The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 318 The Heroes of the Jianghu Are Coming!

Chapter 318 The Heroes of the Jianghu Are Coming!

After a while, Zheng Xuanxue brought out two bowls of white porridge, steaming and hot, Zi Lingyi started to eat bit by bit, and Zheng Xuanxue did the same. After the two of them ate for a while, they finished eating and put the bowls away. After washing, I went to watch TV on the sofa.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue just wanted to stay quietly like this before the coming of the Heroes of the Jianghu
However, there is one thing worth pointing out. Today is Monday. According to the logic, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue should be in class at this time, but there is no other way, the heroes of the rivers and lakes will come, so they have to skip class to attend.

The same is true for Xia Mo. Many college students who have reached the rank of the strongest and participated in the Heroes of the Jianghu basically skipped classes. The Heroes of the Jianghu is an annual martial arts feast, and all the masters will gather. What is a day of class?

Regarding this point, Zi Lingyi was quite helpless. This was the first time he skipped class, and Zheng Xuanxue also skipped class for the first time. The last Heroes of the Jianghu meeting happened to be held on Sunday, so she didn't skip class last year.

At noon, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue started to log in to the game after having lunch. By the time they finished their lunch, it was already 12:15, and the Heroes of the Jianghu meeting was held at 1:[-] sharp.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue came to the sofa, put on the fully charged gaming glasses, turned on the power, connected the phone, opened the game, and started loading data. After the data loading was complete, the two logged in at the place where they were offline yesterday.

At this moment, Fengyun Ancient City is already crowded with players, and there are players everywhere. At this moment, Fengyun Ancient City is busier than ever. Although Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue like this kind of atmosphere, there are too many people on the street. The two were more eye-catching, so the two found an inn and asked for a seat on the second floor, drank tea, and began to wait quietly for the arrival of the heroes of the world.

At this moment, Wang Xu, Ye Xin, and Xia Mo, like Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, found an inn or tavern, sat in it, and waited for the arrival of the Heroes of the Jianghu.

Hou Zhanfei didn’t have a meeting today, and he didn’t have any business matters. Even if there were, as long as it wasn’t particularly important, Hou Zhanfei would basically give up and come to the Jianghu Heroes Meeting, so Hou Zhanfei also arrived. A tavern in Fengyun Ancient City also waited patiently.

There is still half an hour before the Heroes of the Jianghu meeting arrives. The official website and forum of Glory of Kings have been maxed out, and many players are discussing in the forum. ?

"Of course it's Wang Xu, the king of guns! He doesn't explain himself to a handsome guy with strength!"

"It should be the Zhanfei Sect Master of Tiewumen. Heroes of Jianghu held three times before, and he is a hero of Jianghu three times!"

"Is it possible that the purple bell flower is blooming? His recent fame is not small."

All the players were talking about it, basically every star-level professional player or well-known master would be criticized by someone, and one player posted a voting post on the forum, writing all the well-known contestants. list options.

As a result of the voting, Wang Xu's No.1 strength crushed, there is no way, who called him a hero in the world, and a professional player, in terms of fame, he is the well-deserved No. 1, and he has strength, his No.[-], down It is also reasonable.

No.2 is Hou Zhanfei, excluding the coming year, the Heroes of the Rivers and Lakes in the past three years, he is a hero in the world, and his steady strength is there, No.2 is also reasonable.

No.3 is more controversial. It is Xia Mo. No one knows his real name, so everyone calls him Man Dashen or Qin Sheng. Although he was a hero last year, after all, he just joined last year. Why? Is it No.3?

The reason why Xia Mo is No.3 is very simple, because he is very handsome!It's not worse than Wang Xu, but he's not as famous as Wang Xu, so he ranks third. However, in terms of seniority in the Heroes of the Jianghu League, many players said that the No.3 should be Ye Xin.

Ye Xin participated in the Jianghu Heroes Meeting the year before last. Like Wang Xu, he has become a hero of the Jianghu for two consecutive years. Although he is also steady and steady, but in terms of appearance, Ye Xin's ordinary face is not as good as Xia Mo's, and he has the eye of hell. ,hehe.

Wang Xu once gave Ye Xin a nickname called Ye Laohei. All Glory of the Kings knew it. At that time, many players laughed. This nickname was taken out again today. Many fans of Ye Xin Speechless.

Ye Xin, can't you change your skin?If you don't get rid of your nickname of Ye Laohei, it will be difficult for us to argue for you!You look at the ranger in white clothes of the piano saint, and the explorer soul of the gun king. The skin of that one is not handsome, but it matches their appearance, so handsome, okay?

However, fans also know that this is impossible, because the hero Miyamoto Musashi has the attribute of the skin, which is higher than the eye of hell. How can Ye Xin give up the bonus attribute in pursuit of appearance? .

Although ranked No.4 because of his appearance, this is already a very high ranking. No.5 is extremely controversial. This person is surprisingly Zi Lingyi, and players don't know his real name, so they also call He blooms for purple bells.

In terms of fame, Zi Lingyi recently became very famous in Glory of Kings, turning the world of Glory of Kings upside down, the incident of Suzaku Town, the City of Eternal Night incident, the incident at the top of Yanyang Mountain, and some others. Gang feuds, blah blah blah.

Zi Lingyi is well-known and supports a lot, but his scolding is not small. After all, many players in Suzaku Town still remember their grudges. A lot of corpse puppets slaughtered the city. A deep imprint was left in the hearts of the town players, which is difficult to erase.

The player who posted the voting post was also surprised. Unexpectedly, a voting post he posted casually was directly pushed to the top of the forum, and it has not been pushed down for a long time. Set the top.

The voting is still going on, and the ranking has not changed much, but as time passes by, the time for the game is getting closer and closer, 12:35, 12:40, 12:55.
With 5 minutes left, Zi Lingyi looked up at Zheng Xuanxue and asked, "Xiaoxue, are you nervous?"

"Well, what about you?" Zheng Xuanxue asked back.

"Same." Zi Lingyi smiled.

At this moment, Fengyun Ancient City began to blow a light wind, the snow clouds in the sky began to disperse, and a clear blue sky appeared. After that, Zilingyi, Zheng Xuanxue, and all the participants in Fengyun Ancient City this time Or, all turned into white phantoms and disappeared, and they were all teleported to the game scene.

The time has come, the heroes of the rivers and lakes will officially start!
 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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