The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 413 New member of EA. Tiewu team

Chapter 413 New member of EA. Tiewu team (7 more)
In the early morning of the next day, Zi Lingyi slowly opened his eyes. He went to bed early, so he woke up a little earlier. When he found the woman lying in his arms, he couldn't help but smiled, and sat down slowly. After getting up, he looked at the dark room.

Zi Lingyi picked up the phone, looked at the time and found that it was almost 7:50 in the morning, what time did he go to bed yesterday, Zi Lingyi thought about it, it seemed to be around 10:9, and he slept for almost [-] hours.

And Zheng Xuanxue also woke up at this moment, rubbed her eyes, got up gently, and said in a daze: "Xiao Yi, are you awake?"

"En." Saying that, Zi Lingyi pulled Zheng Xuanxue up, Zheng Xuanxue sat obediently in front of Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi held her face, because the room was too dark, the curtains were drawn tightly even though there was a gap There was still a ray of sunlight in the room, but it was still not enough to see the situation clearly. Zheng Xuanxue was able to notice that Zi Lingyi had woken up because she found Zi Lingyi's dark figure sitting up, but she could only see the outline clearly. .

In the gloomy situation, Zi Lingyi held Zheng Xuanxue's face, first kissed Zheng Xuanxue's face, and then kissed Zheng Xuanxue's mouth for a while, because it was pitch black, Zi Lingyi couldn't see Zheng Xuanxue's expression clearly , but he was able to judge Zheng Xuanxue's state of mind from Zheng Xuanxue's tone, and what Zheng Xuanxue said next made Zi Lingyi sure that she was not shy.

"Since you moved in, you have to kiss me tomorrow morning, isn't it too frequent?" Zheng Xuanxue pretended to be helpless and Zi Lingyi responded with a smile: "Why don't you say that we are too few?"

"." Zheng Xuanxue was speechless.

"Let me hug you again." Zi Lingyi said with a chuckle. After speaking, she moved forward and slowly hugged Zheng Xuanxue in her arms. Zheng Xuanxue who was hugged in her arms just smiled and shook her head, and then Slowly stretched out his hand and hugged Zi Lingyi's back and waist.

Zheng Xuanxue was still wearing her pajamas, and Zi Lingyi could clearly feel her body. Coupled with the gloomy environment, Zi Lingyi's heart trembled a little.

A fire seemed to ignite in Zi Lingyi's heart. He subconsciously wanted to have something to happen with Zheng Xuanxue, and it had been ignited many times since the first time he slept together, but every time the fire ignited, Zi Ling In Yi's heart, something called rationality was extinguished.

Zi Lingyi grew up in Tang's family and received a very good education. This also contributed to the descendants of the Tang family and Ziling's family having a good character and way of doing things, and Zi Lingyi's thinking is therefore more traditional.

Let's not talk about whether Zheng Xuanxue agrees, even if Zheng Xuanxue agrees, it's hard for me to accept it. What's more, my family doesn't know about it yet. If something really happens, it's like challenging my grandfather. To put it nicely, this It's called cutting first and then playing, which is a bit harsh to say, it's called killing the fish and breaking the net, absolutely don't try it!
So, after Zi Lingyi hugged her for a while, she let go of Zheng Xuanxue, but since nothing happened, she could always kiss her, so she moved her mouth together again and kissed her again.

"Hey, hello." Zheng Xuanxue interrupted Zi Lingyi with a smile.

"Hey." Zi Lingyi smiled, and then turned on the light.

Zheng Xuanxue hid in the bathroom to change clothes, while Zi Lingyi put on the outer clothes on the spot. After the two changed their clothes, they went to have breakfast together. Their match will be the day after tomorrow, so they rest today.

After Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue finished their breakfast, Zi Lingyi called Ji Hongye and said that he wanted to go to the capital with Zheng Xuanxue today and let them know.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue spent the whole day today at the tourist attractions in Kyoto. After returning home, they ate and slept as usual. However, the next day, although there was no competition, in the morning, VT. The whole team has arrived, and the place they are going to is Arena No. [-]. They want to watch a game.

This game is the game between NZ. Shining Team and Ice Team. Without a doubt, this is definitely one of the most watched games. You must know that NZ. Shining Team and Ice Team have integrated Zhang Zhexun and Ye Bing respectively After Xin, the strength has been greatly improved.

Although Team Ice lost to Team VT. Dream, you must know that this does not mean that Team Ice is a weak team. The strength of Team Ice should not be underestimated. If Team VT. will be very different.

The professional player area in the auditorium is divided into six areas, and in the third professional player audience area, the VT. Dream team met another familiar team. They are the EA. Tiewu team.

EA. Team Tiewu won't participate in this year's domestic KG Dream Cup, but that doesn't mean they can't even come to watch the match. When Zi Lingyi saw them, he immediately waved and said hello: "Hi, Brother Yang, show me Brother Fei."

Because he became a professional player, his title changed, Zhanfei sect master became Zhanfei big brother, and Hou Zhanfei turned his head to look at Zilingyi and the others, smiled and waved: "Hey, brother Ziling, you are also here to watch the battle La?"

"Well, you can't miss this game." Zi Lingyi said, and Zi Lingyi looked at the other members of the EA. Tiewu team. There are a lot of people, and no members quit because of the joining of Hou Zhanfei and Xia Mo. .

When Zi Lingyi saw Xia Mo, his heart trembled. After all, Zi Lingyi couldn't be more clear about this person, a rival in love. However, Zi Lingyi also believed in Xia Mo's character, so he didn't say much. It's just a wave, it's a greeting.

However, when he saw another person, Zi Lingyi was really frightened. That person was He Zhifeng. When He Zhifeng saw Zi Lingyi, he shrugged helplessly and smiled, while Zi Lingyi opened his mouth wide. , stepped forward and immediately asked: "Brother He, what's your situation?"

"What do you think?" He Zhifeng smiled, and pointed to Hou Zhanfei next to him with his thumb. Zi Lingyi swallowed, pointed to Hou Zhanfei, and asked, "You won't join the EA. Tiewu team, will you?"

"That's right. When I sent out the application form to the professional circle, many teams looked at me. Of course I want to choose the best one." He Zhifeng smiled and Zi Lingyi couldn't stop for a long time.

He Zhifeng joined the EA. Tiewu team. The amount of information is quite large. After all, Zi Lingyi and He Zhifeng are quite familiar with each other. Moreover, Zi Lingyi is very clear about He Zhifeng's strength. He is an absolute master, although he is not as good as a hero in the world. However, whether it is the professional circle or the game circle, he has enough strength to show his talents.

Zi Lingyi looked at Hou Zhanfei, pointed at He Zhifeng, and asked, "Brother Zhanfei, why did you like Brother He?"

"At the Heroes of the Jianghu meeting, I played against him and thought he was very good, so after he was ready to become a professional player, I poached him." Hou Zhanfei told the truth. Indeed, at the Heroes of the Jianghu meeting, Hou Zhanfei and He Zhifeng played against each other. Hou Zhanfei felt that He Zhifeng was definitely a rare master, so he invited him to join.

"The game has begun." Xia Mo, who was standing on the farthest side, turned his head with his arms folded and said, and then everyone's eyes shifted, and they began to watch the game.


There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

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(End of this chapter)

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