The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 331 Five heroes of the new world!

Chapter 331: Five Heroes of the New Jianghu!

Zi Lingyi kept pressing down on Ye Xin, and the speed of the one-handed weapon was even faster than that of the two-handed weapon. This opened the eyes of the audience watching the live broadcast and the scene. The speed limit in the game can actually be as fast as this What's more, all of them are effective direct attacks. Is this still a human being?
Ye Xin slashed straight with his left hand, Zi Lingyi dodged to the left, Ye Xin stepped forward, slashed horizontally with his right hand, Zi Lingyi jumped back, then held the swords in both hands, Feng Yujian slashed fiercely Going down, he knocked down the Yanming Saber in Ye Xin's right hand to the ground.

Ye Xin was taken aback, he didn't go to pick up the knife, but raised his head immediately, and saw Zi Lingyi charging up, stabbing straight with the sword, Ye Xin clenched his teeth, there was nothing he could do, in this case, there was no way to kill Yan. The underworld knife was brought back.

So, Ye Xin used the Hanyou knife in his left hand to block Zi Lingyi's sword, but Zi Lingyi immediately raised his foot and kicked it up. Ye Xin pushed back and dodged to the right Open it, then hold up the Hanyou knife, and slash straight with the knife.

Zi Lingyi held the sword in both hands and held it up high to block it. The two weapons pushed each other away, but then, Zi Lingyi actually stretched out the sword forward and stuck it on the ground. brace yourself.

Then, supporting Zi Lingyi who was flying into the air, he turned sideways to face Ye Xin, and kicked up with both feet non-stop. Because of the increased movement speed, the speed was also very fast, and Ye Xin was shocked!This is a fake skill!
Zi Lingyi kept kicking and kicking, and Ye Xin struggled to resist, but they were all blocked. Then, Zi Lingyi stretched out her feet and caught Ye Xin's left hand. Then, Zi Lingyi Yi Tengkong spiraled sideways, spun up, and fell to the ground. At the same time, he also threw Ye Xin to the ground.

Ye Xin gritted his teeth, held the Hanyou Knife tightly, grabbed the ground with his right hand, and then spun and jumped up, but Zi Lingyi, who had just stood up on one knee, took a leap and slammed into it fiercely. He hit Ye Xin's chest with his shoulder.

"Ahhh!" Zi Lingyi roared angrily, pushing forward against Ye Xin, and Ye Xin was pushed back non-stop, and was about to withdraw from the arena. On the ground, he was forced to stabilize, so Zi Lingyi did not let Zi Lingyi continue to push himself forward.

Unexpectedly, Zi Lingyi stomped on one foot, jumped backwards, and then flew back in the air with "Pour the wine in", hitting Ye Xin fiercely with a skill, Ye Xin gritted his teeth, struggling in situ response.

However, Zi Lingyi used the same method at an extremely fast speed to leap back again, and then flew back with "Jian Jiu Jin", hitting Ye Xin again, then raised her foot, and kicked Ye Xin on the ground. Ye Xin's chest, Ye Xin's hand holding Hanyou Knife finally couldn't hold it anymore, he let go of Hanyou Knife, and took a few steps back while covering his chest.

Zi Lingyi rushed up, stabbed straight with his sword, and hit Ye Xin's chest again. This time, they hit the edge of the competition platform directly. Zi Lingyi's most critical blow successfully knocked Ye Xin down from the competition platform.

Ye Xin didn't just fall down like this. His hands grabbed Zi Lingyi's right hand that was holding the sword, and wanted to drag Zi Lingyi down together. The two fell down together, and all the audience were dumbfounded.

that's it?The two great god-level players died together like this?
Do not!not at all!
Zi Lingyi, who was falling, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and suddenly turned into a white sword shadow, dissipating in mid-air. Ye Xin, and all the audience were shocked, and it took a long time for the audience to recover.

This is the third effect of "bringing the wine in", Zi Lingyi returned to the original spot of the competition stage!
After Zi Lingyi returned to the original spot of the competition stage, she put one knee on the ground, held the sword in her right hand, and supported the ground with her left hand. Sweat dripped down her cheeks bit by bit. The speed made Zi Lingyi lose his physical strength very quickly, but fortunately, he finally eliminated Ye Xin in the remaining 2 minutes.

Zi Lingyi stood up slowly, and the other contestants around him all looked at him like this. They had already dealt with the enemies they were about to face. Liu Yansheng, Li Xiang, Wu Shan, and Han Youfeng were all eliminated.

At present, there are still five people standing on the competition stage, Zi Lingyi, Xia Mo, Wang Xu, Hou Zhanfei, and Zhang Zhexun. Xia Mo and the others are facing a master in the professional circle, but they are not super players. characters.

Ye Xin is obviously such a super player level figure, but he is not a professional player, so he can be described as a super master. Just now, Zi Lingyi used a one-on-one, head-to-head situation to forcibly beat this super master tower.

In the sight of everyone, Zi Lingyi turned around slowly, looked at everyone, then, gritted her teeth and smiled, slowly raised the Phoenix Feather Sword, pointed at the sky, and in an instant, the red spirit crystals around the competition stage bloomed again There was a gorgeous light, and the light rushed into the sky and exploded, which was very beautiful like fireworks.

"Ding! Congratulations to Qiu Xiaoyi, the Ziling flower blooming, running around the world, SR. Rising Sun, Tiewu-Zhanfei, Thunder and Shadow, becoming the final winner of the Heroes of the Jianghu. The new Five Heroes of the Jianghu are officially born!" At this time, the language message of the whole game sounded, and they all received such a message.

At the moment when the fireworks exploded, Zi Lingyi and the others returned to the original scene map, and the lively players around had appeared around the competition stage, they cheered and applauded, very lively.

Zhang Zhexun looked around excitedly, held up the golden cudgel, and roared excitedly: "I won! I won! Hahaha! I won!"

Zhang Zhexun won the position of one of the heroes of the rivers and lakes for the first time, and he is indeed very powerful, so now he is more excited and excited, and it is also the first time for Zi Lingyi to participate, but he really has no energy, like him Roaring excitedly.

"Xiao Yi!" At this time, Zheng Xuanxue hurried up happily. Those who participated in the Heroes of the Jianghu are qualified to be on the competition stage. Besides Zheng Xuanxue, many other participating members also ran up together.

"Wang Xu! Well done!" Han Youfeng rushed up and patted Wang Xu on the shoulder. Han Youfeng is the captain of Team SR. Luo. Who."

"Long live the guild master! Long live the guild master!" Under the martial arts competition stage, many members of Tiewumen had already started cheering for their guild leader. Hou Zhanfei also smiled and waved in response.

In the audience, there were many girls cheering for Xia Mo, but Xia Mo's eyes were not on them, but on the side, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue.
Seeing Zheng Xuanxue running over, Zi Lingyi immediately stepped forward, and Zheng Xuanxue threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly, Zi Lingyi was a little tired, but her hands were still exerting strength, hugging him tightly Lived in Zheng Xuanxue.

Zheng Xuanxue raised her head and looked at Zi Lingyi, she was so excited that tears filled her eyes: "Xiao Yi! You succeeded! You really did it!"

"Well, I'm just a little tired." Zi Lingyi also said with a smile, and He Zhifeng, who was next to him, walked aside with a spear, and also said with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, Xiaoyi, we have settled for dinner again today."

"Won't you stand by the side for a while? Didn't you see me and Xiaoxue here?" Zi Lingyi looked at He Zhifeng with some disappointment and said, but He Zhifeng shook his head, smiled, and stood there knowingly. In the distance, let Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue have a good time.

At this time, the new five heroes of the rivers and lakes were completely born
(End of this chapter)

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