The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 384: Archaeological Experts Come to Answer

Chapter 384: Archaeological Experts Come to Answer

I saw the man in white climbing up along the rope, then fell down, walked forward after landing, and saw a tomb door that had been opened halfway, so the man walked along the half-opened tomb door , entered a tomb.

When he saw the tomb, Bai Kaifeng turned off the video again and carefully observed everything in the tomb. He saw the mural, the stone platform, the weapons in front of the mural, the stone statues of soldiers around the stone platform, and the erected coffin .

"The one lying here should be a general, right?" Bai Kaifeng guessed the answer without thinking for a while, Zi Lingyi was surprised, and immediately asked: "Yes, yes, Uncle Bai, how did you know that? "

"Obviously, the weapons placed around indicate that this person must be a general in the ancient army, or he just likes to wield knives and guns, and the stone statues of soldiers around show that he is either a general, or he is eager to Become the richest general."

"Then why is the coffin erected?" Zi Lingyi asked. He had been thinking about this question for a long time. Why should the coffin be erected when there is nothing to do?And Bai Kaifeng answered his question.

"Generally, this kind of coffin is called Dragonfly Dian Shui Cave, or Emperor's Treasure. These burial methods generally hope that the descendants, the country, and the nation will have good luck in everything, but this is obviously not the case. "

"How to say?"

"Look, these murals fully show that the time when the owner of the tomb was buried should be when that country was at war, and he should have died during the war, and the time when this ancient tomb was built should be After the war is over, because you see, the mural is very complete, from the beginning to the end, it is very obvious. If the tomb was built during the war, this mural will definitely not be so complete, at least, it is impossible to see Such a complete ending."

"Eh, what else?" Zi Lingyi sighed, an expert is an expert.

"What's more, this tomb should not be the main tomb, because you see, these murals describe the war and the country objectively, not the general, so this should be a burial chamber , the real owner of the tomb should be the prince, the emperor or something, because they hope that those generals can protect their safety even if they die in battle."

"Awesome." Zi Lingyi gave Bai Kaifeng a thumbs up. What Bai Kaifeng said was right, the real owner of this tomb was really an emperor.

Bai Kaifeng immediately turned his perspective to the side of the erected coffin, and said: "Generally, dragonfly-pointed water caves or imperial treasures hope that future generations and the country will be happy and safe, but judging from the ending of this mural , the country won, and being able to accompany the emperor to be buried together shows that the general's status in this country is not small, and he doesn't have to worry about the problems of future generations and the country at all, so this should not be a superficial water cave and emperor's possession."

"Then what does this represent?" Zi Lingyi asked, and Zi Lingfei was also very focused, after all, this was his job.

"He will die in battle. I guess it's the general, hoping that he will not fall down, or the emperor, hoping that he can stand up and continue to protect himself and his country from wind and rain." Bai Kaifeng deduced road.

"Oh, wonderful, applaud." Zilingyi really applauded, and Zilingfei followed suit. Seeing Zilingfei, Zilingyi couldn't help but mocked again: "Second brother, you and Uncle Bai is simply incomparable."

"I'm just one who goes to the grave!" Zi Lingfei shouted
"Uncle Bai also went to the grave."

"I'm in charge of cracking the mechanism and opening the coffin. In addition, Uncle Bai also has the work of researching cultural relics!" Zi Lingfei immediately explained, and Zi Lingyi looked at him with folded arms and said, "So Ah, in your situation, you can only fight, Uncle Bai is an all-rounder in civil and military affairs."

"Your uncle" Zi Lingfei was speechless, Zi Ling's anecdote was a bit rough, but the truth was right.
"Xiao Yi, where did you get such a thing, the specifications are really similar to the ancient style." Bai Kaifeng asked with concern, this kind of video file that can be adjusted made Bai Kaifeng full of interest.

"Uncle Bai, keep reading, and I'll tell you the answer after reading it." Zi Lingyi said, Bai Kaifeng heard the words, pointed at him, and said with a smile: "You've learned how to play tricks, okay, let me see. "

As he said that, Bai Kaifeng opened the file and read it. Unexpectedly, what he saw was that the coffin was suddenly opened from the inside by someone, the lid of the coffin flew out, and the door of the tomb was forcibly closed. Inside, there was a big rice dumpling. , walked out from inside, looking very mighty and terrifying.

"This is zongzi, right? This is the first time I've seen it." Bai Kaifeng said in surprise, and Zilingyi was also shocked when he heard the words, and immediately asked, "Wait, Uncle Bai, are you saying that there really are such things as zongzi?" biology."

"This... I'm not too sure. Although that kind of thing exists in the novel, we have heard from several other tomb robbers who have taken refuge in the Bai family that there is indeed such a creature. It's just that our Bai family has never seen it. Pass." Bai Kaifeng said.

"Oh, that's it." Zi Lingyi said.

Bai Kaifeng continued to look down and saw that the man in white was fighting fiercely with the big rice dumpling general. It took a long time to defeat the opponent. Although the fighting scene was very cool and intense, but Bai Kaifeng's interest in ancient tombs, Far better than these, so I speeded up the progress, fast forwarded and jumped directly, and then saw the man in white triggering the mechanism and opening another door.

The man in white walked for a while, and finally reunited with his companions. However, he also met a lot of other zongzi. I don't know how reliable these things are, so Bai Kaifeng is not interested in them, so he jumps away decisively, and then I saw the side of the altar, a coffin and an emperor rice dumpling.

Bai Kaifeng paused, and immediately fell back, back to the crossbow mechanism, and then followed the other people with the camera, only to see that those people met a bunch of big rice dumplings, and then triggered the mechanism, the floor was like a balance, divided Ascent and descent for upper and lower floors.

The one who descended was the one who met the man in white. Bai Kaifeng resolutely didn't look at his perspective, but looked at the perspective of the other three people. He only saw those three people, meeting zongzi all the way, fighting all the way, Bai Kaifeng didn't want to look at it either, so he fast-forwarded again, and after a while, he finally saw the three people coming to the altar.

I saw that the altar was surrounded by springs and cliffs, matching the coffin in the center of the altar, it looked very majestic, but Bai Kaifeng looked up and found that the top of the coffin was hollowed out. pattern.

"Judging from the video just now, this is indeed an emperor. The hollowed-out ceiling should be illuminated by moonlight at night, like a starry sky. He probably wants the starry sky to protect the country or something."

"Well, amazing." Zi Lingyi said in admiration.


There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

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(End of this chapter)

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