Chapter 137
If Xuehanshan has something to do with private mines, and Fu Suibo once made an idea of ​​Xuehanshan, do you want to say that he has something to do with private mines?But Xuehan Mountain finally came into Jin Rui's hands, and Jin Rui didn't use it for another two years.

After thinking about it, Jiang Jiuyue didn't say her guess in the end. It would be too arbitrary to conclude that they have something to do with private mines based on this alone. Both of them are businessmen, and Hanshan pine is a high-quality wood, which is not profitable. If they don't get up early, it is reasonable for them to pay attention to Xuehan Mountain. Besides, even if they have a relationship, it has nothing to do with her.

Glancing at her daughter's pensive expression, Jiang Linglong didn't continue to linger on this topic. After all, her daughter had to go by herself in the end. She stood up and looked at the sky outside, "It's getting late, let's eat first. After eating, take a hot bath, and go to bed early, you must be exhausted after tossing around for the past few days."

"Okay." Jiang Jiuyue came back to her senses and got up to follow.

However, Jiang Linglong's mother and daughter did not have dinner together as they wished.

Because the two were only going out, Hongying came to spread the word that the Lord Regent invited Jiang Jiuyue to the Shanhu Pavilion. It was also at this time that Jiang Jiuyue knew that the man had directly stayed in the Shanhu Pavilion, and the room was next to her.

Jiang Linglong frowned, feeling a little helpless, and looked at her daughter regretfully, "You go, mother and Nanny Lin just have dinner together."

Jiang Jiuyue felt that a wave of anger was rising in vain, but when she saw Hongying who was waiting by the side, she nodded calmly, with a smile on her face, "Remember to eat more, mother, I'll see you later you."

"Eat more, too." Jiang Linglong confessed, Jiang Jiuyue nodded, turned around, and followed Hongying to Shanshan Pavilion.

The setting sun lightly fell on the bluestone path, and Jiang Jiuyue's coral-colored skirt formed a line with the sunlight, leaving a long shadow on the path. After walking for a while, the two arrived at the door of the Shanshan Pavilion.

Just like before leaving, the Coral Pavilion stood there quietly, and the emerald green grass swayed gently with the breeze. Under a big banyan tree in the courtyard, there was a small red sandalwood table. Delicate and delicious side dishes and snacks, Yun Tingxuan has already sat down, with his head slightly hanging, holding a book in his hand.

Jiang Jiuyue paused at the door.

Yun Tingxuan's brows were slightly relaxed, he put down the book in his hand, looked at Jiang Jiuyue at the door, and said, "Come and sit."

"Thank you, Regent."

Jiang Jiuyue said, although he didn't salute, but the unfamiliar tone caused Yun Tingxuan to twitch his eyebrows just now, and in an instant, he concealed his emotions again, and said, "Why don't you ask me why I live here with you? "

"Will you leave if I ask?" Jiang Jiuyue raised her eyebrows and answered this question.

"will not."

Yun Tingxuan said two words lightly, stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, and began to eat silently.

Sure enough, even though he looks gentle and talkative on the surface, he is domineering in his heart. Who can refute what he has decided?Jiang Jiuyue snorted in her heart and lowered her head. She didn't intend to wrong her stomach, but she glanced at the decorations on the table and paused again.

In front of her was a pair of ivory chopsticks, the roots of which were wrapped with special metal. She remembered that this pair of chopsticks were the chopsticks that Hongying set out when she served her dinner yesterday morning.

"You don't like the food?" Yun Tingxuan saw her staring at the chopsticks, and asked in doubt. He didn't forget that Jiang Jiuyue has a sticky tongue, so he specially hired a famous chef from Yannan to come to Piaoxiang Xiaozhu.

"Where, I've never been picky about my food." Jiang Jiuyue answered with the corners of her mouth pulled.

"Really?" Yun Tingxuan originally lowered his head, but raised his eyebrows playfully when he heard the words.

"of course!"

For some reason, Jiang Jiuyue's face suddenly became a little embarrassed. She was addicted to food. This person knew this before. Isn't it too pretentious to say this now?But because of his expression, he couldn't speak back, and quickly lowered his head, picked up chopsticks to eat.

"Look at what I'm doing, aren't you hungry?"

Yun Tingxuan watched her movements, and then continued to eat in a leisurely manner.

Jiang Jiuyue breathed a sigh of relief.

During the banquet, Yun Tingxuan didn't speak again, and Jiang Jiuyue naturally couldn't speak, but although Yun Tingxuan looked at her eating, he seemed to look at her from time to time, and when Jiang Jiuyue looked up, he found that he was just serious. I didn't even look at her while I was eating, and I didn't worry if I was too sensitive.

Yun Tingxuan's eating movements were very elegant, even when he lifted his chopsticks to pick up vegetables, there was a hint of dignity. After a distracted glance, Jiang Jiuyue was even more sure that she and him were definitely not the same way.

At this moment, Tie Hong appeared at the door of the Moon Cave in Shanshan Pavilion, glanced at the two people eating quietly in the courtyard, and wondered if he was disturbing something by coming here at this moment?In the past, the master never had any taboos, so he forgot that there are guests here today.

"What's the matter?" Just as he was hesitating, Yun Tingxuan put down his chopsticks.

Tie Hong frowned, "Master, Jin Rui, the young master of the Jin family, is asking to see you."

Hearing this, the two of them were startled at the same time.

Jiang Jiuyue's movements were slightly obvious, the ivory chopsticks she held tightly in her hands, and the bright eyes rolled in her slightly lowered hungry eyes.

Yun Tingxuan's movements were very small, and his fingertips moved slightly. If Tie Hong hadn't followed him for many years, he would hardly be able to tell the difference.

"Let him in." Yun Ting said without too much hesitation.

"Yes." Tie Hong bowed and retreated. When he turned around, he cast a distracted glance at Jiang Jiuyue. This Mr. Jinrui came here really strangely. Could it be for her?

The two of them still didn't speak during the dinner. Jiang Jiuyue planned to pretend to be a dead body all the time, and she wouldn't speak casually unless the Lord Wang Ye spoke. Yun Tingxuan ate calmly, as if the slight movement just now was just an illusion.

After a while, Tie Hong led Jin Rui to appear at the entrance of Shanhu Pavilion.

This is not the first time that Jin Rui has come to Xiangmanyuan, but it is the first time that he has come into contact with the pavilion where Jiang Jiuyue lived at such a close distance. Zhu was distracted and glanced at the pavilion.

Jiang Jiuyue saw his sideways glance when he bent over to salute, and thought to himself that this guy was really interesting, and if he dared to look distractedly in front of Yun Tingxuan, he didn't know what he was here for.

Yun Tingxuan's posture remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Excuse me."

Jin Rui stood up straight, and handed an envelope he had prepared in his hand to Tie Hong. Tie Hong glanced at him, and stepped forward to hand it to Yun Tingxuan.

"what is this?"

Jin Rui said: "Your Highness will know when you open it."

(End of this chapter)

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