Chapter 129 The Regent (1)
The patriarch sneered: "The little girl is eloquent, she does have a bit of courage, but unfortunately, the old man doesn't appreciate your courage... Somebody, send the two of them away."

"Yes!" A voice echoed in unison. Obviously, the patriarch had absolute authority in the minds of these people. Even if they were a little tempted by Jiang Jiuyue's rebuttal, it immediately dissipated.

Xiao Jing frowned and looked at the man who was calm from beginning to end. He knew very well that this man had extraordinary abilities, so why was he so quiet at this moment?I'm afraid that even if they gather all of them's strength, it will be difficult to capture him, let alone throw him into the deep mountains?
"You savages are so unreasonable. It's simply inexplicable." Jiang Jiuyue's heart tightened. Although she said so, she had already thought of countless ways to escape from here.

It's really bad enough to get out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den.Anxiously, he said loudly: "Old man, you bully the few with more, and there are so many men, bullying me, a weak woman, is nothing!"

As soon as this remark came out, it really played a lot of role. Those who surrounded him stopped immediately and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Jiang Jiuyue breathed a sigh of relief, she really didn't know how long she could last.He secretly wondered why a man who is usually very capable has become a boring gourd at this time.

Xiao Nu'er said softly: "Little girl, we are not bullying you, a weak woman, isn't there still your dear little husband?" She did not forget that the man threatened her in a calm manner just now. The words of these two people are definitely not simple.

Jiang Jiuyue said angrily, "He's just a fool. With so many of you, unite and bully women and fools, it's an honor to win!"

Xiao Nuer and Xiao Jing narrowed their eyes at the same time, because they had seen this man's ability before.

But the others looked at each other, hesitating whether they should go forward or not. After all, normal people should at least respond somewhat in this situation, but this man not only didn't respond, he even let them go forward to deal with him A woman, is she too soft-boned?
However, they didn't ignore the innate noble temperament of a man. A random movement is enough to look down on the common people. This is the reason why they dare not go forward.

When Jiang Jiuyue saw that these people had been slow to come forward, she smiled lightly. The ancients said that Yigao people are bold. She has no skills, but she always subconsciously feels that even if the sky falls, the man behind her will be able to hold on.

At this moment, the patriarch suddenly snorted coldly, "Woman, in Xiao's shop, you are no different from a lackey. Have you ever bullied a lackey?"

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly shocked.

Jiang Jiuyue secretly scolded this old bastard, what is this called, what does it mean that women are no different from birds and running dogs?But these people in front of her are only obeying the patriarch's order, no matter how much she said, it was just delaying time, and it was obviously useless to say anything at this time, at a critical moment, she immediately took a step back, stood in front of Yun Tingxuan, He reached for the emergency medicine powder that had been prepared at his waist.

The medicine powder on her waist was a top-level drug that she had extracted from Phantom Spirit Grass mixed with Seven Step Grass when she was in Qingquan Mountain. If anyone smelled it, no matter how good her martial arts was, she would immediately fall to the ground.

Her big beautiful eyes scanned the surrounding people, and she was about to sprinkle the powder, when she suddenly heard a loud bang, like the sound of a stone wall breaking, shaking the four pillars in the hall. .

The patriarch who had been carrying his back suddenly froze and turned around.

Only then did Jiang Jiuyue see his face.

It was a middle-aged man with a long beard, a jade-like face, and an elegant expression. If he hadn't heard his cold words, Jiang Jiuyue couldn't believe that the person who said those cold and heartless words would It's him.

Judging from his appearance, this person should be a kind and loving elder.

"What happened..." Before he finished speaking, the old man suddenly fell over softly, looking at Jiang Jiuyue and Yun Tingxuan in disbelief.

At the same time, the men and women who had gathered around fell down at the same time, and no one could stand still, "We don't know... what happened..."

Jiang Jiuyue froze for a moment, touched the small packet of medicine powder on her waist, and was sure that she hadn't done anything.Then, suspicious eyes fell on the person behind him.

"Yun Tingxuan, is that you?"

There was a sharp gasp.

Jiang Jiuyue turned her head and looked at the old man who had fallen on the high platform with a shocked expression, as if frightened, and tremblingly said: " are..."

"Yes, I am."

Yun Tingxuan said lightly.With his hands behind his hands, he stood calmly, quietly looking at the dozens of people who fell down, "My lord, after all these years, staying in this fairyland outside the world, is life still nourishing?"

"Xiaguan... Xiaguan..." The old man surnamed Nian seemed to be still in shock and couldn't extricate himself. It was unbelievable that the child who was only a few years old 20 years ago could tell who he was so accurately. He was shocked , Even without denying it, he directly admitted it.

"But I'm not living well." Yun Ting said, looking far away at a certain place in the sky, as if he was silent in the memory, and said those words as if he was sighing.

Did the two know each other?
Jiang Jiuyue lowered her eyes slowly, and seeing Yun Tingxuan's indifferent look, she knew that his people should have found them, and ignored their affairs, she squatted down directly, and grabbed the person closest to her. Xiao Nu'er's pulse was checked carefully.

Yun Tingxuan's calm voice sounded at this moment: "They were not poisoned, and I never administered any medicine."

"Oh?" Jiang Jiuyue raised her head, even more confused: "Then why did they suddenly fall to the ground?" It was very similar to the effect of the sad breeze in Tianlongbabu.

"The medicine is the incense on my clothes. If you delay the time, they all smell too much, so they feel weak."

"Then why am I okay?"

"The antidote is the thin sweat in my palm. You are no longer afraid of walking with me all the way."

The old man surnamed Nian closed his eyes and didn't say another word for a long time, until after hearing Yun Tingxuan's explanation, he smiled wryly and said: "It really is a good plan, if you don't even move, we will fall into the trap..."

The corner of Yun Tingxuan's mouth twitched slightly, seeming to be true or false: "Compared to Mr. Nian's 20 years of incognito and disappearing, my abilities are really nothing."

Xiao Jing who fell to the ground was shocked, regardless of whether he knew the patriarch or not, the men in Xiao's shop should guard the comfort of Xiao's shop, even if they died at the last moment.

Suddenly he drew out the big knife on his back and slashed at Yun Tingxuan: "I will kill you—"


An arrow feather flew past obliquely and landed on the big knife in Xiao Jing's hand. His arm was numb from the shock, the knife fell, and he fell limply to the ground, unable to get up again.

(End of this chapter)

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