The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 316 Beasts and profiteers

Chapter 316 Beasts and profiteers

After dinner and washing the dishes, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue planned to log in to the game and wander around Fengyun Ancient City. The main reason is that tomorrow is the Heroes of the Jianghu. The main purpose of Ling Yi and Zheng Xuanxue's going online was that Zi Lingyi wanted to see those masters, which heroes they used, and what they looked like.

The two sat on the sofa, put on the gaming glasses, turned on the power, connected the phone, opened the game, and started loading data. After the loading was complete, the two logged in to Fengyun Ancient City, which was still the same street.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked at the players around. There were many players coming and going, and it seemed very lively. Both Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue liked this lively and lively atmosphere.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue walked in the streets of Fengyun Ancient City. Although there were only more than 1000 contestants, some people gave up the suspension hearse and came to Fengyun Ancient City on foot just to watch the battle. That's why it was so lively.

When it comes to spectating the battle, the Heroes of the Jianghu is a peak event where masters gather in the game. It is held every Christmas. Because there are too many players in Fengyun Ancient City, all contestants will enter the scene mode. At that time, the entire Fengyun Ancient City, Only the contestants are left, without those NPCs and redundant players.

And those players watching the game, the contestants they see are all in a translucent state, so that they can see the situation of those contestants, which can be regarded as watching the game on the spot, and those spectators who are not in Fengyun Ancient City, they think To watch, you can open the interface data of the crystal bracelet, or open the app or video system with your mobile phone, and watch the battle through the spectating system.

The spectator system is to let the spectator monitor enter the competition scene of the contestants, and then observe the situation in the whole city through the mobile monitor. With this system, you can naturally see the real battle clearly.

Therefore, the Heroes of the Jianghu League is basically a fair and just place, because tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of viewers will watch it. , the audience will not recognize you, but you will get a bad reputation, why bother?

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue came to the Trading Square in Fengyun Ancient City, and it is crowded with people, why did Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue come here?There are two reasons. First, to see if there are any accessories and equipment that increase attributes or five-level inscriptions. Second, other masters may also be here, so come and have a look.

After visiting a few vendors, neither Zi Lingyi nor Zheng Xuanxue saw anything they wanted, and when Zi Lingyi saw a person who was about to close the stall, Zi Lingyi frowned and wanted to curse, why...why did they meet again? To you, you profiteer!
This person is Hu Le, Hu Le is closing the stall, his back is facing Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue haven't found Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue yet, but Zheng Xuanxue was surprised when she saw Hu, then looked at Zi Lingyi, and smiled helplessly laugh.

"Hurry up, I don't want to see him." Saying that, Zi Lingyi took Zheng Xuanxue's hand and walked quickly to the side.

However, when Zi Lingyi pulled Zheng Xuanxue away, Zheng Xuanxue saw a person walking straight towards Hu. When she saw that person, Zheng Xuanxue was shocked, and quickly stopped, pulled Zi Lingyi, and said softly: "Xiao Yi, wait, look quickly."

"Ah?" Zi Lingyi turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue in doubt. Zheng Xuanxue pointed in the direction of Hu Le. Seeing that the hero is Monkey King, Zi Lingyi roughly guessed who it was.

Zhang Zhexun, this name appeared in Zi Lingyi's mind, and when Zi Lingyi scanned him with the crystal bracelet and obtained the other party's visual information, Zhang Zhexun's game name appeared in front of Zi Lingyi just like that.

Sure enough, it was Zhang Zhexun. Zi Lingyi saw Zhang Zhexun talking to Hu Liao about something, and then Hu Liao reopened the stall. Zi Lingyi guessed that Zhang Zhexun came to look for business. Open a street vendor and do business with Zhang Zhexun.

Zi Lingyi couldn't help sympathizing with Zhang Zhexun, he was too young, and Hu Li, although he shouldn't be considered old, but using the four words "old, treacherous and cunning" to describe him is really suitable, he is even more treacherous than old fritters, just like a profiteer .

"Hey, brother Ziling." At this moment, a brisk voice came from behind Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue turned their heads and found that it was Wang Xu who happened to be passing by.

"Brother Wang Xu." Seeing that it was Wang Xu, Zi Lingyi said pleasantly. For Wang Xu, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue still had a good impression of him, chic, active, and upright.

Wang Xu stepped forward, waved his hands, and asked with a smile, "Are you here to buy things too?"

"Yes, but I couldn't find anything good." Zi Lingyi shrugged helplessly, while Wang Xu put his hands on his hips and snorted angrily, "Hmph, those game merchants are really business-minded. Directly grab goods from peers, and then monopolize, now, most game merchants, what they have on hand is not what we can use, and the real good things are all bought by those people to monopolize."

"Well, I understand. The beast behind me is such a guy." Zi Lingyi pointed to Hu Liao not far behind with his thumb and said. , found out that it was Hu Lie and Zhang Zhexun.

"The Monkey King newcomer from last time? That kid has a bright future." Wang Xu couldn't help exaggerating. Being exaggerated by the Gun King is already something to be excited about, but Zi Lingyi heard it and sighed helplessly. Said: "Oh, yes, but in other aspects, he is not the opponent of that profiteer at all."

"Well, I understand." Wang Xu also replied with what Zi Lingyi said just now, and Zheng Xuanxue also stepped forward and asked, "Then, my god Wang Xu, can I ask, are those monopolistic businessmen you mentioned still alive?" There are those, let’s go and see if there are any relatively cheap ones.”

"Okay, come with me." Wang Xu agreed happily, and then led Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue to another trading area of ​​the Exchange Square. On the street of another trading area, Wang Xu He walked in the front, then pointed to a vendor in one direction, and said, "Here, that one is, in your words, brother Ziling, a beast and a profiteer."

"Who? Uh, you can call him a beast." Zi Lingyi looked over there, and when she saw the person Wang Xu was pointing at, Zi Lingyi was speechless for a moment. That person was obviously Ye Xin.

The only one who dared to call Jianzong Ye Xin a beast and a profiteer was Wang Xu, the gun king who is also one of the four masters of the world.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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