad now, so he plans to find a chance to sell this blue crystal treasure chest to earn some diamonds or materials.

After that, everyone went back to the oasis to take a rest. After fighting for so long, they were also tired. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue got up and left the oasis after the rest, and continued to rush to the ancient city of Fengyun.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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