Chapter 368 Hackers
After Zi Lingyi quit the game, she took off her game glasses, leaned on the seat, closed her eyes, and sighed. Zheng Xuanxue, who was sitting next to her, saw this and quickly asked: "What's wrong, Xiao Yi, did something happen in the game?" matter?"

"Ningyu is online." Zi Lingyi opened his eyes and said.

"Failed." Looking at Zi Lingyi's expression, Zheng Xuanxue guessed the situation, and Zi Lingyi let out a "hmm" and continued: "This guy is an office worker, and he has younger brothers and sisters to take care of at home. Professional gamers are an unstable profession."

"Didn't you tell him, the boss of our team?" Zheng Xuanxue asked suspiciously, while Zi Lingyi smiled wryly, and said, "I wanted to say it, but this guy is going to work, so he said hello to me, Before I could type the words, he went offline."

"Then what should we do?" Zheng Xuanxue asked quickly, and at this moment, Hu Quan, who had signed the contract, was refreshed and humming a little song in a good mood, walked into the training room, and looked at Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, seeing the expressions of the two, said happily, "You two, what's the matter?"

Seeing Hu Quan's expression, Zi Lingyi frowned, and said very displeasedly: "Hurry up and put away your wretched smiling face, I'm annoyed by it, otherwise, I might beat you up. "

"Well, what's the matter?" Hu Quan asked, and after Zheng Xuanxue explained the situation, after Hu Quan listened, he looked at Zi Lingyi with his hands on his hips, and said, "Oh, what else should I do? Find him the real person It’s okay to talk.”

"Looking for a real person is easy as you said, how do you find it?" Zi Lingyi looked at Hu Quan speechlessly, and Hu Quan chuckled, revealing a sly smile, both Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue frowned.

After Hu Quan said "wait a minute", he walked to the corner of the training room, where his suitcase was still placed, and Hu Quan took out his laptop from a smile, then sat on the sofa and started the computer. After connecting the power supply to the signal, he quickly operated the keyboard, as if he was doing something.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked at each other, not knowing what Hu Quan was doing, but Hu Quan said while operating the computer with concentrated eyes, "I know that guy's ID is Guardian-Ningyu, and his specific offline When is the time, the more precise the better."

Zi Lingyi heard the words, opened the QQ chat bar, looked at the chat records in the game, and then gave Hu Quan a very specific time: "16:21 p.m."

"Okay." Hu Quan licked his lips excitedly and said, and then, his hands began to speed up, typing on the keyboard quickly, and his voice became faster and clearer. After about 2 minutes, Hu Quan let out a sigh of relief. , Said: "Okay, done!"

"What's done?" Zi Lingyi stared blankly at Hu Quan, and Hu Quan smiled, and immediately walked over with the laptop, walked to the middle of the seats between Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, and turned the laptop screen to Come here, let Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue watch.

When the two saw it, they found that it was actually a map with a red dot on it, and where the red line seemed to be. Hu Quan pointed to the red dot with his finger and said, "The last place he went offline is here. This seems to be a company, and he should work here."

"Damn it, how did you do it!" Zi Lingyi cried out in shock when she heard the words, and Zheng Xuanxue was also extremely surprised. Neither of them thought that this Hu Quan was not only a treacherous game businessman, but also a super hacker.

"Hey, do hackers understand?" Hu Quan still kept the smiling face just now.

Zi Lingyi swallowed her saliva, and after a while, after digesting the amount of information, she immediately manipulated Hu Lie's computer, enlarged the address, and found that it was actually in Baiyun City.

"Baiyun City? I'll go there tomorrow." Zi Lingyi got up and said, and Hu Quan closed the computer, looked at Zi Lingyi, waved his left hand and asked, "I've seen this person before, he is indeed quite powerful, but He is actually worthy of your own visit, it seems that he has a lot of background."

"I don't know if there is a background or not. But I know that I will never miss such a player." Zi Lingyi said seriously, and then he immediately went to discuss with Ji Hongye, and Ji Hongye immediately reported to Chen Hua. After speaking, he immediately arranged for Zi Lingyi's flight tomorrow morning.

The next day, at 12:30 noon.
A handsome boy in white clothes came over. The person in charge led him directly into the training base of VT. Dream Team. After entering the training base, he led him directly to Chen Hua's office.

Chen Hua had been sitting in the office for a while, waiting for his arrival. When he saw this person coming, Chen Hua immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile: "Hahaha, Great God Wang Xu, welcome!"

"Well, Boss Chen." Wang Xu smiled and said, this person is Wang Xu.

Yesterday, the person in charge arrived at Team SR. Luo, and discussed with the manager and owner of Team SR. Luo. The two were completely shocked by Wang Xu's transfer, but in the end, they still couldn't keep Wang Xu. After Wang Xu paid the liquidated damages, he went back to his room to pack his luggage, and arrived here the next day.

The SR. Luo team will hold a press conference soon, saying that Wang Xu will transfer to join the VT. Dream team. This is what Wang Xu expected, but he doesn't care at all. Wang Xu chatted with Chen Hua Finally, I looked at the contract and was a little shocked when I found out my salary.

1000 and two million, this is Wang Xu's annual salary. Wang Xu's original annual salary in the SR. Luo team was 800 million, but now it is directly half of the original salary, which surprised Wang Xu.

Chen Hua smiled, and then said that he was only going to offer him an annual salary of 1000 million yuan, which was proposed by Zi Lingyi, and the reason for adding 200 million yuan was simple. Hu Quan's level was equal to that of Wang Xuping. It was not acceptable to Zi Lingyi at all, he really didn't want to see Hu Quan's smug smile, so he proposed to Chen Hua to give Wang Xu a little more annual salary, anyway, the richest man in the Chen Group in China was not short of money at all.

Speaking of Zi Lingyi, at this moment, he was sitting on the plane alone, there were no passengers on the plane, Chen Hua gave him a chartered flight, and Zi Lingyi, sitting on the seat, looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

In about half an hour, Zi Lingyi will arrive in Baiyun City. This time he will go alone, and facing Ning Yu himself, Zi Lingyi is also quite nervous. After all, Zi Lingyi doesn't have much experience when talking directly with real people. .

What Ning Yu mainly cares about is the future of his younger siblings, as well as the issue of salary. As long as these two points are settled and he wants Ning Yu to join, there should be no problem. I kept thinking about it on the plane.


There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

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(End of this chapter)

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