Chapter 363 Blockbuster
"Hey, what's the matter, Xiao Yi?" The call was connected quickly, He Zhifeng asked inside, and Zi Lingyi let out a long breath, ready to say something, so he said: "Brother He, What are you going to do in winter vacation?"

"Find a job, and then drop out of school." He Zhifeng said, Zi Lingyi was speechless for a moment, looking for a job?Then leave school?It's all the same, but before Zi Lingyi said anything, He Zhifeng continued: "Work is a professional team."

"Huh?" Zi Lingyi had a bad feeling.

"But I'm not going to join your team." He Zhifeng said on the phone in a lukewarm manner, and Zi Lingyi became anxious in an instant, and immediately asked, "What! Why? Then whose team are you planning to join?"

"I don't know, I'm still waiting and watching." He Zhifeng said, and Zi Lingyi then asked: "Brother He? Why don't you join our team?"

"I can't tell you this, but I can only say this, I want to be your enemy once in the professional arena, well, your team will also work hard." He Zhifeng said, and then said "bye", and then said Hang up the phone.

Zi Lingyi held up the phone blankly, and Zheng Xuanxue who was sitting by the side, seeing Zi Lingyi's expression, knew that the other party had refused, but it was also strange, given the relationship between Zi Lingyi and He Zhifeng, why would He Zhifeng refuse?
Zi Lingyi was obviously also puzzled by this question, so he made a decisive decision and immediately called Liu Mengyang to inquire about the situation. Liu Mengyang watched the live broadcast of the anniversary celebration and knew that Zi Lingyi was going to become a professional player. Knowing why He Zhifeng didn't join the VT. Dream team, He Zhifeng told them.

Zi Lingyi listened carefully, and after listening, Zi Lingyi couldn't laugh or cry.

The truth is, the girl He Zhifeng loves is Bing Yu Nuo, Zi Lingyi knows it, and another time, in the supermarket, Zi Lingyi and Bing Yu Nuo met, and the conversation between Zi Lingyi and Bing Yu Nuo, He Zhifeng did not know. I heard.

Only then did Zi Lingyi remember that the last time he went shopping in the supermarket, he not only met Bing Yu Nuo, but also met He Zhifeng before that, and He Zhifeng heard the conversation between Zi Lingyi and Bing Yu Nuo.

Liu Mengyang then said that He Zhifeng was not angry with Zi Lingyi, nor was he jealous. He also knew that he was a bit of a toad and wanted to eat swan meat, but just like that, he was directly in the same team as his love rival. It's been a while.

Zi Lingyi then expressed that he understood, and hung up the phone. He was just trying to understand the situation. Now that he knew it, Zi Lingyi didn't want to say anything more. At least, he and He Zhifeng were still friends.
But here comes the crux of the problem. Zi Lingyi is very clear about He Zhifeng's strength. He is experienced, quick-witted, and extremely strong. Although he has not reached the level of a hero in the world, at least he is also a master on the martial arts stage One, you must know that if someone who can fight a bloody battle in the martial arts arena wants to join the professional circle, there is no need to worry about not having a team.

No matter which team He Zhifeng joins, he will definitely be able to greatly improve the strength of that team, that's for sure, and Zi Lingyi also stood up, walked to the computer, and used QQ to connect to the bracelet interface in the King of Glory game.

Although Zi Lingyi did not log in to the game, WeChat and QQ can connect to the crystal bracelet in the game, so Zi Lingyi is using QQ to connect to the friend column in the crystal bracelet to see what experts are in the friend column.

At present, Zi Lingyi's friends column has many more friends, many of them are from the professional circle, this is also what he received in the anniversary celebration, and he has divided these friends into one group, and the professional circle is in the same group. Put everything else in the entertainment group.

In the entertainment group, Zi Lingyi looked at the few friends. At present, the VT. Dream Team is still short of two fixed occupations, one is a mage and one is a shooter, and the other is an optional occupation, namely tank and warrior. , auxiliary.

Among Zi Lingyi's friends, there are not many shooters, but a mage, he does have a friend, and this friend is super powerful, but Zi Ling Yichao hesitated, not knowing whether to invite him, he just frowned, looking With the name of the game, Huh.
This guy is a profiteer, and Zi Lingyi doesn't want to see him in the game at all. If there is a choice, Hu Le is definitely not his first choice. However, Hu Le's strength is indeed formidable, and the current VT. Dream team lacks members. The situation is more urgent, and members need to be added immediately.

Zi Lingyi finally decided to look at other people first, so he looked at other friends, and locked on another person, Ning Yu, the hero he used was Kai, and it was a half-meat hero, very suitable for tanks and Warrior's position.

And judging from several contacts, Ning Yu's character is very good, coupled with his undoubted strength and career, Zi Lingyi very much hopes to invite this person, but now Zi Lingyi can't invite him, because He is not online.
Zi Lingyi does know that Ning Yu is an office worker in reality. At this time, Ning Yu is probably still at work, and Zi Lingyi has no other contact methods with him, so he has no choice but to wait for him online.

Then there is the shooter. The shooter is one of the two most sought-after professions in the entire professional circle. The other popular profession is the mage. Basically, every professional team can have no tanks and no support, but it is absolutely impossible to have no Archer and mage.

At present, the most powerful shooter in the entire professional circle is Wang Xu, nicknamed the gun king, with outstanding strength, one of the five heroes of the new Jianghu, and has become a hero of the Jianghu for three consecutive years. If possible, he is definitely Zi Lingyi's first choice. Yes, Uncle Chen sent him an invitation, but he rejected it for a very straightforward reason, because he was not very interested in the new team.

However, Zi Lingyi didn't know many shooters. In the end, Zi Lingyi discussed with Zheng Xuanxue and Ji Hongye, and then searched in the game to see if there were any other good candidates.

However, two days later, there was still no good candidate, Ning Yu was not online, and Zi Lingyi couldn't invite him. However, Ji Hongye brought them news. This news was not about the new member, but A blockbuster in the professional world.

Ji Hongye sent the URL of the news to Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, and the two immediately opened the URL page with their mobile phones. They saw that it was the URL channel of e-sports news. : "Important news, Ye Xin, one of the former Four Heroes of Jianghu, Jianzong Apocalypse-Wushuang, officially registered as a professional player, joined the Ice Team, and became the vice-captain of the Ice Team."


There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

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(End of this chapter)

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