Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 147: One Princess Missed

Chapter 147: A Princess Missed (3)
Tie Tao had already stepped forward, and according to what Jiang Jiuyue said, he and Tie Hong checked the condition of Xiao Jing and the other corpse respectively. After a while, they got up.

Tie Tao said: "There is no wound, it was indeed poisoned and died."

"En." Jiang Jiuyue nodded and turned to Tie Hong.

Tie Hong hurriedly said: "It's the same as what Tie Tao said, there is no difference."

"Really?" Jiang Jiuyue's voice was slightly higher, and there was even a slight smile in the corner of her eyes.

Tie Hong recognized this expression. Every time she used to instruct her master to do something, and then watched him consciously go to help, this expression would appear. After summarizing, he classified this expression as knowing it well.

"Miss Jiang, what's wrong?" Tie Hong asked hesitantly.

"No." Jiang Jiuyue said, took out a finely crafted and expensive golden needle from the brocade bag that Tie Tao handed over, stepped forward, and stabbed in Xiao Jing's Lingtai acupoint.

A miracle appeared just under her golden needle.

Xiao Jing's complexion, which was originally ashen, has faded a little. Although it is still very white, it looks more like a sickly pale.

Tie Hong took a deep breath.

Jiang Jiuyue took out another golden needle and stabbed at his Yuzhen acupoint. This time, Xiao Jing frowned slightly, and there seemed to be dark red blood on the corner of his lips.

"He's not dead!" Tie Tao said coldly, this kind of deceitful death is really clever!
Jiang Jiuyue didn't listen, she just silently pierced the big acupoints on her chest one by one. By the time the last golden needle pierced Tanzhong acupoint, Xiao Jing had already coughed up a mouthful of blood, and opened his eyes weakly.

Sure enough, Xiao Jing was alive, while the others were all dead.

A strong anger flashed through his weak eyes, with deep hatred, making the scar on the side of his nose look extremely hideous and frightening, but seeing Jiang Jiuyue's familiar yet unfamiliar face face, the anger paused slightly, and dissipated.


Everyone is unbelievable.

Tiehong looked at Jiang Jiuyue's slender back, and sighed that she was able to cure her master's illness, and her medical skills were unparalleled and unique in the world.If Miss Jiang Jiuyue had been there at that time, would the emperor not have died, and the master would not have been forced to be the regent?

"You have seen the murderer." Jiang Jiuyue hit the nail on the head, and she didn't even bother to say pleasantries, causing Xiao Jing's cold face to crack for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, the sneer resumed, "So what if you have seen it, so what if you haven't seen it ?” Especially when he looked at those dead clansmen, the grief and hatred on his face became more and more intense.

"Oh." Unexpectedly, Jiang Jiuyue responded lightly, stood up, and said to Yun Ting, "I'm tired and went to bed. Remember to send someone to notify me when you find Hongying. "After that, he went straight to the door.

Tie Hong Tie Tao was at a loss, why did he leave halfway through his words?

Looking at the back, Yun Tingxuan slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "Decree, three days later, all the corpses of Xiao's store will be cremated in front of the snow-cold mountain outside Taiyang City."

The night cooled down.

Jiang Jiuyue had always done her own thing, so even without Hongying's service, she didn't feel too uncomfortable, but the person she saw every day suddenly disappeared, and it was inevitable that she was not used to it.

With a creak, the door opened.

Xiao Nu'er appeared at the door, and came forward with a sweet smile, holding a wooden basin in her hand.

"Miss Jiang, I'll bring you some water for washing!"

Luliu was helping Jiang Jiuyue tidy up her clothes, and she kept thinking about where her sister Hongying had gone. When she heard that it was her, her face was full of rejection, "Why are you here? Miss, I will take care of you." , you don't need to worry about it!"

Xiao Nu'er covered her mouth and smiled softly: "You little girl, you are so presumptuous in front of the master, and you even say you can serve others, I think you have to learn how to restrain your little mouth first!" She spoke in a charming and charming tone. Being presumptuous, Luliu's face turned red, especially the word "little mouth", which made her goosebumps all over the floor.

"You woman, you are not a good person, you even molested girls!"

Luliu thought that she was indeed a little outspoken, so she felt guilty, and said at the end, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she carefully peeked at Jiang Jiuyue from time to time.

Jiang Jiuyue smiled faintly, gave the little girl a comforting smile, and then looked at Xiao Nu'er at the door, her expression as usual: "Miss Xiao hasn't rested so late."

Xiao Nu'er smiled and said: "Nu'er was rescued by Miss Jiang, if Miss Jiang doesn't rest, how dare Nu'er rest?"

"I slept for a while today, and I'm not very sleepy now. Since Miss Xiao is not sleepy, why don't you talk to me."

Xiao Nu'er seemed a little stunned, but she immediately smiled coquettishly: "Okay, okay, I'm worrying about having no one to talk with, and I'm so lonely!"

Luliu said disapprovingly: "Miss...she is not a good person, so let's not talk to her, okay? When my cousin and I served Miss together, nothing happened to her. She was only here for the first day yesterday. The cousin disappeared, let me see, is it like what the old people said, she...she has bad luck?"

If that's the case, it's all bad luck for yourself, if you are infected by the lady, what will happen?

Xiao Nu'er's face was slightly stiff, and the hand that was hanging in the sleeve instantly pinched the fabric tightly.

Jiang Jiuyue said indifferently: "It's okay, you go to the kitchen and prepare some side dishes for me. I didn't eat much in the afternoon, so I'm a little hungry now."

"Miss is hungry?" Lu Liu hurriedly said, and after finishing speaking, she said that she was not as careful as Hongying, and she didn't know how to do it until she was hungry and said it. , before leaving, he gave Xiao Nuer a hard look.

"She is young, ignorant, and has always been so outspoken. Miss Xiao, don't take it to heart." After Luliu pushed the door and went out, Jiang Jiuyue said indifferently, flipped a teacup and poured it for Xiao Nuer A glass of water.

Xiao Nu'er quickly took the teapot and said: "You saved my life, so far, I have only thanked you verbally, how dare you ask Miss Jiang to pour water for me?"

Jiang Jiuyue didn't stop her, she supported her chin with one hand and leaned her elbow on the table.

She has changed into a long coral dress with a wide silver belt around her waist. The posture of leaning lazily on the table makes her look harmless and quiet. Her eyelashes are very long, hanging gently above her eyelids, like She seemed to close her eyes to fall asleep at any time, her face was rosy and shiny, and an orchid hairpin with silver tassels was inserted obliquely in her hair, giving her a touch of dignity and elegance.

Xiao Nuer was slightly taken aback.

She herself was a beauty, but she was also lost in thought by Jiang Jiuyue's demeanor at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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