The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 449 Gun King Vs Iron Emperor

Chapter 449 Gun King Vs Iron Emperor
At present, the group arena is still going on, He Zhifeng fights Cheng Mo, the two fight for a while, Cheng Mo releases the skill of "Indestructible Demon Body" and explodes the magic armor, while He Zhifeng wields a spear to fight back while retreating, Cheng Mo has always been fighting back. Pressing forward, put as much pressure on He Zhifeng as possible.

However, He Zhifeng has also been wasting time. After Cheng Mo's "Indestructible Demon Body" dissipated, He Zhifeng immediately launched a counterattack, and directly swayed "Heavenly Soldiers God General". The huge energy explosion hit Cheng Mo directly, and Cheng Mo was taken aback. He swooped to the left to get out of the way, and as soon as he landed, He Zhifeng's "Iron Cavalry Break" came, and with a "bang", it hit Cheng Mo's chest.

Cheng Mo gritted his teeth, pushed He Zhifeng away with all his strength, and then hit He Zhifeng with "Extreme Blade Storm", and the attack hit He Zhifeng. Come and go, the blood volume value is constantly decreasing.

In the end, without the magic armor, Cheng Mo's combat power dropped as expected, and he was defeated by He Zhifeng, and He Zhifeng didn't make it any better, with 2% of his blood remaining, which was no different from losing.

Therefore, Ji Hongye, who was the second to enter the ring, really dealt with He Zhifeng cleanly and without any blood damage, and the second person on the other side also came on the stage very quickly. It was Yang Lei, and Yang Lei played against Ji Hongye. .

In the professional circle, excluding super players like Zi Lingyi, Wang Xu, and Ye Xin, those top masters are Liu Yansheng, Li Xiang, Wu Shan, etc. Ji Hongye and Yang Lei are also top masters, but they Two, one has always been at the top of the professional circle, and the other is gradually falling out.

No way, the teammates of the two are different. Yang Lei's teammates are basically masters of the same level, while Ji Hongye's teammates, to put it bluntly, are a group of dragging their feet and gathering the number of people. Ji Hongye can't lead alone, so, He chose to retire as a team leader.

However, because of Zheng Xuanxue's incident, Ji Hongye was ordered to become a professional player again, and even stood on the world-class stage. This added a lot of color to the battle between the two.

Yang Lei put on the game glasses, entered the game map on the side of the road, and began to adjust the data. Ji Hongye was also adjusting according to Yang Lei. Ground artillery, continuous bombardment.

Ji Hongye brandished his halberd, resisting Yang Lei's shooting and moved forward at an extremely fast speed. Yang Lei licked his lips, and immediately switched to the machine gun shooting mode. There was a sound of "tat-tat-tat", and the bullets poured out.

Ji Hongye released the "Last Stand" skill flash position to the upper left, and then used the "Ruthless Charge" skill to narrow the distance, and rushed in front of Yang Lei. He turned around and slashed horizontally. Yang Lei straightened his waist and dodged, and then released The "Escape" skill shoots backwards.

Ji Hongye held the halberd in both hands, and slashed down with the halberd, forcibly split Yang Lei's energy cannon, and then rushed forward with the spear, releasing the skill of "Spearing the Dragon with a Spear", stabbing continuously, Yang Lei continued to retreat and dodge left and right Open, launch a shooting counterattack at the same time.

While stabbing straight, Ji Hongye also dodges, dodging Yang Lei's attack as well. When the effect of "spear through the dragon" ends, Ji Hongye turns around and strikes horizontally with the halberd. Yang Lei leaps back and releases the attack at the same time. With the "Dynasty Secret Order" skill, with a "boom", the enhanced energy cannon shot straight at Ji Hongye.

Ji Hongye immediately dodged it with a backhand, and then rushed forward with a "back to the water" attack. After a halberd slashing horizontally, the skill "National Soldier Wushuang" was directly used. Yang Lei was beaten hard, but he still used the skill "Six Orders to Pursue the Murder" , the attack also hit Ji Hongye.

After Ji Hongye's attack was over, he kicked up directly and hit Yang Lei. Yang Lei retreated, and Ji Hongye rushed forward. , Yang Lei hit Ji Hongye, but Ji Hongye had already approached Yang Lei.

With a "swipe", the armor-penetrating Tianwei spear pierced straight up, Ji Hongye hit Yang Lei's abdomen with a halberd, and fired a piece of Hongling crystal, knocking Yang Lei into the air, Ji Hongye jumped up after releasing the "ruthless charge" and flew into the air With a straight halberd, Yang Lei fell to the ground.

After Yang Lei landed, a cloud of dust was stirred up, but he rolled over, with one knee on the ground, and continued to fire at Ji Hongye who had just landed. Ji Hongye continued to dodge and resist, approaching Yang Lei, and launched an attack.

In this way, Ji Hongye has been suppressing Yang Lei to fight, and Yang Lei is also counterattacking while being suppressed. In the end, Yang Lei's blood volume is cleared, and Ji Hongye still has 27% of the blood volume left. In the third round of the group arena, Ji Hongye win.

Fans of VT. Dream Team cheered, but for VT. Dream Team, they couldn't cheer anymore, because the third player in the group arena of EA. Tiewu Team was Hou Zhanfei, one of the five heroes Iron Emperor Zhanfei.

Hou Zhanfei entered the game room, put on the game glasses, loaded the game data, entered the game map, and adjusted the data, while Ji Hongye also began to adjust the data. After the two adjusted, when the countdown was over, the two waved their weapons and rushed to the game. other side.

This time, Ji Hongye was killed without a few struggles. Hou Zhanfei still had 91% of his HP left. His outfit was a pure output outfit. A tank with pure output is really a long time ago. However, the artist Gao Bold, with Hou Zhanfei's strength and experience, no one would find it strange that he did such a thing, but he was rather shocked.

Afterwards, the third guard of the VT. Dream team took the stage. It was Wang Xu, the gun king, and the audience cheered.

You know, the heroes of the rivers and lakes will only need to stand on the stage, rather than completely defeating the opponent. Hou Zhanfei has never been defeated, and neither has Wang Xu. Today, these two people must fight to the death, which is really exciting of.

Wang Xu entered the game room, put on the game glasses, loaded the game data, and entered the game map. Wang Xu, a western cowboy style, stood in the ancient city of Fengyun style in the Western Regions. Although the region was different, it still looked very good.

The two adjusted the data, and when the countdown was over and the barrier was lifted, Wang Xu slowly took out two guns with both hands, and then stepped forward with his hands open, stepping on the sand slowly, and walked towards Hou Zhanfei, who also slowly raised his hands. He took up the holy sword and stepped out of the fighting posture in place.

After the two of them came into the distance, suddenly, a gust of wind swept across and knocked down a flowerpot on a house in the scene. When the flowerpot shattered, Wang Xu raised his gun and shot, and Hou Zhanfei also rushed forward with his sword. The two of them, The confrontation officially started.


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(End of this chapter)

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