The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 320 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu

Chapter 320 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu (2)

Zi Lingyi began to run towards the city center. He ran from the outer circle to the inner circle, and from the inner circle to the city center. There were no enemies around. However, he just ran to a corner of a street when suddenly there was a noise from the left rear. It was like the sound of tiles colliding.

This sound represented a point, someone jumped off the roof!

So, Zi Lingyi turned her head and saw that it was a Monkey King, holding a golden cudgel, and hit it straight in the air. Zi Lingyi was startled, but reacted quickly, and jumped back to avoid it. , followed by another Li Chunfeng rushed over.

With a wave of his fan, Li Chunfeng released the skill of "Heavenly Secrets and Divine Calculation". Two energy swords appeared in front and behind, attacking Zi Lingyi. Zi Lingyi hadn't turned around yet, so he didn't find Li Chunfeng. I know, there must be a Li Chunfeng behind.

So, Zi Lingyi leaped to the right, rolled over after landing, dodged Li Chunfeng's attack, and Monkey King rushed up, released the "fighting charge" skill, and hit straight with a stick, but the attack was not aimed at Zi Lingyi , but beat Li Chunfeng.

Li Chunfeng immediately leaned to the right to dodge, and then attacked with a fan. Zi Lingyi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that everyone would come to beat him, and then he remembered that the meeting of the heroes of the world is a personal battle.

When Zi Lingyi swung his sword and was about to step forward, suddenly, a huge pillar flew over and hit Zi Lingyi directly. Zi Lingyi was startled, and immediately raised the Phoenix Feather Sword, holding the handle in one hand, Hold the blade with one hand to resist.

With a sound of "Boom", Zi Lingyi was blown away by this powerful force and flew into the distance, and then, a huge figure jumped over from the side, it was Su Lie, this move was made by Su Lie "Heavy Hammer" skill.

Su Lie held a hammer in his hand and rushed forward to strike horizontally. Zi Lingyi jumped back and dodged it, and then charged forward with "Pull Jiujin", stabbing straight with his sword, hitting Su Lie's chest straight, and then A slash with the sword, and then a straight stab with the sword, Su Lie unexpectedly remained motionless.

"Cut." Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, Su Lie was too heavy a hero to move, but Su Lie raised the pole hammer high and blasted it straight down, Zi Lingyi dodged it with the "magic brush" on the spot.

"Can't you hit?" Zi Lingyi used the "magic pen" to go around behind Su Lie, and Su Lie turned around immediately, Zi Lingyi lowered his body, swung his sword, and shouted: "If you can't hit, it doesn't mean you can't die! "

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi took out the fierce feather gourd and rushed up, stabbed straight with his sword, then turned around and slashed with his sword horizontally, Su Lie struck horizontally with a hammer, Zi Lingyi raised his right foot, and kicked Su Lie's body. Knee, then kicked with one foot, leaped backwards, dodging Su Lie's attack.

In the air, Zi Lingyi quickly drank the wine from the gourd and used the skill of "Drinking Rivers and Lakes". After landing, Zi Lingyi sprinkled the wine on the sword body, then turned around and swung the sword out. The wine turned into a hidden needle and hit the target. The heavy Su Lie has the skill of "Don't Stop Cupping", Su Lie got hit!His defense value is completely abolished!

Su Lie became flustered. He clearly knew just now that Zi Lingyi had already created the "Xia Ke Xing" passive, and now added the two auxiliary scene skills "Drinking Rivers and Lakes" and "Cup Mo Stopping", a "Qinglian Sword Song" Get down, and you're done.

So, Su Lie turned around and started to run away, but in front of him, a white sword shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, Su Lie was shocked, it was Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi teleported in front of him.

In an instant, Su Lie finally realized that Zi Lingyi's "Put the wine in" has already reached three paragraphs, this use, just returned to the original place, which is in front of Su Lie, Su Lie was desperate, this time, Can't run away
"Qinglian Sword Song!" Zi Lingyi roared, and just as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, slashing at Su Lie, each move dealt armor-piercing damage, all 1.5 The damage was doubled, and the Red Spirit Crystal shattered on Su Lie's body.

When the five white sword shadows returned to their positions and changed back to Zi Lingyi, Su Lie fell to the ground and had already been killed. Zi Lingyi waved his sword, and just when he turned around to go to another place, suddenly, there was a rush in front of him. A hunter riding a wolf came over and shot arrows at himself with a bow and arrow.

"Again! No way!" Zi Lingyi exclaimed speechlessly. There are more than 1000 contestants in the Heroes of the Jianghu, and it is now in the city center. Knowing this, the shout just now was just a subconscious complaint.

Genghis Khan continued to charge and shoot arrows. Zi Lingyi held the Phoenix Feather Sword and slashed to block. Genghis Khan's energy bows and arrows were constantly shot down. When the distance was close to a certain distance, Genghis Khan threw an iron ball, which was the skill of "Trap of Hundred Beasts" .

Throwing the iron ball to Zilingyi, Zilingyi immediately dodged to the right. After landing, Zilingyi gritted his teeth and looked to the right, only to see an inn on the right. Zilingyi decided to avoid it first. After a while, he rushed into the inn.

The Heroes of the Jianghu is not as simple as just hitting everyone, you have to learn to avoid, learn to hide, if it is really so rough to hit everyone, it is estimated that Hou Zhanfei will not be able to become a hero of the Jianghu for three consecutive years.

A burst of energy crossbow arrows hit the wooden pillars and the threshold of the inn. Genghis Khan went down to chase after him. However, Monkey King rushed over and hit him straight. Genghis Khan immediately turned to face the enemy.

Zi Lingyi quickly rushed to the second floor of the inn, but just as he rushed from the stairs to the landing on the second floor, suddenly, a table flew over, and after Zi Lingyi cursed "Damn", Raising the Fengyu sword, he slashed straight, splitting the wooden table in half.

Zi Lingyi looked over there, and saw that Yu Ji was holding two guns and shooting, while Zhang Zhongjing was holding a wine gourd and striking close to him. It seemed that the two had been fighting for a while. In this case, Zhang Zhongjing Having completely gained the upper hand, Yu Ji's blood volume is running out.

Although the Heroes of the Jianghu is not a points-based competition, Zi Lingyi doesn't mind going up to grab a head right now. Judging from the power of the wooden table just now, it must have been Zhang Zhongjing's call, so it can be regarded as revenge.

Concubine Yu released the skill "Chu Ge Qi" and fired a crossbow arrow with enhanced energy. Zhang Zhongjing dodged to the left, and then rushed up. A burst of skill "Heroes of the Wind and Cloud" was about to hit. Just when Concubine Yu was about to be overwhelmed, Zi Ling Yi "Jiang Jiujin" stepped forward two times in a row, raised his foot, kicked his left leg horizontally, hit Zhang Zhongjing's left waist, and kicked Zhang Zhongjing away.

Yu Ji was taken aback, who is this guy, did he come to help her?However, these thoughts came from Yu Ji's subconscious, and Zi Lingyi raised the Feng Yu sword, and slashed straight with the sword, instantly killing the bloody Yu Ji.

Zhang Zhongjing fell to the ground, stood up clutching his abdomen, and roared, "Damn it, who is it!"

Just when Zhang Zhongjing was angrily about to rush up to take revenge, Zi Lingyi turned to look at Zhang Zhongjing. When Zhang Zhongjing saw Zi Lingyi, he was frightened. Feng Qiuhuang skin?In the current Glory of Kings, who else has this skin?The purple bells are blooming!

Zi Lingyi smiled at him, and then, Zhang Zhongjing flew out from the window on the second floor of the inn in bursts of flashes of swords and swords.
 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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