Chapter 442 Against Team Thunder (2)

Lu Bu retreated after being beaten, Ji Hongye continued to charge, brushed out the fourth level, Ji Hongye directly hit up with the "National Warrior" skill, swung the halberd and slashed, and the name of Lu Bu kept piercing the armor of the heavenly spear, Lu Bu gritted his teeth and forcibly released "" "Devil God Comes into the World" skill, jumping and attacking in the direction of Zi Lingyi.

"Xiao Yi, be careful!" Ji Hongye shouted hastily.

Zi Lingyi was still attacking Hou Yi fiercely, Hou Yi couldn't hold on any longer, Zi Lingyi swung his sword diagonally, knocking him to the ground, while Lu Bu fell from the sky, Zi Lingyi turned around and kicked on one foot He rushed forward, waved his sword and shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at Lu Bu who fell from the sky. Lu Bu was shocked. He didn't expect that this Li Bai could actually get the "Xia Ke Xing" passive in the world competition. Such an operation can only be achieved with a fast speed and strong strength.

Several white sword shadows appeared on Lu Bu's body, and his "Demon God Descending" big move was forcibly interrupted. Lu Bu fell hard to the ground, and Zi Lingyi also fell to the ground. Hou Yi gritted his teeth, shot with a bow, and released After activating the "Liaoyuan Rain of Arrows" skill, the bows and arrows scattered out, Zi Lingyi slashed and blocked with his sword.

"Retreat!" Hou Yi roared, and then, Lu Bu and Hou Yi began to retreat. (Translation: retreat!)
"Want to leave? No way!" Ji Hongye roared, then charged forward with the halberd, released the "Last Stand" skill to charge forward, then "Ruthless Charge" connected, approached Lu Bu who was running behind at a high speed, slashed straight down with the halberd, and then Then strengthen the general attack, one shot horizontally, the attack distance, and the remaining blood of Lu Bu was instantly harvested.

"First kill! The blue team Han Xin killed the red team Lu Bu!" The voice of the kill resounded through the canyon, but the Thunder team heard the English version. Ji Hongye won the first kill on the world stage for the first time!

Qiao Fei, Liu Yansheng and other veteran professional players who were watching the game couldn't help but comment after seeing Ji Hongye's performance: "This is Ji Hongye."

Yes, Ji Hongye used to be in the AR. Flame team, because his teammates were too weak, and the boss refused to change players because of favoritism. Therefore, the AR. In the World League, he used [-]% of his performance to meet the enemy.

Zi Lingyi didn't stay idle either. She swung her sword and released "Jiangjiujin" to rush forward. Hou Yi, who was still running, turned around and held his bow to block. With a "bang", Hou Yi blocked the attack, but because the impact force was too strong , Hou Yi rolled over and fell to the ground, but he also just retreated into the defense tower.

On the other side, Ge Nie of the Thunder team also killed the blue side and began to arrest people. As soon as Ge Nie came, he released the "June Tianfeng Sword" skill and attacked Wang Xu. Wang Xu was surprised when he noticed Ge Nie , Immediately released the "Roaming Spear" skill to retreat, Ge Nie rushed to the air, but he immediately rushed forward with his sword.

Lu Xiaoyu has also reached level four. He switched to the holy sword mode, released the "Eternal Sword" skill and charged forward, stabbing straight with the sword, Cheng Mo rushed over, and used "Extreme Blade Storm" to fight, the energy of the two skills rubbed against each other, and finally , it was the sharpness of the "Eternal Sword" that broke the impact of the "Extreme Blade Storm". It's not the blade of the sword but the edge of the sword, so how could it be possible to hit a straight thrust?

With a sound of "bang", Cheng Mo was hit in the chest by a sword, and retreated for a while. Lu Xiaoyu rushed forward, slashing with the sword with his left hand, Cheng Mo gritted his teeth, and jumped back to dodge. Lu Xiaoyu continued to charge forward, holding the sword in both hands, The sword slashed obliquely, and then the sword slashed horizontally, Cheng Mo dodged one after another.

"Not bad!" Lu Xiaoyu yelled, then turned around and kicked up with a roundabout kick, Cheng Mo blocked it with his arm, but after Lu Xiaoyu retracted his legs, he held the silver iron holy sword and released the "Holy Sword Breaking the Sky" skill, A sword slashed straight up from bottom to top, sending Cheng Mo flying!
Lu Xiaoyu kicked her feet again and jumped up, using the second stage effect of "Holy Sword Breaking the Sky", slashing straight down with a sword, and hit!Then he shot Cheng Mo to the ground, and Lu Xiaoyu landed on the ground. Just when he raised the silver-iron holy sword to continue attacking, suddenly, several "bang bang" shots and several energy bullets came and hit Lu Xiaoyu.

"Ah!" Lu Xiaoyu gritted her teeth, joined in with a voice, and then backed away clutching her chest. At the same time, she released the "Swinging Sword Technique" skill, switched modes, and changed to the crossbow gun mode, releasing the "Demon Hunting Sword" skill. Arrow" skills, speed up movement and fire at the same time.

The person who shot him was Wang Xu. Gai Nie had already been knocked into the air and fell to the side. Wang Xu then drew out his hand to attack Lu Xiaoyu. Lu Xiaoyu and Wang Xu instantly turned into a confrontation.

Gai Nie held his sword tightly and was about to attack Wang Xu, but Cheng Mo came over to protect Wang Xu, so Gai Nie began to confront Cheng Mo, while Wang Xu and Lu Xiaoyu had a shooting battle.

The bottom lane was inextricably fought, and after playing for about 30 seconds, finally, a person came to break the deadlock. This person was Zi Lingyi. shouted: "Hi everyone!"

"Bastard!" Ge Nie cursed. (Translation: Bastard!)

"Damn!" Lu Xiaoyu cursed in Chinese.

After Zi Lingyi landed, Persimmon first pinched softly and attacked Gai Nie first, released "Jiang Jiu Jin" and swooped down, stabbing straight with his sword, Gai Nie blocked it with his sword, but after Zi Lingyi landed, he turned around, Both feet staggered and slashed horizontally, then raised his right hand, slashed obliquely with the sword, and then stabbed straight with the sword with the left hand.

Zi Lingyi launched a powerful and fierce attack, hitting Gai Nie very hard, and the attacks were hit one after another. Although it was not enough for Zi Lingyi to get the "Xia Ke Xing" passive, but if it continued like this, he must be the one who got hurt.

Moreover, Cheng Mo added fuel to the fire by releasing the two skills of "Extreme Blade Storm" and "Whirling Blade", and Ge Nie's blood volume dropped rapidly. If this trend declines, Ge Nie will not last ten Second.

Lu Xiaoyu has also seen the situation clearly. Ge Nie is finished, he can't run away, and he has no way to go to help him. After Lu Xiaoyu's distance, Wang Xu chuckled, turned around and fired at Gai Nie!
Gai Nie wants to cry but has no tears. Is he so attractive?The three people besieged and greeted, and two of them seemed to be the top players in China, so Ge ​​Nie was killed before he could survive for five seconds, and the news of the kill came from the sky.

"Blue Fang Li Bai kills Red Fang Gai Nie!"

This time, Zi Lingyi got the kill. The game is still going on, and the development of the two teams has gradually moved from the early stage to the middle stage.


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(End of this chapter)

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