Chapter 142
At the same time, at the door, three handsome and unique men arrived late.

At the private seat on the second floor, Jiang Jiuyue's expression changed for a moment, like surprise, like surprise, but it was only in the blink of an eye.

By coincidence, she knew all three men.

Today is really strange, such a grand event can be gathered together, don't they all come to worship Xiaofengxian's unique style?It's just that other people are fine. The few people in front of them don't seem to pay much attention to Xiao Fengxian on the stage at all, and their occasional glances are more polite than amazing.

For example, Chu Liuyun who hadn’t seen him for two months, Guan Yu with a serious expression, Fu Suibo who treated him calmly, the sick man in red who came uninvited, and the unfathomable Mr. Jinrui who had already bid. .

Naturally, Yun Tingxuan was not among these people, he just quietly sipped tea and lowered his eyes, except for the momentary change of expression when the man in red appeared, and the moment he knew Jiang Jiuyue was there, he was very quiet, He is the only one who has never seen the stage. Even the extreme charm cannot distract him for a second.

Jiang Jiuyue raised her eyebrows, thinking to herself, could there be something she didn't know about, that was going to happen tonight?

The three people at the door were respectfully ushered to the VIP seats by the servants and sat down. Xiao Fengxian naturally smiled and treated them politely, especially to the newly appointed magistrate of Taiyang County, Mr. Yuguan, who was extremely polite.

The spinning ball in Jin Rui's hand paused, his half-closed eyes suddenly opened slightly, and he looked at Xiao Fengxian with an extremely dangerous expression.

In the private seat, Jiang Jiuyue looked at each other coldly, "Master, this is my seat, please move." ?

The man in red smiled faintly, unexpectedly with a kind of morbid softness, gently stroking the folding fan in his hand: "Miss Jiang, it's a pleasure to meet you." The voice was like a clear spring, with a faint indifference floating, but it did not hurt his tone. The etiquette in the middle is thoughtful, and he even directly ignores her cold eyes.

Jiang Jiuyue was startled. Obviously, this person came prepared. Is it an enemy or a friend?She couldn't tell the difference, and the moment she lowered her eyes to glance at Yun Tingxuan, she suddenly raised her head, with a sneer at the corner of her lips, "You look so dejected, if I want to meet you, am I just looking for bad luck?"

She has always been indifferent, and she has never said such acrimonious words, which made Yun Tingxuan, who was drinking tea quietly, startled, holding the teacup in his hand, and looking sideways.

The corners of the girl's lips were raised slightly, showing a sneering arc, the look in her eyes was more like contempt, and the tip of her nose was raised. Following the illumination of the palace lanterns in the hall, a faint streamer was rendered, extending all the way to the graceful pupils of the eyes. Bright waves.

The man in red froze, and there was an instant murderous look between his brows. His status was noble. For so many years since he was a child, no one had dared to sarcastically sarcasm him. Even the last person who dared to say that he was sick , the grass on the grave is already half the height of a person!But in an instant, he saw the surprise and barely detectable smile in Yun Ting's eyes, and forcibly suppressed the coldness in his heart.

"Brother Seven, this girl Jiang Jiuyue is really difficult to get along with. If I hadn't known that she was your savior, I almost couldn't help but pull out her tongue..."

He smiled lightly, looking at Jiang Jiuyue, the expression in his eyes still remained, and he spoke as if he was asking someone what to eat, rather than pulling out the other person's tongue.

Jiang Jiuyue's expression remained unchanged, but she was greatly taken aback in her heart.

He called Seventh Brother Yun Tingxuan, isn't he a member of the royal family, at least he is also a prince?At this moment, she was more shocked by the seemingly incompatible scene between their brothers, but did not stay too long with the "tongue pulled out" in his words.

Because just now, she felt that the moment the man sat down, Yun Tingxuan's whole body suddenly became stiff, and Yun Tingxuan rarely showed any emotions. This person must be different from him, and I'm afraid it is not friendly. Otherwise, how dare she test the man's reality at will?

"This girl has always been unreasonable, so don't take it to heart, Ninth Brother." Yun Tingxuan said calmly, pouring a new cup of tea for Jiang Jiuyue, and the clear and sweet smell of the tea permeated the three of them.

"With Seventh Brother in front, my younger brother will naturally not take it to heart..." Yun Tingxun smiled, with a thoughtful and courteous look, making it hard to believe that the murderous intent shot out of his eyes just now.

Since the world is so polite, how could Jiang Jiuyue have the nerve to take Joe?
Faintly, Jiang Jiuyue raised her eyebrows, with embarrassment in her eyes, three parts apologetic and four parts embarrassment, and a little bit embarrassed, she casually picked up a teacup for him, took the teapot in Yun Tingxuan's hand, and poured a cup Tea, "So you guys know each other. I'm in a bad mood, so I'm not sure what to say. Please... my lord, don't blame me..."

"No problem." Yun Tingxun raised his hand to prevent him from continuing, and said with a smile, "You should call me Mr. Yun when you are away from home." After speaking, he suddenly covered his face with a fan and coughed lightly twice, thinking about it, It should be a chronic illness.

"Mr. Yun." Jiang Jiuyue called out as he was kind, and then put the poured tea in front of Yun Tingxun as an apology.

Yun Tingxuan's hand holding the teacup tightened slightly. He remembered that the only time Jiang Jiuyue called him was Mr. Yun, but now he easily embeds it on others. Even if he called Mr. Yun, it was actually the most unfamiliar and polite He also felt uncomfortable when addressing him, with a hint of boredom lingering in his heart.

"Those who don't know are not guilty, not to mention Miss Jiang is Brother Seven's savior, no matter what the younger brother is, I dare not have any complaints against Miss Jiang." Yun Tingxun said.

Jiang Jiuyue squinted her eyes and didn't miss the hint of irony in her words. Obviously, his words of concern were insincere. I'm afraid Jiang Jiuyue didn't show up to save Yun Tingxuan. For Yun Tingxuan, it was an enemy and not a friend, and for Jiang Jiuyue, who was forced to be tied to the same rope as Yun Tingxuan, it was naturally an enemy and not a friend.

So that's the case, Jiang Jiuyue thought to herself, the contempt she first saw in Yun Tingxun's eyes was probably not only towards her, but also toward Yun Tingxun.

Maybe Yun Tingxuan fell into the Qingquan Private Mine two months ago and was tortured. He may have sent someone to do it when he was attacked. What's more, he may also be the mastermind behind the Qingquan Private Mine.

Jiang Jiuyue fully diverted her thinking, but Yun Tingxuan didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, except for the sentence that rescued Jiang Jiuyue at the beginning.

Yun Tingxun didn't mind being treated coldly, but said "concern" to Yun Tingxuan: "I heard that Seventh Brother lost his body and fell off a cliff a few days ago, and my younger brother came from Yanjing non-stop. I don't think Seventh Brother has escaped from danger. , let the little brother really startled."

Jiang Jiuyue thought to herself that you were shocked because you didn't expect Yun Tingxuan to come out in such a short time, right?

(End of this chapter)

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