Chapter 33

When Sima Yu heard Ari's call from outside, he pressed the chess pieces on the board fiercely, and he got up and rushed out of the cabin.

He saw outside that Ali had fallen into the water and was ups and downs among the white waves.Ari struggled to stretch out her hand, trying to grab the side of the boat, Sima Yu hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull her, and the boatman also tried to pull the boat closer.However, when a gust of wind came, it pushed it further and further away.

Ari was dragged by something and sank into the water.

Sima Yu took off his coat indiscriminately, and he didn't understand what the boatman behind him was yelling at him, and he had already jumped down.

The wind and rain are dark, and the water waves are turbulent.It's not easy to stay in the water.

Ari is able to pass through water, but her ankle was entangled by the fishing line, and a fish led her into the water at the other end. She had no strength to resist, and was dragged down.

I could only hold my breath.The water has filled the ears, and the sound of bubbling water is all around.She couldn't help covering her mouth and nose with her hands, but she was already suffocating.

Ever since the cannon fodder Xie Lian, she knew that she would almost have to confess in her life.But I didn't expect it to be so fast, and in this form.The last time it was just a pain and it ended, this time even the method of death has been upgraded.The judges are really more ruthless than one.

She just felt sad, sadder than ever.

She thought that she had just lived a good life with Sima Yu.It's only for such a short time, and it's about to be lost again.

She likes him.She can't lie to herself.She still wanted to live and grow old with him.

How can you be so sad?Obviously, I have to do it all over again, how could I make so many mistakes?If you like it, go for it, what are you running away from?

So much time wasted.

Her consciousness gradually became chaotic.Before returning to darkness, I saw Sima Yu leaning down, his hair dangling in the water like weeds.

Sima Yu disappeared in Zhuolangjian in a blink of an eye, Wei Lang didn't hold him back, almost going crazy.

It's lucky not to put your life in the water to save people in this kind of weather, how could it be successful?Did Sima Yu get water in his head?
He turned around and pushed the two guards who came over with Sima Yu, "Go into the water! Swim back! Go report to Tai Tuo and Xie Lian, let them come to search and rescue immediately!"

The guards had already lost their minds. Now that they were ordered, they took off their coats and plunged into the water before they could tell.

Wei Lang has already gone to threaten the boatman, "Row over, row over for me!"

The boatman is also working hard to steer the helm, "Over there, there are poles on the boat, come and help!"

The Xie family has many children and many relatives of the same generation.The noisy room is more lively than other houses.At this moment, they made up their minds not to let Xie Lian easily bridal chamber, and all laughed and laughed around the new daughter-in-law.

Huan Daolian was also safe, he just covered his face with a fan, smiled without saying a word, and let others tease him.

At most, she would sneak a peek at Xie Lian from behind the fan, her eyes flashed with shyness, apprehension and anticipation.It attracted more and more jokes.

Xie Lian herself was also constantly making things difficult for her.Just Shaochun has already poured three big cups.For a moment, a group of people coaxed him to kiss the bride. He looked a little embarrassed, but he couldn't refuse too much, and he was surrounded and stepped forward.

When he stepped forward, Huan Daolian also moved the fan down a little generously, revealing his smooth forehead.

——Although her posture is generous and calm, she is a newlywed after all.She dared to peek before, but when Xie Lian leaned over, she involuntarily lowered her eyelashes.There was a gentle watery light in the dark eyes, and the cheeks were burning red.

This style is clean and touching, even those who booed are too embarrassed to tease her anymore.Seeing that Xie Lian also stopped, they shut their mouths and waited.

Xie Lian didn't respond for a long time, but just looked at the bright light under the bride's long eyelashes behind the folding fan.

Xie Qingru looked at him from the side.

This girl is smart, and she is close to Ari, so she somehow knows that Xie Lian and Ari like each other.However, when Ari got engaged, he didn't see anything unusual about Xie Lian.When she thinks about it, she also feels that these are just unspoken friendships between children. Although it is inevitable to be sad, it is not painful, so she is relieved.

Later, Donggong ordered Xie Lian and Wei Lang to go to Wang's house to welcome the bride, and she felt that Donggong was too deceitful - this daughter-in-law was snatched from his house, how could she be so shameless?She also wants her third brother to welcome her!
Thinking about it again, among the young people who can be the candidate to welcome the prince, besides Xie Lian, who else can afford it?Seeing that Xie Lian himself accepted it silently, he felt relieved again.

However, at this moment, Xie Lianqing's black eyes were a little drunk, and for some reason, that focused gaze suddenly made her feel distressed.She suddenly had the illusion that Xie Lian was a little overwhelmed.

He shouldn't have been allowed to drink so much.If he can't control it at this moment, it will be difficult for Rihuan Daolian, the bride.

But that illusion was only fleeting.The clarity in Xie Lian's eyes is precious and important.

After staring for a long time, he finally took a step closer, and said softly: "Young lady..." Then he closed his eyes, and slowly bent down.

Everyone held their breath.But at this moment, outside servants rushed in.

Xie Lian reacted quickly and stood up upon hearing the sound, protecting the bride behind her back.The servant rushed forward and whispered something to Xie Lian hastily.

Xie Lian's shoulders tensed up, and before he could even say goodbye, he turned around and left the Qinglu, "Are all the men, horses and boats ready?"


The servants reported all the way.In just a moment, the two of them had gone away, and they didn't even hear a sound.

There was chaos outside for a while.The people in the room also panicked, not knowing what happened.

Xie's parents and sister-in-law Gu Wan didn't know why, so she hurriedly sent someone out to inquire.Afraid of neglecting the bride, she came over to appease her.Huan Daolian had already removed the folding fan, and without waiting for others to excuse Xie Lian, he told the maid beside him, "Hurry up. Go and ask De Ming to bring people to follow Xie Lang and listen to Xie Lang's order."

After finishing the order, meeting Gu Wan's gaze, she looked a little embarrassed, and lowered her head.The fan was also put aside.

Gu Wan stepped forward and took her hand, and said with a smile to everyone: "Look at you messing around, what can happen if the Taifu is with the third uncle? Instead, the newlyweds are asked to take care of you."

Seeing that the people in the room had calmed down, she smiled and pulled Xie Qingru, "Come here, talk to your third sister-in-law for a while. I'll go to Auntie's place first."

Xie Qingru knew that the most important thing at the moment was not to run around, so she nodded and said, "Just go. I and my third sister-in-law are here."

The wind and waves on the river became more and more turbulent.The torrential rain was pouring, and there was already a plume in the center of the river.Traveling across the current again, the boat was almost capsized by the waves several times.

The Xie family quickly brought people over, and dozens of boats searched and rescued together.

But there was no trace of Sima Yu and Ari.

The old boatman said, "I'm afraid it has been swept down by the current. It's hard to find in the water in this weather, so we might as well assign some people to search along the river bank."

Xie Lian assigned someone to Wei Lang to take with him to search on the shore, while he led the big boat and went through the water bit by bit.


Sima Yu hugged Ari, pressed his lips against hers, and passed his breath.

Ari couldn't come back to his senses in a daze, but sucked instinctively.When the sound of water gurgling in his ears became clear again, he suddenly regained his senses and pushed Sima Yu away.

All movements in the water became extremely slow, and the short-lived water roar passed, and the surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet.The strength was heavy, and she clearly wanted to push him out of the water immediately, but she just watched him grab her wrist, and was dragged down along with her.

The water flow below was fairly gentle, and Ahri was able to stabilize his body.He shook his head vigorously, pointing to his ankle.I wanted to tell him that she couldn't break free.

Sima Yu dived deeper and tried to untie the hanging wire from her feet.

——If the twine becomes tangled, it cannot be untied even on land during the day, let alone in water?

Sima Yu bent down to bite, and blisters rose from his lips like grapes.

Ahri's eyes were full of tears, but he no longer tried to push him away.

Just follow along and let's solve together.

It can't be untied, and it can't be untied.

Ahri's chest was so stuffy that it was about to explode in half.Suffocating to the limit, he couldn't control his feet and went to kick the water.Sima Yu was about to regain his composure, and Ari slapped him away forcefully.

Sima Yu untied her belt and asked her to hold one end.Ali nodded.He just dragged the other end to float up, wanting to take a breath first.The fish suddenly jumped up again.

Seeing Ari holding the belt clearly, Sima Yu couldn't rest assured, and turned around and grabbed her wrist again.

This time the fish went up.He hugged Ari tightly, not letting go.I was dragged for a while.

Already approaching the river, the two of them could finally take a breath.

But Jiang Liu got up in a hurry, and when he showed up, he was swept away.After running with two people, the fish seemed to have finally exhausted itself and did not make any more gains.

The two of them were swept up by the current, floating up and down.Fortunately, this time I was finally able to take a breath from time to time.

Where the current is more rapid, the river is narrower, and there are more rocks on both sides of the river.The two of them have already exhausted their strength, and they have no other consciousness except to hold the person in their arms tightly.Only when a stone is placed on the back, there is a short period of clarity.

The heavy rain was still falling.

The last wave came, and the two were finally washed ashore.

Ahri was slightly injured, so he woke up first.

Sima Yu still held her wrist.

She got up to hug him, but staggered.I saw that the fish that dragged her into the water had also washed ashore with its gill cover open and closed, obviously not dead yet.Taking a rough look, it is as long as half a person.

Ari dragged the hemp rope and pulled it hard.If the feet can move, ignore it for now.It wasn't until he threw himself on Sima Yu and felt his pulse that his eyes became sour.

Turn him over on his knees and pat the water out of his throat.He didn't want the rain to block his mouth and nose again, so he turned around and dragged the fish into the water far away, and smashed the hanging wire with stones.

She felt weak and trembled violently.After a cursory check, he saw that there were no wounds on Sima Yu's body that moved his muscles or bones.Only then did he try his best to help him up, looking at where to go first to hide from the rain for a while.

Fortunately, Sima Yu woke up soon.

There is a wooden house not far from the river.

There are only simple bed boards and pots and kettles inside, and it can be seen that no one has lived in it for a long time.There are several private gardens on the Dongshan side that belong to the noble family.Although it is a private garden, it is not that the nearby people are not allowed to come to fish and hunt, but only pay attention to "entering the mountains and forests with time".In other seasons, people will be arranged to guard the forest.This seems to be the residence of the forest guards.

Knowing that this is not an untouched wilderness, I am relieved.

Ari rummaged around, and finally found the flint tremblingly.

It's a pity that she hasn't used this thing before... After smashing it a few times, it hit her nails. Although her hands were numb from the cold, they still hurt so much that she wanted to cry.

Sima Yu reached out to ask for it.

Ari said: "You lie down." In order to protect Ari, he was hit hard by the stone. Although his hands and feet were fine, he didn't know if he had hurt his ribs.

Sima Yu only lighted the fire quietly, and hugged Ari wetly.

(End of this chapter)

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