The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 355 Onimusha Demon Addiction

Chapter 355 Onimusha Demon Addiction

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue walked slowly to the front of the magic circle. There seemed to be an invisible barrier on the magic circle, which couldn't be seen with naked eyes, but they could feel his aura and fluctuations, and even heard some noises. And Zi Lingyi stepped forward, slowly stretched out her hand, and lightly touched the magic circle.

With the sound of the magic circle, the light scattered, and in an instant, this enchantment appeared in front of Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. However, the next second, the enchantment shattered, and then turned into light and dissipated. She made a move and blocked Zheng Xuanxue. The two backed away for a while, and opened the distance first.

"What's going on?" Zheng Xuanxue asked quickly, while Zi Lingyi raised her head and looked at the floating Red Spirit Crystal. A burst of light emanated from the Red Spirit Crystal. The airflow couldn't wait to rush out from inside, forming a black mist like a demon. He opened his hands and roared to the sky: "Hahaha! Another human is coming to die, I can come out soon!"

Immediately afterwards, the black mist slowly formed a human shape, standing on the ground, a burst of purple light flickered in the black mist, and then, the black mist scattered, a person wearing dark purple armor with purple eyes was standing there, looking at It looks very mighty and terrifying.

Without hesitation, Zi Lingyi immediately picked up the crystal bracelet, scanned this guy, and got his attributes: "Ghost warrior · demon addict, blood volume 500000, defense value 650, attack power 1300, mana value 0, movement Speed ​​80, attack speed +60%."

"Passive skill - ghosts and gods: Ignores the effects of stun, deceleration, knock-up, and armor-piercing."

"Skill - Bingshen Storm: Monster addiction inspires fighting spirit, charges forward and attacks, causes physical damage to the enemy, has a limiting effect"

"Skill - Bloodthirsty Demon Spirit: The power of the demon spirit summoned by the demon, several demon spirits will automatically pounce on the enemy and launch an attack, causing spell damage to the enemy."

"Skill-Phantom Blade: The Monster-thirsty teleports to the designated location, and strengthens the next normal attack. If the strengthened normal attack hits, it will have a 500% bloodthirsty effect."

Zheng Xuanxue also leaned her head to look at the attributes. When the two of them looked at the attributes, they could already tell that this boss was terrifyingly strong, directly ignoring the armor-piercing effect.

There is also his big move, the bloodthirsty effect attached to this move is directly enhanced to 500%, assuming that the attack damage of his enhanced attack is 2000, if he hits it, he will directly recover [-] blood!This is too buggy!

However, there was a bug too. Zi Lingyi pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword, Zheng Xuanxue shook her hands forcefully, and two blood-tempered red lotus knives popped out. Immediately afterwards, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue took a fighting stance to face the addicted monster head-on.

Sui Yao stood there, slowly raised his head, with purple eyes, looked around greedily, saw Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, immediately stretched out his left hand, walked forward slowly, and said in a greedy and terrifying tone: "I'm still short of 1 human lives before I can break through the barrier, you guys come here quickly."

"1 humans? 1 players? Damn, he is a perverted murderer." Zi Lingyi couldn't help complaining. Then, he swung his sword and looked at Zheng Xuanxue. Although Zheng Xuanxue was nervous, she Facing Zi Lingyi, she still had a smile on her face.

Zi Lingyi also smiled, and then, brandishing their weapons, the two rushed forward together, ready to launch an attack. Seeing Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue rushing over, Xi Yao couldn't wait, and laughed ferociously for a while.

Then, Ji Yao waved his right hand, and a cloud of black mist gathered, and the black mist formed the shape of a knife, and after a purple light appeared inside, Ji Yao grabbed the black mist knife, shook it hard, and the black mist followed Spread out, in the black mist, is a purple and black long knife.

Zi Lingyi rushed forward, stabbing straight with the sword, and Ji Yao slashed horizontally on the spot, forcibly splitting Zi Lingyi's Phoenix Feather Sword. , leaning to the right to dodge, taking advantage of the situation and slashing with his sword, Xi Yao raised his long knife to block it.

Zheng Xuanxue released the "Phantom Dance" skill, quickly circled behind Yu Yao, and then hit the back with her "Ling Fei" skill, hitting the back of Yao Yao, stirring up two black mist, and Yao Yao gritted her teeth and pushed away with all her strength. Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi was thrown into the air, and then, the addicted monster turned around, took a leap, and slashed straight at him.

Zheng Xuanxue was taken aback, he didn't expect the demon to leap over directly, she quickly raised two blood-tempered red lotus knives, crossed to block, only heard a "bang", Zheng Xuanxue blocked it, but because the impact force was too strong, adding The upper demon was too strong, Zheng Xuanxue was beaten, forced to bend down, clenching her teeth, trying to push the demon back, but her strength couldn't hold him down at all.

Zi Lingyi rushed up quickly, unleashing the skill of "Putting the wine in" to stab straight, the demon addicted forcefully shook Zheng Xuanxue away, and Zheng Xuanxue was forced to retreat by force, however, the demon addicted turned around and slashed Chopping, forcibly split Zi Lingyi's Phoenix Feather Sword, and then kicked directly with his left foot.

Zi Lingyi kicked her feet, jumped high, vacated a front somersault, held a sword in both hands, slashed down with the sword, and the demon immediately jumped back and dodged. After landing, the monster did not attack Zi Lingyi, but Turning around to look at Zheng Xuanxue, she directly activated the "Phantom Blade" skill.

Suddenly, Yao Yao teleported to the back of Zheng Xuanxue. When Zheng Xuanxue saw Yao Yao teleport disappearing, she instantly thought of what was going on. She quickly turned around and saw Yao Yao holding up the knife, slashing straight down. , driving a burst of purple energy.

"Uh..." Zheng Xuanxue clenched her fists tightly and released the two skills "Phantom" and "Phantom Dance" at the same time as quickly as possible. The clone killed the clone instantly, and then, a burst of energy exploded, sending Zheng Xuanxue flying.

Zheng Xuanxue was thrown into the air, and after falling to the ground, she bounced up again. When she was about to land, Zi Lingyi immediately leaped, supported her waist, and forced her to stabilize. Zheng Xuanxue gasped, and turned to look at Zi Ling Yat.

I saw Zi Lingyi staring straight at the demon, with firm eyes, looking very dependent, and Zi Lingyi slowly let go of Zheng Xuanxue, stood up, waved his sword, walked forward, and said: "Xiaoxue, You retreat one after another, this guy is not easy to deal with."

"Well, I got it." Zheng Xuanxue nodded and said, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong, because whether it was Zi Lingyi or Zheng Xuanxue, they had already judged the strength of the demon addict. The Qunyinghui is definitely a character of the level of heroes in the world.


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(End of this chapter)

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