The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 430 Decisive battle against the Ice Squadron

Chapter 430 Decisive battle against the Ice Squadron

After switching positions, Zi Lingyi brandished two swords, slashed with his left hand, and hit Xu Zhao's chest. Then he raised one foot and kicked Xu Zhao's body. Turning around in the air, he launched an attack on Chen Yun on the other side, and hit Chen Yun's chest with a sword in his right hand.

Chen Yun gritted her teeth, stepped back while clutching her chest, and then released the "Blowfish Grenade" skill, while Zi Lingyi slashed horizontally with a sword in her left hand, splitting the grenade, and then rushed forward, slashing obliquely with her right hand, and stabbing straight with her left hand, Hit Chen Yun one after another.

With a sound of "ting", Zi Lingyi's "Xia Ke Xing" passively brushed out, and Zi Lingyi waved two swords with aura of light, and roared loudly: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows and slashed at Chen Yun. The red spirit crystal on Chen Yun's body shattered one after another. Before she was exported to the country by Wang Xu, and now Zi Lingyi Continuous output, coupled with the big move of "Qinglian Sword Song", Chen Yun couldn't stand it at all.

Then, a killing message sounded in the sky, the content was: "First kill! The blue team Li Bai killed the red team Luban No. [-]!"

"Should die!" As soon as Zi Lingyi returned to his seat, Xu Zhao behind him roared and released the "Mo Xie Soul Seizing" skill, and followed up with two consecutive moves of "Male and Female Twin Swords", and added "One Sword With the skills of "Piercing Clouds" and "Descent of the Heavenly Sword", Xu Zhao used all his long-distance attack methods.

These attacks hit over there, triggering a violent explosion, which produced thick smoke. Xu Zhao gasped for breath, looked at the smoke exhausted, panted and smiled and said: "With so many skills, he alone Assassin, it's time to hang up."

However, the smoke dissipated slowly, and Xu Zhao saw a white figure standing inside. His eyes widened, and he lost his voice in shock, "What! What!"

This white figure is Zi Lingyi. Zi Lingyi stood on the spot, holding an umbrella, and propped it in front of him. It was the spiritual umbrella-Fei Yu. All blocked.

Oh no, there is one attack, it is the "Heavenly Sword Descending" skill, this move is struck from the sky, but Zi Lingyi leaps back and hits it easily, however, even without the "Heavenly Sword Descending" move, Zi Lingyi The spiritual umbrella - Feiyu, can hardly bear it anymore.

Only the spiritual umbrella-Feiyu with more than 200 defense points was left, and Zi Lingyi threw him away casually. He lifted it up, looked at Xu Zhao, and said, "Your skills are almost used, right?"

"You..." Xu Zhao gritted his teeth, he didn't expect Zi Lingyi to have the spirit umbrella - Feiyu.

"'s my turn!" As soon as the words were finished, Zi Lingyi kicked on one foot and rushed forward, brandishing the Spiritual Brilliance Sword, rushed forward and slashed diagonally with his left hand, hitting the target!Xu Zhao gritted his teeth and released the skill "Protecting the Lord's Evil Tomb", but Zi Lingyi jumped up with both feet and dodged the "Protecting the Lord's Evil Tomb" skill, and then released the skill "Introducing the Wine" through the air. Xu Zhao.

Xu Zhao let out a scream of "ah", and just as he turned around, Zi Lingyi had already turned around, and slashed across the air with his sword, causing Xu Zhao to take two steps back. After landing, Zi Lingyi rushed forward, stabbed straight with his sword, and hit , Xu Zhao was repelled again.

Zi Lingyi charged forward, slashed obliquely with his sword, stabbed straight with his sword again, and hit two more hits. After brushing out "Xia Ke Xing", he roared: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at Xu Zhao. The red spirit crystal on Xu Zhao's body shattered, and then fell to the ground. Two kill messages came.

"Blue team Li Bai kills red team leader Mo Xie!"

"The blue armor kills the red Zhang Liao!"

"Brother Cheng killed Mo Ziyu!?" Zi Lingyi looked at Cheng Mo in surprise, only to see that Mo Ziyu had fallen at his feet, and Zi Lingyi smiled, and immediately greeted Cheng Mo , and go with him to deal with Liu Yansheng.

Although Zheng Xuanxue and Hu Quan are powerful, they still have some gaps with Liu Yansheng. Liu Yansheng is about to defeat the two of them, but Zi Lingyi and Cheng Mo rushed to support, and the four of them joined forces to attack. Harvest with "vitality bombs".

"The blue team Zhuge Liang killed the red team Guo Ziyi!"

Ye Xin was already in despair, he was entangled by Wang Xu, and he couldn't help at all, and this was Zi Lingyi's plan, because Zi Lingyi consumed too much energy, if he continued to fight Ye Xin, although this round could still be won, but , what about the next game?
The next round will be a 1v1 scene, and Zi Lingyi will be on the field, sure to win, but if he uses up his physical strength here, it will be bad, so Zi Lingyi must preserve his physical strength as much as possible, this is his The reason for switching positions with Wang Xu was that it was easier to deal with two ordinary members of the Ice Squad than Ye Xin alone.

In the end, Zi Lingyi stood aside and had already taken the lead to rest, while Wang Xu and others directly attacked. Ye Xin resisted for a while, but was still killed. The news of the kill came from the sky.

"Blue team Marco Polo kills red team Miyamoto Musashi!"

"The red square group is destroyed!"


Zi Lingyi and the others won the fourth game. The score is 2:2. However, the result has already come out. VT. Dream team is sure to win!
Team Frost also sighed, lost, they lost, in the final 1v1 scene, they sent Mo Ziyu, and Team VT. Dream, Zi Lingyi, really was Zi Lingyi.

The two entered the game map, and when the countdown was over, the two rushed out and confronted each other. Then, Mo Ziyu's blood volume was reset to zero and he fell down. Zi Lingyi undoubtedly killed Mo Ziyu and won the fifth place. In the 1V1 scene of the round, the VT. Dream team won with a score of 3:2!
The two sides walked to the competition stage and started to shake hands. When Zi Lingyi and Liu Yansheng shook hands, they didn't say anything, but when they shook hands with Ye Xin, Ye Xin said: "I will come to the next competition."

"Well, I'm waiting for you." Zi Lingyi said, Ye Xin started to shake hands with the next person, and Zi Lingyi did the same.

In the semi-finals of the KG Dream Cup, the VT.Dream team won, and the NZ.Shining team on the other side also won the game. The two teams will meet and compete in the finals the day after tomorrow.

Zi Lingyi and the others returned to the hotel and began to rest. At night, Zi Lingyi lay on the bed in the room, staring at the ceiling in a daze. In the finals, he really made it to the finals.

Tomorrow is the finals, the finals against the NZ.Shining team, thinking of this, Zi Lingyi couldn't help being nervous and excited, no matter what the result is, but the process, Zi Lingyi is worth looking forward to.

Yes, the ending is very important, but the process is even more important. Zi Lingyi's purpose in becoming a professional player is to experience the passion, competition, and glory that Chen Mengtian said. This is his original intention of becoming a professional player.

Let's fight tomorrow!


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(End of this chapter)

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