Chapter 25

It's not that Yu Xiu is sick, she's having a fight.

The eyes of the princesses that day always made her feel stuck in her heart.After returning home, after much consideration, she decided to go to Jiming Temple to find out.

The eminent monks had close contacts with celebrities, and ladies from aristocratic families often entered and left Buddhist temples in the name of worshiping Buddha.Yu Xiu is no stranger to temples.So I begged her mother to take her to Jiming Temple.

Her mother was silent for a long while, only let her sit down, and quietly peeled an orange for her to eat.

If her mother wanted to say no directly, Yu Xiu would feel more at ease.Thinking so unhurriedly, and making it clear that she has a long story to say, Yu Xiu became uneasy instead.

Just thought, there really is something tricky in Jiming Temple.

When a girl's love is just beginning, she naturally has a hard work not to hit the south wall and not look back.Regarding matters related to Sima Yu, she wished she knew everything thoroughly.Although apprehensive, he poured a cup of tea for her aunt with his own hands, and sat upright.

Sure enough, her mother took a sip of tea, looked at her, and said, "There is one thing that I should let you know."

The current emperor is not the empress dowager herself.His biological mother died young, and he was raised under the empress dowager's knee since he was a child.Reading and education are all under the care of the queen mother.Even the marriage was arranged by the queen mother for him.The one he married back then is the current queen.

The queen's background is not considered humble - before going south, although her family did not produce any high-ranking officials and celebrities, they were also officials for generations.It's a pity that in her generation, there are no men who can be in charge of the family-the so-called gentry, with "officials" as the first.No matter how high the family is, no one in the third generation will be an official, and they can only be bullied by others.

Forced by family circumstances, the queen helped her grandmother make a living since she was a child.She handles things steadily, and has always had a good reputation in the countryside for being sensible and capable.Born and beautiful.Therefore, it is not considered that the queen mother treats him badly by ordering such a family relationship with the emperor.It's just that he can't get any help from the Queen's family.

The empress dowager gave him such a marriage, the meaning is self-evident.The emperor didn't have any ambitions either, he stayed with the queen in love and lived a peaceful life.

The Queen Mother has only one biological son, Emperor Xiaojing.Emperor Xiaojing died early.I have no children under my knees.Yu Lin and Sikong Wang Qin supported Emperor Xiaokang, who hung out with Taoist priests all day long, took too much medicine, and passed away in two years without knowing why.

Emperor Xiaokang had a son.The throne did not pass on.

The twists and turns in it are also hard to describe in one word—Emperor Xiaokang hated both Yu Lin and Wang Qin, and died suddenly without leaving any will.Once he died, Yu Lin and Wang Qin were at loggerheads over who should be in power in the court.Some people said that the father of Empress Xiaokang could be allowed to enter the court.Yu Lin said that Yu Ming should be allowed to enter the court.In the end, he changed his mind, saying that the state has foreign enemies, and it is not suitable for a young master to be in power.He supported the current emperor.With the elders in power, naturally there is no need to argue over the candidate for the assistant government.

So the current emperor came to the throne.

It seems fair, but the emperor has no wife's family, mother's support, and was brought up by the empress dowager, so it is self-evident who should rely on.The courtiers could also see it clearly.Yu Lin quickly took an overview of the government affairs.

The emperor and the empress were married for ten years, but they only gave birth to one princess, who died young.Therefore, when discussing the establishment of a queen, some people said that Yu Lin's daughter was dignified and virtuous, and could be the queen.

The emperor did not say a word for the queen.

Not long after, the queen asked herself to retreat, and left the palace to practice Taoism.

Yu Xiu's concubine entered the palace and was established as the queen.The emperor couldn't say he loved her much, but he respected her very much.Even she was jealous and complained that the emperor had too many pets, the emperor tolerated it, and only stayed in her palace alone from then on.

But this Empress Yu was not satisfied.

"She is obsessed with love." Madam Yu said to Yu Xiu, "If you ask for something illusory, it is easy to do stupid things that will kill yourself and bring your family down."

The emperor did not say a word on behalf of the empress back then, but one thing was self-evident - he was not incapable of giving birth, isn't it true that people in the harem are pregnant one after another?He was able to give birth, but he was willing to bear the reputation of being unable to give birth, and he had no children for ten years.This is enough to show his affection for the queen.

Empress Yu is very perceptive, and she understands the love hidden in the emperor's heart better than anyone else.Maybe it's because of an inadvertent murmur when I was dreaming late at night, maybe it's the softness revealed in an instant when I see old things, maybe it's some rumors that seem to be true and false in the mouth of some servants.

She could bear it first, and when she was finally pregnant, she was determined to eradicate this love from the emperor's heart.

She made up her mind, and took advantage of the emperor's tour to bring the queen into the palace.Pretending to be virtuous, he brought her to the Queen Mother's seat, saying that he was willing to follow Ehuang Nvying's example and work together as a husband.

The queen mother knew that the niece was confused, and she also had a headache.But people have picked it up, and it is irreparable, so I can only admonish her in private, "If you still care about the emperor, don't let anyone suffer wronged by you."

Empress Yu disagreed.How many concubines has she dealt with, and has she ever shown her feet?What's more, the queen is already an abandoned woman.The emperor couldn't forget his love for her, but it was because of guilt.When the guilt is gone, the love will fade away.

She made enough gestures, but let her servants bully the queen.Singing double reeds with her cronies, counting to nine, the cold weather forced the queen to wear single clothes to dig ice for fish, and put broken sharp gravels in the felt where she sat.The food is also rough, and there is no meal.Only the clothes and residence are bright, and the jewelry is not less rewarding.From the outside it looks really blameless.

The queen has been holding back.

However, there are times when the play can't go on.

When she picked up the queen, she naturally met the old people in the palace.It is clearer how the emperor treated the queen in the first place.

I also know that when the empress moved away, the emperor cut off her little finger as a token for her, saying: "If I don't come to welcome you within five years, you can remarry on your own." Swear to yourself.

But the queen pushed the finger back and said: "I never heard that you have to wait for another five years to divorce your wife... The relationship between you and me is cut off. If the concubine goes or stays, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Take care of yourself and work hard." Extra meal...long life."

Empress Yu could imagine how their husband and wife parted with each other that day, and how they were so jealous that they couldn't sleep at night.Torturing others will only make you feel angry.

When the queen fed her the anti-fetal medicine, she finally couldn't restrain herself, and splashed the medicine all over her face as soon as she raised her hand.

The emperor came back on that day.

When I came back, I heard that Empress Yu had taken the empress into the palace, so she hurried over before she could change her clothes.When I went to see the queen's face was red and swollen, her complexion immediately became gloomy.He held her hand, and then saw the skinny muscles and knuckles on the hand, and the swollen places were frostbitten, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Empress Yu stepped forward to explain.As soon as the emperor raised his hand, he slapped her aside.

No one expected that the emperor's emotions erupted so suddenly and so recklessly.

All the officials kneeling outside begging for orders, Empress Yu cried out to the Queen Mother.The emperor only closed the door of the Shigan Hall, and separated a small world, guarding his first wife inside.

The two faced each other in silence, tears streaming down their faces before they knew it.

The emperor only said: "It is destiny that I will not forget you. Since you are here, don't leave again."

Not long after, an imperial edict to abolish the empress was sent out in Shiqian Hall.The courtiers were boiling, but the emperor refused to show his face.

"Your aunt thinks that with the emperor's love for her, if she acts like a baby and then tells the emperor that she is pregnant, what can't be revealed? The emperor will only pity her more. I don't want the emperor to even give her a chance to tell the difference." Here—if she isn't so naive, and wait until the child is born to make a fuss, the outcome of this matter will be another matter."

Madam Yu's tone was a little heavy.Her background and the family she married are all extremely wealthy.But thinking of the so-called "result", I couldn't help but feel a little tense and kept secret.

Empress Yu's child was never born.

Her fetal image was originally unstable, but after the fall, her emotions surged again.She had a miscarriage just after the news of her pregnancy was announced.

Yu Jiaqiang suppressed the news.

The emperor has not been in court for half a month.The Yu family originally wanted to carry it again, but now they feel guilty.The Yu family is not the only family of nobles in the court. The emperor has promoted many people during his four years in power.The emperor really put on a dead-end posture, and everyone has to think about it.

The Queen Mother personally intervened.

No one knows what the Empress Dowager talked with the Emperor in Shigan Hall.But the final result was beyond everyone's expectations—Empress Yu had a miscarriage, and the Empress Dowager ordered her to go out of the palace to rest.

The emperor finally came to court again.

Soon after, Empress Yu was deposed.Yu Lin took the initiative to request Waizhen and no longer be in charge of the court.The emperor repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, but finally agreed.

The emperor served the empress dowager as before, and rewarded the Yu family generously.

This matter was resolved so bloodlessly.

Madam Yu spoke plainly, but Yu Xiu could see the danger in it.This is a life-and-death contest, and swords and swords are in the dark, and the tide is surging, and it may gushes out at any time.At that time, there was blood on the surface.

The reason why it can be resolved peacefully is because the Yu family sacrificed Queen Yu and voluntarily backed down.

Yu Lin has such a good reputation.But Yu Xiu was born in a noble family, and the people she associates with are also rich families. She is very clear about the nature of the nobles to seek profit.

Sacrificing the ego for the sake of loyalty to the emperor is all nonsense.Yu Xiu is so old, I have seen and heard her brother impassionedly talking about state affairs, her father always mocked indifferently and clearly, "He Yuer" - what does it matter to you?Over time, her brothers all understood that Sima's family belonged to Sima's family, and Yu's family belonged to Yu's family.

I'm afraid that sacrificing Empress Yu that day was a trade-off.

The Yu family knew back then that the emperor had a wife, but they still forced their daughter to enter.When Empress Yu needed someone to protect her, she didn't have the courage to protect her.

After all, the survival of a daughter is insignificant compared to the prosperity of the whole family.

Yu Xiu felt very uncomfortable in her heart, "Jiming Temple..."

"After your aunt was deposed, she has been practicing there."

- That's it.There is probably no better place for the deposed queen.

Yu Xiu couldn't help thinking of herself.

She has never heard of this aunt from her family or the queen mother, so she has some daughter-in-law feelings for Sima Yu.When her parents asked about her favorite son, she said, "Prince is the best".

——In her eyes, Sima Yu is indulgent, willful, and doesn't care about other people's eyes, which is the way of life she most admires.But he's not heartless either.

She still remembered that when she hid herself from people and laughed so hard, he sat on the tree and looked at her curiously.When she felt ashamed and didn't know what to do with embarrassment, she said, "You look cute when you smile." She thought he would tell people this as a joke, but he covered it up for her like a gentleman .

She is ignorant, she has the mentality of a little daughter, and she is fascinated by the prince.But would her parents and the queen mother not know about the festival between the queen and the Yu family?Why no one mentioned her.

Now thinking about how she waited ignorantly for a whole year, she felt that she was humiliating herself.

Yu Xiu refused to marry Sima Yu any more.

However, not everyone has the same idea as Ari Dad.Especially when the prince's wives have made it clear in the future that they can hold power, those who can fight still want to fight.

Yu Xiu was awkward at first, but later became really depressed.

She hadn't entered the palace for a long time, the queen mother guessed the reason, and finally said something for her, "This girl knows how to advance and retreat." Her A Weng Yuming also said to her parents, "Smarter than you."

Her parents knew that this matter could not be done, so they finally stopped forcing her.

In the blink of an eye, it was the autumn of Zhaoming's 19th year.Ari celebrated his 14th birthday.Xie Lian also stayed in Jingkou for three years.

He went to Jingkou with his elder brother back then, firstly for the sake of experience, and secondly for the purpose of avoiding the endless stream of matchmakers in Jianye City - rejecting one or two marriages, people know you are picking.If you reject eight or ten, and you haven't picked out your favorite one, you're offending someone.

He is now sixteen years old.The families who were watching earlier had their daughters grow up, and they began to look for another bed.

Tai Tu appreciated his knowledge and ambition, but also worried about his marriage.Finally, he gave him the confidence to write a pen. Needless to say, his father entrusted him to him back then. Now that Xie Lian has grown up, he is very pleased.Just wait until Xie Lian has a family and start a business, then he will be able to explain to his brother.If Xie Lian has a girl he likes, he will make peace for him.If Xie Lian doesn't like a girl, he will find a good home for him.

When Xie Lian received the letter, she knew that she couldn't delay it any longer.Finally set off and returned to Jianye.

Ari Niang finally breathed a sigh of relief - this person finally came back, and Ari's marriage should be settled.

... Xie Lian is not in Jianye, although he has avoided the matchmaker, but it is difficult to grasp the situation in Beijing and China.He didn't know that there was a time when everything was ready, as long as he asked, Ari was his.

(End of this chapter)

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