Tao Te Ching

Chapter 34

Chapter 34
[Original text]

Appreciating a wise, knowing those out.

Those who overcome others are powerful, and those who overcome themselves are strong [1].

Contented are rich.

Forcibly [2] those who have ambition.

Those who do not lose their place [3] for a long time.

Life without death.


[1] Strong: strong, decisive.

[2] Forcibly: persevere and persevere.

[3] Suo: Fundamental, extended to one's own principles, and a deeper level is "Tao".


Those who can understand others are wise, and those who can understand themselves are wise.

Those who can overcome others are capable, but those who can overcome themselves are strong.

Those who know how to be satisfied are richer.

A persevering man has an immortal will.

Those who do not lose their principles and "Tao" can exist in the world for a long time.

Only those whose bodies perish but whose spirits live forever can be regarded as truly long-lived.

In general, a person's strength and wisdom come from his own point of view. Only by understanding himself and overcoming himself can he make continuous progress and move towards a higher level of life.Therefore, a person should introspect himself, improve his spiritual pursuit, and bring his thoughts closer to the "Tao", so that it is possible to exist in the world forever (because the Tao is eternal).

【Explanation by Famous Artists】

Mr. He Shang:
Knowing people's likes and dislikes is wisdom.People can know the virtuous and the unworthy by themselves, because they listen to the silent and see the invisible inside, so they are clear.

Those who can overcome others are only by power.If a person can overcome his own lust, there is no one in the world who can compete with himself, so he is strong.

If a person can be satisfied, he will keep his blessings forever, so he is rich.

If a person can forcefully do good, it means that he has intentions for the Tao, and the Tao also has intentions for people.

People can maintain self-control without losing the essence of the heavens they have received, and they can last for a long time.

If the eyes do not see in vain, the ears do not hear in vain, and the mouth does not speak in vain, then there will be no resentment or evil in the world, thus longevity.

(End of this chapter)

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