Chapter 377 Bloody Battle

The fierce battle between the VT. Dream Gang and the Dragon Tooth Gang is still going on, and both sides have used gang battle cards. Therefore, once they are killed, they will not be able to enter the world scene for ten days, and more items will be exploded.

Some members of the Dragon Tooth Gang desperately used ropes and ladders to fight up the city wall, but they were all wiped out quickly. Zheng Xuanxue brandished two knives and quickly killed a member of the Dragon Tooth Gang. Zi Lingyi immediately rushed over and pushed hard with her left hand , forcibly overturning the ladder.

"Boom! Boom!" An explosion hit the city wall. Wang Xu was holding a sniper rifle, bent over, and ran quickly with his body down. However, there were two shooters in front of him shooting. It was blown away directly, and one of them was already bloody, and was killed directly.

Although Wang Xu's blood volume was not damaged, the airflow of the explosion was very strong. In addition, Wang Xu was bent over and lowered his body, so his balance was not good, so he was thrown to the ground by the airflow of the explosion.

"Uh..." Wang Xu gritted his teeth, held the sniper rifle in his right hand, grabbed the stone bricks of the city wall with his left hand and climbed up. After a few breaths, he held the sniper rifle, aimed, and shot, giving priority to killing those blasting long-range shooters.

Ji Hongye's hero is Han Xin. Holding a long gun, he rushed to the back of the city wall. The catapult at the back was ready. He waved his hand and shouted: "Catapult, get ready! 3! 2! 1! Let go! "

As soon as the words fell, the boulders on the catapult were thrown by the catapult one by one, and fell on the battlefield. Many members of the Dragon Tooth Gang on the battlefield were hit, but there were too many of them, and they were killed Batch, the rest are still being killed in a steady stream.

Zi Lingyi lowered her body and rushed to Wang Xu's side, and sat down with her back against the wall. When a bullet hit him, Wang Xu immediately squatted down and asked, "What's going on with you!?"

"It's terrible, you let the shooter troops bombard the city gate as much as possible, after blasting a road, open the car door, and I will lead people to rush out to kill!" Zi Lingyi roared, Wang Xu nodded, agreeing: "Okay ! Just do it!"

Therefore, Wang Xu commanded the shooter troops to shoot at the enemies within the gate of the city, and an entrance was soon blasted out. Then, the gate opened, and a large group of VT gang members headed by Zi Lingyi and Cheng Mo, one by one Wielding weapons, slash out of the city, and fight directly with the enemy.

"Ah, ah!" Cheng Mo roared and rushed forward. The battle had entered a fierce stage from the very beginning. Cheng Mo held a knife in both hands, and slashed obliquely, hitting a Liu Bei's shoulder. Liu Bei gritted his teeth and just set up his gun to attack , Cheng Mo turned around and kicked him in a roundabout way, knocking him over.

Behind Cheng Mo, a Xiang Yu slammed into him. Cheng Mo still noticed him in the chaotic battle and turned to face the enemy. However, Xiang Yu released the "pointless charge" skill and hit him with a shoulder. Cheng Mo resisted with a knife. But he was still knocked into the air and fell to the side.

"Die!" Xiang Yu held up the big knife with a ferocious face, but Cheng Mo gritted his teeth and held the broken long knife tightly. After receiving the "Extreme Blade Storm" skill, he slashed with a sharp knife, and Xiang Yu retreated one after another.

"Ah!" On the right side of Cheng Mo, Zhao Yun rushed up with a gun and roared. Cheng Mo raised his foot, kicked Xiang Yu over with one kick, then turned around with a broken long knife in his hand, and slashed at Zhao Yun's spear diagonally. , and then stepped forward and stabbed Zhao Yun back.

"Boom! Boom!" On the city wall of the VT. Dream gang, the shooter troops still opened fire, and several members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were blown away. In the flames of the explosion, Zi Lingyi charged with his sword, and he took out the fierce feathers Gourd, after using the "Drinking Jianghu" skill, held the sword in one hand, turned around and slashed horizontally with the sword, hitting the chests of three members of the Dragon Tooth Gang, knocking them all into the air.

"The purple bell flowers are blooming! Take your life!" Behind Zi Lingyi, a Guan Yu held up a big knife and slashed straight down. Zi Lingyi turned around and raised his spiritual light flashing sword to block it. Fei also rushed up, holding the Zhangba Snake Spear high and ready to attack.

Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of her mouth, holding the Shining Light Sword in her right hand, and stretched out her left hand to hold the hilt. At the same time, a white light emitted from the center of the hilt. Although Zi Lingyi separated the Shining Light Sword from the left and right, the Shining Light Sword The Hui sword was split into two, turning into two swords!

"What!" Guan Yu and Zhang Fei lost their voices in surprise, and Zi Lingyi stabbed straight with his left hand, hitting Zhang Fei's abdomen, sparking a burst of red spirit crystal fragments, and then, Zi Lingyi's right hand touched Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Knife , a sword with his left hand slashed obliquely, hitting Guan Yu's chest.

Guan Yu retreated after being beaten, Zi Lingyi rushed forward, brandishing two swords, slashing obliquely with his right hand and horizontally with his left hand, knocking Guan Yu to the ground, and Zhang Fei also rushed forward immediately, Zhang Ba Snake The spear stabbed straight, Zi Lingyi turned around, slashed across Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear with his left hand, then took a step forward, stabbed straight with his right hand, and hit Zhang Fei's chest, killing Zhang Fei as well. repel.

"Qinglian Sword Song!" As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows and slashed at Zhang Fei. Several white sword lights appeared on Zhang Fei's body, and Zhang Fei's red spirit crystal shattered for a while. , Then, the five white sword shadows returned to their positions and changed back to Zi Lingyi. Before Zhang Fei was killed, Zi Lingyi continued to output, and the two swords struck quickly, attacking Zhang Fei one after another.

"Damn it!" Guan Yu, who was behind Zi Lingyi, was about to come to help. Unexpectedly, Zi Lingyi slashed Zhang Fei horizontally with his sword, and then turned around. Surprised, he was instantly knocked to the ground, and then, Zi Lingyi's right knee pressed against his chest, and Zi Lingyi was wielding two swords to shoot out, killing Guan Yu as well.

After killing Guan Yu, Zi Lingyi saw Sun Shangxiang on the opposite side shooting output. Zi Lingyi made a decisive decision and threw the aura flashing sword in both hands at the same time. Hitting the abdomen and shoulders one after another, aroused two fragments of the red spirit crystal, and was knocked to the ground.

Zi Lingyi released "Jiangjiujin" to advance a certain distance, and then stretched out his hands, the two flashing swords of spiritual light that were thrown into the air unexpectedly flew back into Zi Lingyi's hands.

Zi Lingyi was holding the double swords, and he was attacking Sun Shangxiang quickly, Sun Shangxiang was killed within a few parries, Zi Lingyi looked at the double swords in his hand, and couldn't help but commented: "This guy is really easy to use. "

Fights and bloody battles were everywhere around, another guy rushed in front of Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi confronted the enemy with two swords, and quickly killed him, while the members of the VT.

The two sides fought fiercely for 2 hours.
"Retreat! Retreat!" The commander of the Dragon Tooth Gang shouted, and the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang fled one after another. The members of the VT. Said that Longya Gang is a bunch of cowards, or useless guys.

But Zi Lingyi, and some people who can see the situation clearly, are not in the mood to ridicule, because they know that the Dragon Tooth Gang has blocked the only intersection of the mountain range. They retreated this time, but soon, they will launch the next attack .


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(End of this chapter)

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