The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 322 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu

Chapter 322 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu (4)

Another 20 minutes passed, and Zi Lingyi shuttled through the alleys and alleys of Fengyun Ancient City, heading towards the competition platform in the center of Fengyun Ancient City. He also encountered many enemies, but he avoided or solved them all. .

On one roof, Zi Lingyi ran fast, and when she ran to the edge, she jumped up with one foot, jumped onto another roof, and continued to run forward until she was approaching the competition platform at an extremely fast speed.

But suddenly, a cannonball hit from the left side, Zi Lingyi was startled, and when he heard the sound of the cannonball, he turned his head and saw that the cannonball was coming, and immediately jumped back and fell to the roof, and the cannonball slammed Hit hard on the roof.

With a sound of "boom", the shell exploded, and the tiles on the roof were blown to pieces, and Zi Lingyi fell to the ground with one knee, stood up and looked around, Zi Lingyi now landed on a small alley.

Zi Lingyi slowly pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword from behind, waved the sword, and walked towards the direction of the bombardment just now. The bombardment energy just now can only be Huang Zhong and Sun Shangxiang's live energy cannons. hero.

Suddenly, the sound of the bombardment became extremely intense, and Zi Lingyi knew that the other party had also encountered an enemy, so he rushed over immediately, ran to a street, poked his head out from behind the wall, took a look, and found that a Kai, standing in front of a corpse of Huang Zhong.

When Zi Lingyi saw the armor, he felt a little familiar, so he scanned it with the crystal bracelet and got the visual information of the armor. When he saw that it was Ning Yu, Zi Lingyi was also a little surprised.

Ning Yu came to participate in the Heroes of the Rivers and Lakes meeting, so he was definitely another formidable opponent. This year's Heroes of the Jianghus meeting, there were indeed a large number of masters, and it was extremely fierce. Zhang Zhexun, Ning Yu, Hu Li, and so on all appeared.

Suddenly, Zi Lingyi felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He felt energy fluctuations behind him, so he immediately turned around, only to see that it was actually Yuan Tiangang punching straight at him.

Zi Lingyi dodged to the left, leaning against the wall, dodging Yuan Tiangang's punch, then dodged back immediately, and hit Yuan Tiangang's abdomen with his knee, causing Yuan Tiangang to take a few steps back. Zi Lingyi stepped forward again, holding the Phoenix Feather Sword, and swung it magnificently.

"Boom! Boom!" Zi Lingyi's Phoenix Feather Sword hit Yuan Tiangang continuously, and the red spirit crystal on Yuan Tiangang's body shattered. He took out the strong feather gourd, sprinkled the wine in the gourd on the body of the sword, and swung it out with the sword.

The wine in the gourd turned into a hidden weapon needle, hitting Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Tiangang's armor value was completely shattered. Zi Lingyi seized the opportunity again, rushed forward, and released the "Qinglian Sword Song" skill.

Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at Yuan Tiangang. Yuan Tiangang is a hero who prefers to be a meat shield, so Zi Lingyi will use "Cup Mo Ting" to break the armor. If he is a shooter Or an assassin, Zi Lingyi doesn't have to "stop drinking".

In addition to being attacked by Zi Lingyi before, Yuan Tiangang, who had no armor value, was directly killed by Zi Lingyi's "Qinglian Sword Song", and fell to the ground, while the five white sword shadows returned to their positions and turned back to After Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi ran forward quickly, a little anxious.

The reason why Zi Lingyi was in such a hurry was very simple, he didn't want to be discovered by Ning Yu, probably Ning Yu would have heard the fight just now, if he came to take a look and he was discovered, it would be embarrassing.

Why is it embarrassing, because this is a meeting of the heroes of the Jianghu, you can't bring your personal emotions here, if you meet Ning Yu, the two of them don't do anything, then, if they are seen by a group of audience, they will be gossiped, and even won the Jianghu There will be many people who disagree with the hero's position.

Therefore, you can watch the battle from the other side, and you can see death without saving, but you must not release water or cooperate with other players, otherwise, even if you become a hero in the world, no one will agree.

Zi Lingyi was like this, he had a good relationship with Ning Yu, so he didn't want to fight Ning Yu, so he chose to avoid it.

Zi Lingyi ran out of the alley and came to the street. On the street, a group of players were playing there. Although it was a group, the number could not be considered too large. There were only a dozen players, and the Heroes of the Jianghu played more than 40 players. It's been a minute, and there are only more than 60 surviving players.

The audience watched with enthusiasm and passion. Many of them locked on their favorite contestants to watch the battle. As a result, those masters all showed their prowess one by one.

Xia Mo held Xiaoyaoqin and Qingguang Sword, and at a corner, he showed his might. The three contestants who rushed towards him were all eliminated by him. Then, on the roof behind, a shooter attacked him. Xia Mo turned around and used " Mad Song" to resist.

Afterwards, Xia Mo quickly shifted, came to the inside of the house, opened the skylight from the house, rushed to the roof, and quickly dealt with the shooter. Even though he jumped to another small block, he killed five competitors in a row. By.

Wang Xu's fight was even more exciting. He directly raised his double guns and quickly fired a dodge. Many enemies rushed up to get close. As a result, Wang Xu's complete set of fighting shooting skills made them dizzy and confused, and they couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north. , confused, and cleanly solved by Wang Xu.

Ye Xin and Hou Zhanfei also had a more exciting fight. Ye Xin held two knives and directly fought head-on. He didn't even use "Tiantian First Class" before, and he eliminated a large group of enemies. The fight was very fierce, and the audience who watched him were also quite excited. Yes, it's really exciting.

As for Hou Zhanfei, it was not so intense. He tried to avoid the enemy as much as possible. However, if he encountered the enemy head-on, Hou Zhanfei would never give up.

Zhang Zhexun's fight is also very exciting, but it is his first time to participate in the Heroes of the Jianghu, and he has no reputation before, so basically there are no players who watch him, but as the number of survivors decreases, Zhang Zhexun's fight becomes more and more fierce , The number of viewers locked on to watch him gradually increased.

At present, both Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue are still alive, and there are quite a few spectators for the two. Many people can't help admiring Zi Lingyi's excellent performance. The group of heroes will come to show their prowess, and the speed of progress is too fast, which can be called a real genius.

As for the other contestants, Hu Lie, Ning Yu, He Zhifeng, these three acquaintances of Zi Lingyi, they are all still alive. They can all go to the competition platform.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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