Chapter 396
The fight in the online game is still the same, Chen Hua hired another professional to represent the gang, and Ji Hongye, he is going to go with the team to participate in the regular season of the Dream Cup in Kyoto, two days have passed, and now he is in Kyoto , the game will be played the day after tomorrow.

It was almost evening when Zi Lingyi and the others arrived. After eating some casual dinner outside the airport, Zi Lingyi and the others took a taxi to the hotel arranged by Ji Hongye.

However, the hotel arranged by Ji Hongye is not far from the competition venue, but it doesn't look like a luxury hotel, but an ordinary small hotel. Zi Lingyi and the others don't care about this, so they entered the hotel .

Ji Hongye walked to the front desk, reported the reservation number, brought two room cards over, and smiled awkwardly: "Hehehehehe."

"What are you laughing at? Why are there only two room cards?" Wang Xu looked at Ji Hongye with his hands on his hips and asked, and Ji Hongye scratched his scalp in embarrassment, and said, "I can't help it, there is a competition coming soon, and many teams Come on, they've booked most of the hotels."

"So, what do you mean!" Zi Lingyi had already guessed, but he was a bit afraid to accept it.

"Yes. The hotel and the guesthouse are unavailable. These are the only two vacant rooms." Ji Hongye slowly lowered her head. Everyone was shocked when they heard it. Wang Xu yelled at the beginning: "Damn, what do you mean by that ?”

"It means that the six of us live in two rooms? Three people in one room?" Hu Quan asked immediately.

"Cough." Zi Lingyi clenched his fists and coughed.

"What are you coughing for?" Hu Quan turned around and asked.

"Cough." There was another cough, it was someone else's voice, Hu Quan turned his head again, and when he found that it was Zheng Xuanxue, he understood in seconds, three people in one room, are you kidding, Zheng Xuanxue is a woman, and two other men crowded together?
At this time, Cheng Mo, a more mature person, calmly asked, "What kind of rooms are those two rooms? It's okay to arrange according to the situation."

"One double room and one single room." Ji Hongye said, Cheng Mo rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then arranged: "Then, the four of us will squeeze into a double room, and Xiaoxue is a girl, so we will be with her." Xiao Yi squeeze together."

"Ah?" Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked at Cheng Mo at the same time, and then at each other at the same time. For a moment, they didn't know what to say. After all, Cheng Mo's arrangement was right and reasonable.

"But, isn't our progress too fast?" Zi Lingyi said with some embarrassment, Zheng Xuanxue lowered her head, so it was Zi Lingyi who opened the mouth, and Hu Quan replied angrily: "Then you What do you mean, the four of us old men are squeezed into one bed in a single room?"

"." Zi Lingyi was at a loss for words, that kind of scene, Zi Lingyi made up his mind, thinking about it made him want to vomit and laugh at the same time.

So, Zi Lingyi and the others took the room card and took the elevator to the third floor. Afterwards, they went into their rooms. Needless to say, Wang Xu and Ji Hongye, although the four of them squeezed into a double room, it was barely acceptable.

But Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue.
After Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue entered the room, they both looked at each other shyly and awkwardly. Neither of them said anything. After a moment of silence, Zheng Xuanxue spoke first, with some faltering words: "Then, I'll take a shower first. .”

After finishing speaking, Zheng Xuanxue walked directly into the bathroom, and Zi Lingyi also let out a sigh of relief. After a while, she carried the suitcases of the two of them and walked to a corner of the room. The suitcases of the two were piled up together. Then, Zi Lingyi sat on the bed, turned on the TV and watched for a while, to calm down before talking.

After Zheng Xuanxue finished washing, she came over wiping her hair, wearing thick clothes, and Zi Lingyi didn't say anything. Seeing that Zheng Xuanxue had finished washing, she got up and said, "Have you finished washing? Then it's my turn." .”

Therefore, Zi Lingyi also went in to take a bath. Zheng Xuanxue looked at his back, then turned around and started watching TV after sitting on the bed, but it was difficult to concentrate. After all, she was a girl. This kind of thing is even more embarrassing and embarrassing than Zi Lingyi.

Zheng Xuanxue has always been a shy person, Zi Lingyi knew it, so Zi Lingyi would never force Zheng Xuanxue to do anything, but today, Zi Lingyi didn't force her to do anything, and Zi Lingyi didn't want to.

After Zi Lingyi came out of the shower, I saw Zheng Xuanxue sitting on the bed, huddled up, lowering her head, as if she was in deep thought, her expression was unnatural, even red all the time, and Zi Lingyi sighed and walked away. When she got to the bed, she sat beside Zheng Xuanxue and said, "Why don't I sleep on the floor and ask for two more quilts?"

"Don't use it," Zheng Xuanxue exclaimed, seeing Zi Lingyi get up, she immediately pulled her back, and Zi Lingyi also said "Oh", Zi Lingyi will not force or refuse such a thing, anyway, she just sleeps together On the bed, and don't do anything.

About an hour and a half later, it was about ten o'clock, and Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were about to go to bed. Both of them went to bed early today, and because the weather was still relatively cold, Zi Lingyi basically put the outside Take off the first layer of clothes, just keep a cotton sweater and cotton wool trousers.

But Zheng Xuanxue was different, she went into the bathroom and changed into her pajamas, then came back, got into bed, and Zi Lingyi, who was sleeping next to the bedside table, also stretched out her hand, turned off the light, and the small light was not turned on, so , the room was dark.

Zheng Xuanxue turned her back to Zi Lingyi, huddled into a ball, very nervous, Zi Lingyi also put her hands on the back of her head, closed her eyes, her heart still couldn't calm down for a long time, just like that, neither of them fell asleep until twelve on point.
"Xiaoxue." After two full hours, Zi Lingyi said softly, and then asked, "Are you asleep?"

"No." Zheng Xuanxue also answered softly.

Zi Lingyi has encountered such a scene before. When she was in school, the whole school had a power outage due to a heavy snowstorm. As a result, the two shared a room and slept in an RV. But that time, Zi Lingyi at least slept on the floor. Yes, but this time, the two slept on the same bed.

The same situation, the same questions and answers, but the nature has completely changed. Zi Lingyi sighed, turned around, leaned over slowly, put her arms around Zheng Xuanxue's waist, and slowly pulled Zheng Xuanxue over. in my arms.

Zheng Xuanxue's whole body trembled. She knew that Zi Lingyi would not do anything to her, but she was also taken aback by being hugged suddenly, and Zi Lingyi didn't make any follow-up actions until she gradually calmed down.

"Anyway, I can't sleep through it. Try it like this and see if you can fall asleep." Zi Lingyi hugged Zheng Xuanxue, whose back was turned to her, and Zheng Xuanxue said shyly "Yes", and then began to work hard. See if you can fall asleep.


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(End of this chapter)

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