Chapter 408 Sand Domain Map (2 more)
The confrontation between Wang Xu and Liu Yansheng was still the same. Liu Yansheng held two swords and released the skill "Whirlwind Slash". The curtain fell like a torrential rain, the area was too large, Liu Yansheng couldn't dodge at all.

Liu Yansheng's blood value continued to be damaged, and after Wang Xu landed, Liu Yansheng gritted his teeth and rushed up to release the "Phantom Strike" skill. He stabbed straight with a sword in his right hand. Wang Xu smiled at the corner of his mouth, kicked his left foot, and jumped back Dodge and fire while shooting.

Liu Yansheng gritted his teeth and was hit by a few bullets. After stopping, he turned around and slashed with his sword. Wang Xu kicked his right foot again, jumped back to dodge, and continued to fire. Dual Gun" skill.

Liu Yansheng continued to release the "Phantom Strike" attack, or launched the two skills of "Whirlwind" and "Storm Sword" to attack, but Wang Xu continued to jump and dodge the fire, which made Liu Yansheng instantly awake!
"This! This is not the dual smart guns. The dual smart guns don't have such a long release time. This is a fake skill!" Liu Yansheng said in shock. Shooting to achieve the effect of the pseudo "Smart Double Guns". Now Wang Xu obviously did not release the "Smart Double Guns" skill, but he achieved the same effect as the "Smart Double Guns".

Wang Xu kept releasing the pseudo-skill of "Smart Dual Spears" without stopping at all. Liu Yansheng couldn't keep up with Wang Xu's speed at all. He always felt that Wang Xu was beside him, but he just couldn't touch it.

Liu Yansheng's blood volume gradually decreased, and when there were 50% remaining, Liu Yansheng raised his right hand with a sword, and the energy sword in his right hand flashed a dazzling flash. It was the "Bright Sword" skill. Weakened.

Liu Yansheng's chance has come!

Liu Yansheng immediately released the "Whirlwind Slash" skill, and Wang Xu leaped to the left to get out of the way, but just as he landed, Liu Yansheng rushed over with another move of "Phantom Strike" and stabbed straight with his sword, hitting Wang Xu's abdomen, striking Wang Xu. fly.

Wang Xu was knocked into the air, but he put his right hand on the ground, did a one-handed somersault, and turned back successfully. Liu Yansheng continued to charge, Wang Xu retreated, released the "gorgeous revolver" skill, and shot backwards. Liu Yansheng was shot one after another, but he was not afraid , after closing the distance, it was another "Phantom Strike" skill.

Wang Xu dodged the "Wandering Spear" to the left, and Liu Yansheng ran away, but it was not over yet. After Liu Yansheng stopped, he immediately slashed with his sword and hit Wang Xu's chest. Wang Xu gritted his teeth, Fire against the attack, now Liu Yansheng's blood value is running out, so if he continues to grind like this, his chances of winning will be even greater.

Yes, Liu Yansheng is also aware of this, but he also knows that if he does this, the chances of winning are small, but if he does not do this, there is no chance of winning at all. In terms of hard power, he is not Wang Xu's opponent. admit.

Therefore, he can only use this head-to-head method to see if he can force Wang Xu to play, but it is a pity that Wang Xu did not make a mistake and played perfectly. In the end, Wang Xu still had 26% of his HP left. Liu Yansheng The blood volume value of is reset to zero.

Team VT. Dream won the second group arena match, and the audience cheered. Wang Xu deserved to be the champion of guns. Even Liu Yansheng was beaten to the ground. This is the top combat power in the Jianghu Heroes!

Soon, the two sides took a halftime break, and then began the third round of the game. The third round was a 5V5 scene competition. The map was the sand field of Fengyun Ancient City, surrounded by yellow sand. This map is a bit difficult, mainly because of the difficult terrain. Let's go, the two teams enter the game room, put on the game glasses, load the game data, and start choosing heroes.

VT. Dream Team-Red Side: VT. Ziling Qiuyi-Li Bai (Assassin/Warrior), VT. Ruoxue-Jing Ke (Assassin), VT. Xuyan-Marco Polo (Archer), VT. Ningyu-Armor (Tank) /Warrior), VT. Hu Liao-Zhuge Liang (Mage).

Ice Squad - Blue Team: Ice. Flames in the Sky - Guo Ziyi (Assassin/Support), Ice · Ye Tianqi - Miyamoto Musashi (Warrior), Ice. Charm - Luban No. [-] (Shooter), Ice. Dazzle Light - General Mo Xie (Mage), Ice. Feather Ring - Zhang Liao (Tank/Warrior).

After entering the game map, everyone began to adjust their outfits. When the countdown was over, Zi Lingyi turned around and looked at everyone, and said, "Everyone is free to disperse in this round. Don't start fighting casually when you encounter enemies. Try to understand the situation as much as possible. Think yourself If you can handle it, go on."

"What if you meet a bunch on the opposite side?" Hu Quan asked.

"Then run, it's full of sand here, everyone can't run fast, it's enough to delay." Zi Lingyi said, Hu Quan nodded, and after the others listened, they started to execute. The command here is straightforward. To put it bluntly, let them do whatever they want in this game.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue walked to the left together, Cheng Mo and Hu Quan walked to the middle, Wang Xu walked alone on the path below the sandy slope, but unexpectedly, Team Ice's tactics in this round were actually Scattered in teams, Mo Ziyu, Chen Yun, and Xu Zhao were in a group of three, and Liu Yansheng and Ye Xin were in a group.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue walked up the sandy slope with difficulty, step by step. Zheng Xuanxue struggled a little, Zi Lingyi gave her a hand, and after the two smiled at each other, they continued to walk up.

Turning up the sandy slope, standing high and looking far away, Zi Lingyi quickly discovered that Mo Ziyu and the others were directly in front of them, and Mo Ziyu and the others were shocked when they saw the two people on the hillside, they were Zi Ling Yi and Zheng Xuanxue.

"It's the purple bells blooming!"

"Fight or run?"

"Let's run, we may not be able to fight." Mo Ziyu and others were discussing, and Zi Lingyi smiled, and rushed down immediately. Mo Ziyu and others were shocked, subconsciously wanted to run, but did not run much Stepping forward, they turned their heads to look, wanting to cry for an instant.

Zi Lingyi unleashed "Jiang Jiu Jin" to charge forward, and quickly closed the distance, while Zheng Xuanxue followed closely behind, and also unleashed the skills of "Phantom Dance" and "Shun Hua" to keep up. Can't run past the two on the opposite side.

This is also the reason why Zi Lingyi relieved everyone to disperse. This is a sandy area, and everyone runs relatively slowly. However, the entire team of VT. Only VT. Dream Team will have the upper hand.

When he saw this map, Liu Yansheng didn't think too much about it. Obviously, he ignored it, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't say anything, because he wouldn't be afraid of going head-to-head if he didn't run away.

However, Liu Yansheng is not afraid, Ye Xin is not afraid, it does not mean that Mo Ziyu and the others are not afraid. Footsteps, turned around, each holding a weapon, ready to fight to the death.


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(End of this chapter)

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