Chapter 404 Against the Ice Team
A few days later, VT. Dream team played against two more teams, both of which are professional teams with little reputation. Although they are not well-known, they are after all regular season teams, much better than promotion teams. Therefore, Zi Ling Yi and the others did not dare to be careless and responded with all their strength.

On the other side, the EK. Whirlwind team lost to the VT. Dream team, but this does not mean that they are a weak team. They are a strong team, a super strong team. In the next two games, they will also be 3:0 Big win.

After a few days, VT. Dream Team finally faced another super strong team. This strong team is the Ice Team. Just clenching fists and being excited, I finally met an absolutely super strong team.

When Ye Xin saw that it was the VT. Dream team, he couldn't wait, and the match between the two teams was at night, so, after the morning and afternoon matches, it was finally Zilingyi's turn to play, Zilingyi After they had dinner, they went to the competition venue not long after. This time, they were in the No. [-] competition venue.

This time, the audience was even more crowded. VT. Dream Team and Ice Team are both super strong teams, and they both have a lot of fans. After several games, VT. Dream Team has more and more fans. Although not as many as the ice team that has played professional games for a long time, it is still comparable.

The two teams stepped onto the stage and started to shake hands. When Zi Lingyi and Liu Yansheng shook hands, they didn't speak, but when it was the second Ye Xin's turn, Zi Lingyi said, "Are you finally here for revenge?"

"Yeah." Ye Xin nodded coldly.

"Okay, come on!"

"You still need to say it?"

So, after the two shook hands, they shook hands with others. Then, the two teams entered the game room, loaded the game data, and officially started the game. The first game was still the same, 5V5 Kings Canyon competition.

VT. Dream Team-Red Side: VT. Ziling Qiuyi-Li Bai (Assassin/Warrior), VT. Ruoxue-Jing Ke (Assassin), VT. Xuyan-Marco Polo (Archer), VT. Ningyu-Armor (Tank) /Warrior), VT. Hu Liao-Zhuge Liang (Mage).

Ice Squad - Blue Team: Ice. Flames in the Sky - Guo Ziyi (Assassin/Support), Ice · Ye Tianqi - Miyamoto Musashi (Warrior), Ice. Charm - Luban No. [-] (Shooter), Ice. Dazzle Light - General Mo Xie (Mage), Ice. Feather Ring - Zhang Liao (Tank/Warrior).

(PS: Here is a friendly explanation. The contestants of Guo Ziyi and Miyamoto Musashi are Liu Yansheng and Ye Xin. Everyone knows that the contestant of Luban No. [-] is a woman named Chen Yun. The contestant of Ganjiang Moxie is Xu Zhao, and the contestant of Zhang Liao The player's name is Mo Ziyu)

The two sides entered the city and began to make final adjustments. After the adjustment, the countdown was almost up. When the countdown was over and the barrier was over, everyone rushed out of the city and began to defend the tower and fight in the wild.

For VT. Dream Team, the jungler is still Zi Lingyi, while the opposing team is Liu Yansheng. On the road, Chen Yun and Mo Ziyu, shooters and tanks.

As for going down
After Wang Xu got the red, he rushed to the next road. When he saw it, he found that the little soldier had been wiped out. He was standing there alone. That person was Ye Xin. When he saw that it was Ye Xin, Wang Xu also gritted his teeth and smiled. Looking for revenge from Zi Lingyi, did he find himself first?interesting.

Wang Xu drew out his double guns and shot. After finishing off the little soldier, he made a decisive decision and rushed out of the defense tower, confronting Ye Xin. Ye Xin was not afraid either.

Wang Xu and Ye Xin went to war, and everyone was excited, heroes of the rivers and lakes!They finally saw the heroes of the rivers and lakes fighting fiercely in the official professional league. In the past, only one of the heroes of the rivers and lakes was a professional player, so this situation was impossible to see, but now, all the heroes of the rivers and lakes participated in the battle, everyone participated If you become a professional player, then this kind of scene can finally be seen.

The people who fought in the bottom lane cheered, but the top lane seemed a bit boring. Zheng Xuanxue, Cheng Mo, Chen Yun, and Mo Ziyu were in a fierce battle. The two sides clashed for a while, and no one could get a bargain. In the end, they each returned to the tower.

On the middle road, Xu Zhao used the "Male and Female Twin Swords" to control distance, but Hu Quan is a mage hero, and his two favorite mages are Zhuge Liang and Gan Jiang Mo Xie. Hu Quan mastered his style of play, so Hu Quan dodged left and right, dodged Xu Zhao's attack easily.

Xu Zhao finally gave up and started to become obscene, but Hu Quan didn't dare to waver, he cleared the line of troops while dodging, and then withdrew after clearing. After all, the opponent's jungler was Liu Yansheng. No more tears.

After Zi Lingyi finished fighting in the wild, he collected a wave of soldiers in the middle lane, and soon reached level four, so he rushed to the bottom lane, ready to help Wang Xu, and deal with Ye Xin together, when he saw the direction where Zi Lingyi was running Fans of Team Frost were furious, scolding Zi Lingyi for being shameless for joining forces with Wang Xu to deal with Ye Xin.

If it is an ordinary player, then this kind of behavior is fine, but the crux of the problem is that Ye Xin is also a hero of the rivers and lakes in strength and fame, and Zi Lingyi and Wang Xu are the heroes of the rivers and lakes this year. , if two of them hit one, it will become extremely conspicuous, and it will naturally be easy to be sprayed.

The fans of VT. Dream Team are also fighting back with all their strength. Soon, the fans of the Ice Team are suppressed, not because they have a small number of fans and cannot compete with the opponent, but because the opponent is reasonable. Why is the opponent rational? Because The field has changed.

Liu Yansheng, after he cleared the wild, he also ran to the bottom lane, preparing to team up with Ye Xin to deal with Wang Xu. The fans of VT. Meng are even more angry, we are shameless for two against one, how about you?Your captain seems to have the same plan, but he runs slower than our captain.

Fans of the Frost Team are speechless, you can't say that Liu Yansheng is weak, can't you?Then there is someone who recruits his own players like this, not to mention, Liu Yansheng is the captain, and his strength is not weak at all
Zilingyi ran faster and the distance was relatively short, so he rushed to the bottom lane first. Zilingyi hid in the grass, released "Jiangjiujin" and rushed out suddenly. Ye Xin felt the breath of energy, and retreated one after another Get out of the way, Zi Lingyi flew into the air, but he didn't stop moving, he held two swords in his hand, and slashed across with his left hand, Ye Xin blocked it with his right hand and blocked it, Zi Lingyi turned around again, with his right hand With a straight stab, Ye Xin slashed with a sword, and leaped back, opening the distance. Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of her mouth, released the skill of "putting wine in" and chased forward!


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(End of this chapter)

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