The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 388 The End of the Dragon Tooth Gang

Chapter 388 The End of the Dragon Tooth Gang

At this time, on the city wall, a group of people from the VT. Dream gang were firing at the city wall, and many people were trying to climb the city wall. However, at this time, the city gate opened slowly, and everyone They were all shocked, and Zi Lingyi walked out of the command room of the Dragon Tooth Gang at this time, stood in the middle of the city wall, and waved to the comrades below.

"Brothers, the gang leader has succeeded, rush!" A temporary commander waved and roared, and as soon as the words fell, all the members of the VT. A group of people from the Dragon Tooth Gang who were supplying supplies were caught off guard, and the VT. Dream Gang directly started killing in the Feiyun sub-helm.

Most of the members of the VT. Dream Gang are players in Suzaku Town who have hated the Dragon Tooth Gang for a long time. Therefore, they will slaughter without hesitation, absolutely mercilessly, and kill anyone who sees the Dragon Tooth Gang.

Fifteen minutes later, the Feiyun sub-helm of the Dragon Tooth Gang was in a mess. In the small building in the center, the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were struggling for the last time. The figure, walking slowly in the aisle inside, the aura shining sword in his hand, if it can pass through the red spirit crystal body protection, then it must be a blood-stained sword.

"Ugh!" With the scream of the last member of the Dragon Tooth Gang, this person fell to the ground, and the Red Spirit Crystal shattered. Zi Lingyi walked past his body and walked to the Crystal Heart, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, He stretched out his left hand, grasped the Crystal Heart, and walked out of Feiyun with it.

The moment Zi Lingyi stepped out of the Feiyun sub-helm, he held up the Crystal Heart, and the Feiyun sub-helm vibrated for a while, and finally, the entire city turned into sparkling fluorescent particles, which drifted away with the wind.

"Yay! We won!"

"Bastards of the Dragon Tooth Gang, you are finished!"

"Long live the Sword God!"

People from the VT. Dream Gang cheered and shouted, and Zi Lingyi immediately ordered everyone to rush to the canyon to assist the rebel army outside and the people from the VT. Dream Gang to attack the Longya Gang from inside and outside.

Everyone accepted the order without hesitation and rushed to the canyon, and most of them were riding horses. During this process, Wang Xu ran to Zi Lingyi's side and said, "Looking at the eyes of each of them, they How much do you hate the Dragon Tooth Gang?"

"It's understandable. When I was doing business, I often met the Dragon Tooth Gang. I don't know how many times I was robbed by them." Hu Quan also rushed over and said, Wang Xu became a little curious when he said this: "Oh , You were robbed by them, what happened to you?"

"Nothing. It's one thing to rob, but it's another thing to rob it. Do you think they can beat me?" Hu Quan smiled, and Wang Xu understood. Indeed, the Dragon Tooth Gang Most of the people are basically not Hu Quan's opponents, which is normal.

Soon, the VT. Dream gang rushed to the mouth of the canyon and attacked together with the rebels outside. The Dragon Tooth gang was instantly unable to parry and was beaten into an army. In the end, they fought with all their strength, and only more than 50 people escaped. More than 700 million people, the whole army was wiped out.

The rebel army and the VT. Dream gang converged, and the army immediately prepared to attack the other two helms. The first to be attacked was the Qingqiu helm near the mouth of the canyon.

The Qingqiu sub-rudder was so bad that the army besieged it. The Dragon Tooth Gang didn't resist for long, so they had to order to retreat. Although Zi Lingyi and the others didn't get the Crystal Heart, they also succeeded in destroying another sub-rudder. Finally, everyone rushed to Longya The last sub-rudder of Yabang, the sky sub-rudder.

Most of the people in the rebel army are scattered, and they are all entertaining players, so they have no way to use the gang battle cards. Therefore, many members of the Dragon Tooth Gang can be resurrected immediately, and their resurrected people immediately enter the sky sub-helm However, this is useless, they currently only have more than 600 million troops left.

As for Zi Lingyi's rebel army and the VT. Dream gang, there are more than 700 million people in total. At present, these 700 million people have surrounded the Tianqiong branch. However, the coalition forces did not attack immediately. They, unexpectedly They began to set up camp, tents and camps surrounded the sky.

This is a naked mental blow, and it can be called a situation of besieged on all sides.

After half an hour.
The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were sitting on the city wall in despair, while the VT. Dream Gang and the rebel army were laughing and laughing, very lively and happy. The morale of the gang is not good. Now, it is impossible to be the opponent of the coalition forces.

Dragon Tooth-Master also survived. He stood on the city wall and looked at the camps surrounding the Sky Division. The situation was like a city surrounded by a village. He punched the city wall angrily and shouted: "Purple The bell flower is blooming! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Ahhhhhhhh!"

"Guild Master, surrender." A person next to him suggested, and other people around looked at Longya-Master, and Longya-Master turned his head angrily, staring at this person, and then, Longya-Master opened the door. The crystal bracelet was operated, and soon, the person who proposed received a voice message, which read: "You have been kicked out of the Dragon Tooth Gang."

"What! You, the leader." The person who proposed was taken aback, but before he could finish his sentence, Longya - Juggernaut kicked him up, kicked him to the ground, and then stepped on his abdomen with both hands Holding the knife upside down, it stabbed him fiercely.

"Eh! Eh! Eh!" The man kept screaming, and Longya-Master also roared angrily: "Surrender! Surrender! Surrender! I won't surrender! You stupid pig, you bastard , If you want to surrender, then die! Trash!"

In the end, the red spirit crystal of this person was completely shattered, and his clothes were blood-red. There was no way, the dragon tooth-lord not only killed him, but also whipped the corpse, so there was blood. I dare not speak anymore.

The next day, at 8:[-] am.
After Zi Lingyi and the others had breakfast, they went online immediately, and all the coalition troops were in high spirits. Everyone was online, and they still surrounded the sky branch. Afterwards, Zi Lingyi led the people to the Before the sky divides the rudder.

"Ahem." Zi Lingyi cleared her throat, then turned on the loudspeaker, and shouted: "Listen, you are surrounded, put down your weapons quickly, and come out one by one. I promise not to kill any of you. Otherwise, you understand!"

"Damn it, the purple bell flower is blooming, what are you! How dare you talk to me like that!" Longya-Zhuzhu roared angrily while standing on the city wall, while Zilingyi smiled at the corner of his mouth and said very relaxedly: "Hey hey hey , Longya-Brother Zhuzhu, keep your mouth clean, but to be honest, I can describe your current situation in two words, you deserve it."


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(End of this chapter)

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