Chapter 357

The joining of Wang Xu made the battle more intense. Zi Lingyi and Ye Xin fought close to each other. Wang Xu kept shifting and shooting from the outside. One after another, the bullets hit the demon addict. The blood volume of the demon continued to drop. The demon gritted his teeth, and after stabbing Zi Lingyi and Ye Xin away, he turned his head and glared at Wang Xu, releasing the "Phantom Blade" skill.

Ji Yao teleported to Wang Xu's side. Seeing that Ji Yao was gone, Wang Xu immediately looked around and found that Ji Yao was on his right side, and Ji Yao was holding a long knife high and slashing straight down. The one on the left dodges, and moves backward with the "Wandering Spear" skill, dodging the demon's knife.

Sui Yao slashed on the ground with a knife, triggering a burst of energy explosion, then gritted his teeth, looked at Wang Xu, and saw Wang Xu retreating and shooting, releasing the "gorgeous revolver" skill, continuously retreating and firing, one after another, the enhanced bullets Hit the addicted demon.

Xi Yao blocked a few shots with a long knife, then swung the knife, and rushed straight at Wang Xu. This guy has been shooting at the side, it is too troublesome, he must be dealt with first, and Zi Lingyi and Ye Xin also know that Wang Xu Xu's importance in this boss, immediately stepped forward to cover Wang Xu.

Zi Lingyi was the fastest. When Xi Yao rushed towards Wang Xu, Zi Lingyi released "Jiang Jiu Jin" twice in a row to rush forward, turning into a white sword shadow, rushing to the front of Xi Yao, slashing horizontally with his sword, Suzy was startled, and immediately blocked it vertically with a long knife.

"Ugh!" Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth tightly, held the sword in both hands, and retreated with all her strength while lowering the Yaoyao. Ling Yi and Sui Yao resisted each other at the same time and backed away, keeping distance between them.

Ye Xin leaped to the side, released the "Flying Sword Flow" skill, and threw the Hanyou Knife. The addict turned around and slashed across Ye Xin's Hanyou Knife. The Hanyou Knife bounced back to Ye Xin. Xin's hand, and Ye Xin made a fighting posture, and then rushed to face the enemy.

Zi Lingyi didn't stay idle either, and rushed forward, and the two of them fought close to each other, while Wang Xu had already circled aside, set up his sniper rifle, aimed at the addicted demon, smiled at the corner of his mouth, licked his lips, and said: "I'll give you a present, take it!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Xu pulled the trigger, accumulated strength for a while, and after releasing it, only heard a loud "bang", Wang Xu's sniper rifle fired a hot bullet, which is the "boiling sniper" skill!
Wang Xu's "boiling sniper" skill hit Yu Yao's back accurately, causing a burst of black mist and an energy explosion. Yao Yao was hit and lost two steps forward. Zi Lingyi seized the opportunity and took a The sword slashes obliquely, and then stabs straight with the sword.

"Ahhh! Die!" Yao Yao roared, suddenly, his purple glasses turned blood red, he held up the long knife, and the long knife erupted into a burst of purple flames, and then Yao Yao held the knife in both hands, and slashed diagonally .

Zi Lingyi leaped back and dodged it. The monster-thirsty sword hit the ground, triggering a burst of energy explosion, which drove up smoke and gravel. The power was extremely powerful. Zi Lingyi was very surprised. This guy ran away?
When Zi Lingyi fell to the ground, in the smoke, the addicted monster rushed in and out, stabbing directly, Zi Lingyi slashed horizontally with his sword, forcibly parried, and the addicted monster continued to attack, but suddenly, Ye Xin used "two days first class" to descend from the sky. , the two knives staggered and slashed horizontally, hitting the chest of the addicted demon, sparking a burst of sparks and black mist.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ye Xin screamed and backed away. After stopping, he stared straight at Ye Xin and rushed forward with a roar. , and the demon addict directly held the knife with one hand and slashed across Ye Xin's "Kongming Slash". The energy blade of "Kongming Slash" was directly shattered into pieces.

"What!" Ye Xin lost his voice in shock. His "Kongming Slash" is a powerful attack technique, but it was so easily crushed. What's going on with this boss, it's so powerful!

Xiyao rushed forward, and released the "Soldier God Storm" skill to Zi Lingyi and Ye Xin, holding a knife with one hand, swinging and slashing up, Zi Lingyi and Ye Xin struggled to hold the weapon, and retreated to resist.

Wang Xu was in the distance, holding a sniper rifle and shooting, all the shots were from the front of the demon, but behind the monster, a phantom flashed, and when it became a reality, two knives popped out.

"Wow!" A few times, a black mist was stirred up behind the demon, and the demon gritted his teeth. He didn't turn his head at all, because he already knew who it was, it was Zheng Xuanxue!Zheng Xuanxue has been hiding in the distance, making sure not to cause trouble for Zi Lingyi, but at the same time, she is also looking for opportunities to attack.

Zheng Xuanxue's "Arc Light" move, coupled with Wang Xu's sniper cover, forcibly interrupted the demon addict's "Soldier God Storm" skill, and after Zheng Xuanxue's "Arc Light", she also used the "Shunhua" skill, double The knife stabbed straight, and after the attack, he jumped back, released the "Phantom" skill, created a clone, and then retreated to distance himself.

The addicted demon turned around angrily, slashed horizontally, and saw that there was another clone, he roared angrily, and Zi Lingyi took out the fierce feather gourd on the spot, took a sip of the wine in the gourd, and released the "drinking rivers and lakes" skills, and then quickly put away the fierce feather gourd, took out the spiritual umbrella-Flying Feather, held two weapons, charged quickly, and launched an attack.

Ye Xin was not idle either, and followed closely with the "Super Speed" skill, and then rushed forward, stabbing straight with his right hand, while Zi Lingyi also held the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu with his left, and stabbed straight up with the blade on the tip of the umbrella.

Zi Lingyi and Ye Xin teamed up, it is indeed very powerful, however, the rampant demon addiction is stronger, if it is not for Wang Xu's shooting output from a distance, it is estimated that the two sides will fall into a stalemate.

But at this time, two more people climbed up, one was Liu Yansheng, the other was Zhang Zhexun, these two people also climbed up, but the hero Zhang Zhexun used to climb up was not Monkey King, whose stick could not be inserted into the rock wall , the hero he used was Hua Mulan.

He climbed up with Hua Mulan's twin swords, and immediately cut back to Monkey King. Liu Yansheng stood beside him and patted his clothes. Then, the two of them saw Zi Lingyi and others fighting the boss fiercely, and immediately scanned it. Gained the attribute of being addicted to monsters.

However, the attributes obtained by the two of them are completely different from the demon-addicted attributes that Zi Lingyi and the others obtained. 252158, movement speed 800, attack speed +1500%."

"Passive skill - ghosts and gods: runaway: ignores the effects of stun, deceleration, knock-up, and armor penetration, and the attack has a 15% bloodthirsty effect."

"Skill - Bingshen Storm: Monster addiction inspires fighting spirit, charges forward and attacks, causes physical damage to the enemy, has a limiting effect"

"Skill-Bloodthirsty Demon Spirit: The power of the demon spirit summoned by the demon, several demon spirits will automatically pounce on the enemy and launch an attack, causing spell damage to the enemy."

"Skill-Phantom Blade: The Monster-thirsty teleports to the designated location, and strengthens the next normal attack. If the strengthened normal attack hits, it will have a 500% bloodthirsty effect."

"Rampage Skill-Dance of Demon Spirits: Yaoxie summons a large number of demon spirits to wrap around him to protect Yaoxie. It lasts for 3 minutes. During this period, Yaoxie is in an invincible state. , will receive physical damage."

Zhang Zhexun and Liu Yansheng were also shocked when they saw this attribute. The Miracle Light version, counting today, is exactly five years, five years, and the first runaway boss finally appeared.


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(End of this chapter)

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