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Chapter 113 #16 Sin

Chapter 113 #16 Sin
(Okay, let's continue with the rest of yesterday's words.

When I decided to open a new hole yesterday, I knew that someone would come out and someone would come out to spray it, but it didn't seem that intense.

I don’t know if I’ve said this before—I want to open a hole because no one is watching it, why is no one watching it?Because it is not well written.So, why do you continue to write if the writing is not good?Some people may say "I'm still watching", but in comparison, there are less than 300 hits per day. Counting it, there are not many people who are really watching it.I still remember the previous books, and it was easy to hit a thousand hits a day.Before there is no support of the so-called "sense of accomplishment", in the case of non-profit, I will not spend a lot of time and energy for dozens of people.

Why write if you can't write well?To finish the book?Well, I don't have such a conscience, I really can't find any motivation to finish a book that no one reads.

If you have to spray me, just spray it, if you like it, watch it, if you don't like it, please click the red button in the upper right corner.If you want to hack, please continue to hack. Anyway, it seems that it has been hacked like that in the post bar. Obviously, I wrote 8 books, and they were inexplicably sprayed as eunuchs. After finishing the book, in short, you can do what you love.I don't care if I complain about it, it's really dark, so don't blame me for being rude.

In short, I am currently training and preparing to participate in the national e-sports competition. After the competition ends on August 8, I will choose to open the pit after the competition.That period of time was my senior year of idleness, maybe I could have a long and smooth time to write something, maybe it would be the last book before entering the society to go to work, pay attention to maybe...

If I probably don’t want to leave any regrets, maybe I will treat it well ← although this sentence seems to be not the first sentence I said.

In short, regarding the new book, if it is popular and someone reads it, I will be happy to write it down. If no one reads it, sorry, I will stop updating it.Does anyone see that this is the driving force for my update, if the popularity is not good, well... I'm sorry.Therefore, I will not make false guarantees such as "guaranteed completion of the book". All I can promise is to work hard.

Regarding this book, it is actually the one with the largest collection, but the strange thing is that the number of clicks is extremely low.Based on the principle of interest, I will continue to update, but the priority will definitely be lowered.As for how far to go, I don't know.

That's all there is to say. If I see anything, maybe I will continue to answer it tomorrow.

In conclusion, please continue to support www

With 14% HP, can tea be beaten by one person?The girl didn't know, but she was quite confident. When she used a powerful combo to the uncle, she also saw Gu Lanxiu, a gay guy, get up.So she yelled: "Don't do anything else, explode to me immediately!"

"Oh! Oh!" Gu Lanxiu, who was still thinking about restoring his HP to full, was invigorated by the tea, and then hurriedly blessed himself with a sniper-friendly state, picked up the sniper rifle and aimed at the uncle downstairs, Soon he also found out that if he threw grenades and bombs in this position, he threw down all the grenades that had been "scrubbed" on his body without hesitation.

Specialized firearms players like Gu Lanxiu don't have many skills, and what they play is technology.Grenade bombs and the like, each of them has a carrying limit, and it will be gone if it is used up in a battle.After the battle, it can be "crafted" to replenish.

There are many kinds of bombs and grenades. Because of the mission, Gu Lanxiu prepared high-explosive mines.These grenades fell from the sky and landed around the tea leaves and uncle, bursting out huge orange-red-yellow fireballs.Almost instantly, the uncle's blood volume was blown off by 4%.

"Good job..." Tea couldn't help admiring, and then, she used "Electromagnetic Black Hole" to trap the uncle who only had 10% HP left.The black hole swallowed everything, trapped the uncle in the center of the black hole, the huge gravity pulled his body, tore his flesh, and he was bleeding rapidly!

Gu Lanxiu still has an IQ, and when faced with an opportunity, he will never let it go.I saw him immediately concentrating on the quick reloading, and the 12.5mm bullets were spinning from upstairs, twisting and twisting around the uncle who was trapped in the black hole.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of bullets passing through the body was accompanied by blood splashes, and a damage number close to 3000 flew out from the uncle's head. It was just a high explosion by Gu Lanxiu that knocked out the boss's body. HP is pulled below the 5% red line.

Why is it 5%?

When seeing this number, Tea's heart immediately thumped.Because according to the usual practice, when the boss of ISO has only 5% HP left, he will usually enter the state of "last stand".The average player calls that state "Rage".

"Last Stand" has various forms, the more prominent ones are the domineering body chasing people all the way, without any control; or they will display some incredible skills, and the group will be wiped out if they are not careful.Anyway, this has to be done with extreme care.

However, this uncle was already so strong before, what if he went berserk?

Tea subconsciously looked at his skill bar. At this time, "Invisibility" and "Blinking" were already on CD. What should he do if this guy goes berserk?
At this time, only the dead mother is the living horse doctor.

I saw that the uncle's HP had dropped below 5%, and the electromagnetic black hole had reached the end of its lifespan. Finally, it collapsed together and exploded, sending the uncle flying.Although it was a bit dangerous, Tea Tea did not forget to use the "Particle Beam Cannon" trick, which boosted the uncle's HP to 3%.

But... this uncle is still berserk...

The whole body was flushed, accelerated, and violent. This uncle seemed to have turned into a master in an instant, and he slammed towards the tea leaves in an incomparable reprimand!

That's right, this time the uncle's target is tea, the girl can see it clearly, but at this moment she can't find a way to counter it, and all her skills have been used up.

Kite——At this moment, Tea only has this idea.In Eve's skill system, the effects of various advance and displacement skills running are excellent. Thinking of this, Tea immediately threw out the "Electromagnetic Core" in his hand, regardless of whether he could hit it, and then retreated immediately way to go.

By the way, the spear can also rush towards the direction where the uncle is running.

"Your skills belong to them!" The uncle chased after him furiously, but his speed was not as fast as before, but he said something inexplicable in his mouth.

Maybe tea can understand.

"Who are you talking about...?" Cha Cha asked loudly in doubt. If possible, the girl definitely wanted to stop and ask.But she had to be distracted to keep a distance from the uncle, so she couldn't turn around for a while.

"You...you know!" The uncle continued to kill, panting more and more, and his speed slowed down.However, there is hatred in the eyes, which is completely different from the somewhat formulaic faces and expressions of many bosses when they are attacked by players.

What is he hating...

"Are you talking about the GLA organization?" Tea simply slowed down and stopped attacking, taking this opportunity to ask what happened.Her heart raced, maybe... after so many days of inking, there was a clue.

"People from the GLA...must be eradicated!" The uncle's voice became louder and his blood volume dropped by another level.Tea didn't attack him, but why did he lose blood?If he died, wouldn't the clue be lost!

"Tell me where they are!" Time was running out, Tea asked loudly.

"You want to know? code4117..."


The uncle in front of him seemed to have suffered a fatal blow, and his angry and mocking expression froze.The huge body fell slowly, and then, it turned into little fragments and drifted away.

"Knowledge: -2931"

"You have successfully killed and killed the target. Ghost has recorded your combat record. Please return to any base to receive it."

It was Gu Lanxiu who gave the uncle the fatal blow. On the roof in the distance, he didn't know that Tea Tea was talking to this uncle. Based on the belief that the boss should be killed immediately when he went berserk, he obeyed Tea Tea's tactics and beat the uncle. die.

However, this is definitely not what tea wants!

The uncle's sudden death made Tea's expression freeze.Originally, killing such a tricky boss was quite a sense of accomplishment, but at this moment, what was left in Tea Tea's heart was only a feeling of regret.

The uncle died before he finished speaking... It seems that the clues that appeared were cut off, and the only one that can be used as a clue... is code4117.But... what is code4117?If this uncle is not dead, can he speak clearly?

But what is even more noteworthy is that the sight of this uncle's death seems somewhat unusual.

In the past, after other bosses died, they wouldn't just turn into fragments and drift away, but this uncle just disappeared like this?

Tea leaf still remembers this scene: that was the effect that Xu Sheng triggered warning 092, which was about to be deleted by the system.

In other words... This uncle was actually deleted after the system discovered something?
In other words... this uncle is very likely to be a virtual life?

Thinking of this, Tea Tea suddenly felt a sense of guilt—not to mention losing the clues related to GLA, it seemed...and killing a "person".

(End of this chapter)

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