The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 445 Defeating Team Thunder

Chapter 445 Defeating Team Thunder
VT. Dream Team is already in an invincible position, because even if they lose in the competition and killing competition in the following scenes, it doesn't matter, because in the final 1V1 scene heads-up, Zi Lingyi must play, And Lu Xiaoyu has already made an appearance. Will anyone in the Thunder team be Zi Lingyi's opponent?
Yes, that's it. Team Thunder has already figured out the situation, but they are still ready to fight with all their strength. Losing to the opponent 3:2 is better than losing 3:0, right?They can't admit defeat here, at least they have to save face. They represent the country and the country's e-sports glory!

So, in the next game, the Thunder team went all out and won the third game, making the score 2:1. But then, in the fourth game, Zi Lingyi played "Drink Jianghu" " and "Cup Don't Stop" these two skills, VT. Dream Team wins like a bamboo shoot, and the score ends at 3:1. In the end, VT. Dream Team wins.

When the game was won, the members of the VT. Dream team breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were also a little nervous, because, the day after tomorrow, the next game will be the finals, and the opponent is the EA. Tiewu team.

On the stage, the two teams shook hands. Lu Xiaoyu said "come on" to Zi Lingyi. After Zi Lingyi nodded, the two teams shook hands and left the field. After Zi Lingyi left the field, the first thing to do was to go Hospital.

In the hospital ward, Zheng Xuanxue was also watching the live broadcast just now. After watching it, she looked at her mobile phone for a while. Zi Lingyi came soon. Seeing Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue smiled happily and said, "Xiaoyi, you Here we come."

"En." Zi Lingyi nodded, and then sat down on the seat next to her. Zheng Xuanxue still smiled and said, "I know you're coming, I want to go for a walk."

"Is there any problem?" Zi Lingyi asked with concern, Zheng Xuanxue not only suffered a head injury, but also a sprained leg, and Zheng Xuanxue shook her head, and said with a smile: "Isn't this with you, let's go let's go."

"Okay, get dressed." Zi Lingyi didn't stop her, she stayed by Zheng Xuanxue's side, and it was fine to let Zheng Xuanxue get out of bed for a walk.

After Zheng Xuanxue put on her coat, she walked in the garden of the hospital. Zi Lingyi supported her. After they walked for a while, they sat on the stone bench for a while. Zheng Xuanxue leaned against Zi Lingyi, looking very snuggly.

Zi Lingyi hugged her shoulders, feeling very distressed. He looked down at Zheng Xuanxue, recalling what he had said before, so he let out a long breath and said, "Xiaoxue."

"Huh?" Zheng Xuanxue turned her head to look at Zi Lingyi

"The day after tomorrow, can you wait for me in the auditorium." Zi Lingyi said solemnly.

"Auditorium, what auditorium?" Zheng Xuanxue was a little confused. .

"Wedding hall." Zi Lingyi said directly. Zheng Xuanxue was taken aback and was stunned on the spot. It took a while to recover. After recovering, Zheng Xuanxue was a little unbelievable, and her voice trembled: "Wedding? You .You mean, mean!?"

"Don't worry about this, I hope you can wait for me, really." Zi Lingyi looked into Zheng Xuanxue's eyes, and Zheng Xuanxue didn't ask any further questions. Whether Zi Lingyi wanted to propose or wanted to see the venue, Zheng Xuanxue She didn't even want to ask now, and she also wanted to save this suspense until the day after tomorrow.

Zi Lingyi slowly stretched her head over, and kissed Zheng Xuanxue's forehead lightly. The gauze on Zheng Xuanxue's forehead had been untied, and Zheng Xuanxue also slowly closed her eyes, sticking to Zi Lingyi's body more reliantly. .

Afterwards, after Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue walked for a while, they sent Zheng Xuanxue back to the ward. Later, because the team had to gather for a meeting, Zi Lingyi had to go back. However, when going back, Zi Lingyi sat in a taxi After passing by a commercial street in South Korea, Zi Lingyi immediately said in English, "Driver, stop." (Translation: Driver, stop.)
About half an hour later, Zi Lingyi returned to the hotel, and Yu Ji Hongye and others discussed the EA. Tiewu team. This team, without a doubt, is their final opponent, and its strength is absolutely superior.

Their regular member, Yang Lei, is a super shooter. Although he is not as good as Wang Xu, among the shooters in the world's professional circle, there are very few who are better than him. Then, He Zhifeng, this person, Zi Lingyi is very clear about his strength. They are also powerful, and they don't have a fixed style of play. Basically, they are people who adjust according to the situation of the battle. Such a person is very difficult to deal with.

Then, it was either Liu Yixiao or Han Nancheng. Liu Yixiao was the thorn dragon and Han Nancheng was the warrior Ju Youjing. The strength of these two people should not be underestimated, but the most powerful were Hou Zhanfei and Xia Mo.

Hou Zhanfei and Xia Mo are two of the new Five Heroes of the Jianghu, and they are different from Zi Lingyi and Zhang Zhexun. Xia Mo has been a hero of the Jianghu for two consecutive years, and Hou Zhanfei has been a hero of the Jianghu for four consecutive years.This is not a concept at all.

Although Wang Xu has also been a hero of the rivers and lakes for three consecutive years, and he is also the earliest professional player among the heroes of the rivers and lakes, but this means that Wang Xu has more experience in the game than the two. Both of them are top players with strong comprehension skills. For them, it is just a matter of time and effort to understand the experience and familiarity required in professional games, and it is not a big problem.

Therefore, everyone in the VT. Dream team began to speculate that Xia Mo is a mage and Yang Lei is in the back row. There is no doubt about these two points, and Hou Zhanfei this time, in the team competition, probably should be a pure tank. Then, the opponent's fight wild?Is it He Zhifeng?Or Liu Yixiao?Or maybe Hannam City?

It's a bit elusive here, and we can only make adjustments during the game. Everyone tried their best to analyze the play style of the EA. Tiewu team. After analyzing it until 6 o'clock in the evening, they went to dinner.

On the second day, everyone did not analyze any more, but each relaxed and rested. Tomorrow, they will be in the best condition to meet the competition. Wang Xu and Ji Hongye plan to go for a stroll in the street, just to stroll and relax. Hu Quan plans to go to eat Some Korean delicacies, while Cheng Mo stayed in the room to rest and play with his mobile phone, that's all.

As for Zi Lingyi, in the afternoon, he didn't go to the hospital to chat with Zheng Xuanxue, but just stayed in the room, lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze, because Zheng Xuanxue must be very nervous at this time, after all, she has to rush to the hospital tomorrow. Go to the wedding hall.

In the morning, Zi Lingyi had already confirmed the address of the wedding hall, made an appointment, and sent the address to Zheng Xuanxue. Zi Lingyi was also nervous, but after he let out a long breath, he touched Touching a box inside the clothes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Tomorrow, whether it is going to the competition venue or the wedding hall, these two things will determine Zi Lingyi's future

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(End of this chapter)

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