Chapter 61

Sitting on the wedding bed, Ari looked at the twelve tributes on the brocade screen surrounding the bed, the tributes were festive and loving, and his heart was filled with embarrassment.

The princesses had already finished making room, and went out to drink the wedding wine contentedly.The noise in the bridal chamber has died down, and the red candles are flourishing.The groom was standing opposite her, probably drunk with some wine, his face was slightly rosy, and his dark eyes seemed to be washed with water, the light in them was shining.

He was trying to get a serious, scrutinizing look at her.However, the candlelight seemed to be too bright, dazzling people's eyes, and his eyes were slightly floating, unable to stay still.

With a hasty sweep, his eyes stopped between her eyebrows, and he refused to meet her eyes.He said critically, "You are too fat."

... Yes, that was the first sentence he said to her on their wedding night.

Marrying him again and seeing him, Ahri seemed to be filled with emotions instead of bones and flesh.But the kind of sadness-like mood that filled her whole body dissipated because of this sentence.

Ahri's only response was: What?

He opened his eyes wide and waited for Sima Yu to explain.

Sima Yu's eyes drifted away even more, "I like slender beauties. From tomorrow on, you have to pay attention to your diet!" But his mouth was still bluffing.

Ahri felt as if he had heard these words somewhere.

Then she vaguely remembered that Sima Yu seemed to use this trick to deal with those beauties in the East Palace who tried to seduce him.

But she's his wife, okay? How could he be so messed up?

——In any era, there is nothing wrong with a man's love of beauty, but this era does not allow serious men to pick on his wife's beauty——It is enough for a wife to be dignified, and she is not a concubine who has to please him with her beauty.He can't insult people like that!

If Ah Li didn’t come from wearing clothes, he would absolutely have to imitate Xu Yun’s wife and fight back, “I’m not as good-looking as I am when I say virtue. A gentleman has a hundred lines, you can forget the word “virtue” at the beginning!” See what he does Say.

Of course Ahri was transmigrated, or transmigrated, reborn and reborn.So she thinks it's normal for a man to pursue his wife's appearance.

She was just thinking, subconsciously, this guy still loves slim and light beauties with slender waists. You see, he hasn't changed his words for the third time. How obsessive he must be. It seems that she will really go on a diet in the future—— — But is she fat?She's just a little baby fat okay.On the one hand, he thought sadly that he really didn't remember anything.How could he deal with her with such a detrimental trick as he used to deal with others.

But the sadness didn't last long
Take your time, she thought.After all, they got married again, didn't they?
She looked shy, but actually nodded depressedly, "Oh."

Sima Yu was proud, "Then wait for you..."

Ari thinks that he will probably say "then wait until you lose weight first, and then we will have a bridal chamber"—she thinks this speculation is quite reasonable, after all, she is marrying him for the third time.The experience of the two consecutive episodes showed that Sima Yu preferred to just chat under the quilt in the bridal chamber at night.

Before he fell in love with him, Ari felt that this quality was too precious.But now they have been in love for two lifetimes, if she can have children, maybe they have been pregnant many times.Sima Yu's obsession with emotional cleanliness is a pity for Ari who longs for a perfect wedding.

But she still thought, it doesn't matter, take your time and follow him more.

Ari looked at him, planning to tidy up the floor for him as soon as he finished speaking.

Well, Ali is still a little annoyed.

If you don't like having a bridal chamber with her, then sleep on the floor for her!Who wants to be picked on by him for getting fat, and still chat with him under the quilt.

It's attitude, attitude!

But Sima Yu's voice just fell silent.

He also looked back at Ari.Under the light of the candlelight, the girl's clean face is like apricot blossoms blooming on the branches in the light rain in late spring.Delicate and quiet.That kind of beauty is not tempting to pick, but it is so touching that he can't move his eyes away.

Her black jade-like eyes seemed to have been moistened by a clear spring for thousands of years, and he could see his own figure in those bright and soft pupils.Those eyes were quiet and warm.Like a demure young woman pushing open the window of the attic, she was expected but caught off guard to see the wandering wanderer back after a thousand sails.

It seemed like she was about to cry, but she had forgotten how to cry.Like to laugh, but not the occasion to laugh out.

He suddenly seemed to kiss those eyes.

Of course, it would be weird to actually kiss.

"You, you understand!" he asked indiscriminately breaking the eerie silence.

"Understood." Ari said.

Ari could see Sima Yu's guilty conscience—she wasn't guilty anyway, and looked at him when she should, even though she realized that he was afraid of meeting her eyes.

Anyway, my husband didn't break the law.

She swiftly packed two quilts out of the bed, planning to make the floor for Sima Yu.

Sima Yu reacted quickly this time, "What are you doing? I didn't tell you to go out to sleep." Besides, you don't need to bring a quilt when you go out to sleep.

Ari: =__=|||... You are really enlightened!

Of course you can't go out to sleep, otherwise it will be another gossip if people find out.

"Then I'll sleep on the floor." Ari changed his mind temporarily.

"If you want to sleep on the floor, I will sleep." Sima Yu was a little speechless, this daughter-in-law was so natural.Is he such a beast?

"That's not acceptable. You sleep on the floor, let me sleep on the bed, I can't sleep well... Otherwise," Ari thought about it, "let's sleep on the floor together."

Sima Yu: ...

"Why do you have to sleep on the floor together when you have a bed?" Sima Yu turned his back and sat down on the bed, "Sleep, sleep, don't toss about."

Ari didn't speak for a while.

Sima Yu didn't look back at her, just pulled the quilt over and said, "You sleep inside."

Ari went in quietly.

Sima Yu turned his head and pulled the quilt, covering it with his clothes.Then he closed his eyes and turned over, keeping his back to her.

Ari had expected this result, but still couldn't help but want to bite him.

Just sighed.Continue to persuade myself: take your time, you abused him so badly in your previous life, this time you should take the initiative yourself.

He got up and lowered the bed curtain.

The curtains are also a festive red, and the candlelight shines through the gaps between the latitude and longitude lines.The light inside the curtain is dim, but there is a layer of color.People also seem to be covered with a layer of soft light.

Ali got out of bed.

Sima Yu couldn't help but secretly opened his eyes to look - she was taking off the hairpin.When she raised her hand, the cuffs slid down, revealing a white and smooth arm, just like what he saw in his dream.

His heart suddenly tightened.Immediately, I heard my heart beating.

Then Ari turned his back to him, and slowly and silently took off his clothes in front of him.

The newlyweds' auspicious clothes were thick and heavy, and there was a rustling sound when they took them off.In such an ambiguous silence, that little voice is extraordinarily provocative.

Sima Yu secretly looked at her and thought, she's actually not that fat—it's just a layer of Zhai clothes, and the lines of her waist are already very good-looking.

The neck is slender, the shape of the shoulders is also beautiful, and a pair of beautiful butterfly bones can be seen faintly.

The front... the front will only look better.When I was standing just now, I accidentally glanced at it.

Sima Yu waited anxiously.

But Ari took off Di Yi's clothes, folded them and put them aside, and went to bed neatly and tightly wrapped.

Sima Yu: Falling... Don't you feel hot after wearing so much sleep?

Ah Li got into bed, and Sima Yu also turned over, facing the sky.

Ali looked back.He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.Ari turned her back to him carefully again, and began to take off her skirt.

The clothes fell down layer by layer.

The girl's exquisite and graceful curves were revealed little by little, and she was as beautiful as Sima Yu imagined—or even better.The lines of the back were so smooth that it seemed that the light falling on it would turn into a veil and slide down.

--Eh?Why didn't it fall down.

Ari: ...Of course I won't fall down, be reserved, what does it look like to sleep naked!
Ari took off the last layer of his underwear, yawned unpreparedly, got under the bed, arched himself, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep.

Sima Yu: This habit of taking off clothes without leaving a layer is really hateful...

He was a little gloomy, and just about to turn his back again, a faint fragrance suddenly came through his nose.I can't tell what the fragrance is, but it's very clean and comfortable.Like it came from her hair.

Sima Yu sniffed lightly.

At this moment, Ari turned over and faced him.

She didn't sleep.

The four eyes are facing each other, the breathing is entangled together, almost eye contact.

Her eyes were dark and soft, warm, as if looking at an old friend whom she had missed for a long time.She looked at him, sadness came out of her eyes a little bit.

The things in Sima Yu's mind were just cleared up.

Forgot even to resist.

They just stared at each other like this.

After a while, Ari reached out and pressed his shoulder.

She stood up, her satin-black hair falling from her ears.Her face was enveloped, and the air was immediately filled with the fragrance of her body.The light became more and more dim, and there were only her ancient pool-like eyes in the darkness.Those eyes reflected him.Her kiss fell on his lips, soft, moist, with the sweetness of rice wine.That was the taste of Hejiu wine they had drunk.

He did drink some wine that night.

A person's self-control will become surprisingly weak after drinking alcohol.

Sima Yu suddenly didn't want to think about anything anymore.In fact, he really couldn't think about anything.Ari's soft lips rolled over his lips, passing her breath over little by little.

And Sima Yu had already broken free from the fragile oppression, encircled her in the field surrounded by his chest and arms, turned over and pressed her underneath.

Jin was overturned.At this time, Sima Yu was a little depressed by the complexity of the dress, why did he lie down with the clothes on?

Ahri let out a muffled snort when he entered.

She stubbornly wanted to hug him.The skin is attached, the limbs are intertwined, and the ears and temples are rubbed together.

Fortunately, Sima Yu has studied, and he has all kinds of common sense and postures in his mind.Although the specific operation is slightly different, when the object is the person whose body and soul are the most compatible, it is still so natural and integrated.

Three lives and three generations, they married three times.Only then did I finally have a complete wedding night in the bridal chamber.

(End of this chapter)

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